Warring States Call

Chapter 2023 Chapter 233: Horn Chariot

Chapter 2023 Two thousand 33: The Horned Chariot

"Whoosh!" Yang Zaixing's silver gun was as fast as lightning, and the slight cracking sound rang in the ears of the mountain lion camel. The expression of the mountain lion camel suddenly changed. Shoot and go.

"Tear...!" When the two guns collided, countless sparks oscillated, and the huge countershock made the mountain lion's mouth numb. Just as he was about to fight back, Yue Yun's plum-blossom bright silver hammer rushed to kill him, and the silver hammer , under the cover of scarlet blood energy, it is faintly intimidating, but at this moment Yue Yun has disheveled hair, and the scarlet discouragement all over his body emerges behind him, like a steaming beast.

Yue Yun held the warhammer in both hands, and hit three hammers per second. It lasted for two full breaths. Eight shadows of hammers bombarded the mountain lion camel, vaguely like blooming blood-colored plum blossoms. The delicate flowers came to kill the mountain lion camel, huge Every blow with such strength made the mountain lion camel lose its mind.

"Ding, Yue Yun's divine power attribute is activated, and the young man becomes famous! He is powerful and dedicated, and there are few young generals in ancient times! Add 10 to the force value, and the current force value is 137!"

The mountain lion camel tried its best to block Yue Yun's plum-blossom bright silver hammer with the gold-plated boring grid in its hand. With each blow, countless sparks would be generated. The mountain lion camel could still fight for the first three hammers, but the fourth hammer When I was there, I only heard: "Kang Dang!"

The gold-plated Bo of the mountain lion camel was directly sent flying, spinning three or four times in the air, and landed heavily on the ground, shaking countless dust. The black and white Bo was emitting white smoke from time to time. Obviously, when they just fought, The heat of friction is too high.

"Bump bump bump" hit the mountain lion camel's body four times in a row. At this time, the mountain lion camel's liver and gallbladder were about to burst, and its bones and tendons were broken. Yang Zaixing was holding silver guns in both hands at this time. Seven blood-colored gun shadows appeared, covering the body of the mountain lion camel. In just a moment, seven bloody mouths appeared on the body of the mountain lion camel, and the blood flowed like a spring.

"Go!" Yue Yun hit the mountain lion camel's cheek with the last hammer. With the oncoming hammer, the face of the mountain lion camel was blacked out. Under the huge sting, the mountain lion camel was not there. Any feeling, bleeding from the seven orifices, the whole person flew upside down in the air, a full three or four meters away, and then fell heavily into the crowd of soldiers. The expressions of the surrounding grassland soldiers suddenly changed, and they hurried forward to check the mountain lion camel.

A soldier got off his horse and came to the snout of the mountain lion camel. After a careful inspection, he found that the mountain lion camel was no longer breathing. In an instant, hundreds of thousands of grassland cavalrymen said with fear: "It's not good! The general mountain lion camel died in battle. It's gone! It's not good...!"

"This... this brat..." Many prairie soldiers, seeing the death of the mountain lion camel known as the number one warrior in the prairie, suddenly lost their courage and began to be timid, not daring to approach. As a malevolent star.

"Impossible... Impossible... General Mountain Lion Camel is dead!"

"What...how could...!"

Many questioning voices sounded, but when they saw the body of the mountain lion camel, they all shut their mouths, their hearts were already trembling, the figures of Yue Yun and Yang Zaixing planted a spell in their hearts, and waved don't go.

"Kill!" Yue Yun yelled angrily, and swung the plum-blossom-bright silver hammer in all directions. Wherever he passed, there was not a single general, but the soldiers who died in his hands numbered as many as 30, and fifty thousand Beiwei's army kept rushing to kill one hundred thousand troops, and they only killed in the dark. Originally, one hundred thousand against fifty thousand was an overwhelming situation, but now instead of taking down Yue Yun quickly, the casualties continued to accumulate.

As the deputy general, Zhang Hongfan rode a war horse, held a sword in his hand, and frowned slightly as he looked at the prairie soldiers who were gradually retreating. He was not afraid because of the death of the mountain lion camel. Coming to command the army was Temujin's biggest mistake.

And Zhang Hongfan was born as a slave, and has always been squeezed out and suppressed by the tribe. As the number one warrior in the grassland, the mountain lion camel has shown him a lot of embarrassment. Thinking that his chance has come, he shouted angrily: "Guo Baoyu, Liu Bingzhong"

"Here!" With a loud shout, two generals appeared in front of Zhang Hongfan. Zhang Hongfan rode a horse, glared at Yue Yun who was constantly charging on the battlefield, and shouted angrily: "Guo Baoyu, set up chain locks and meteor hammers, Ambush the archers and lure them into a trap!"

"Obey!" Guo Baoyu took the order and left, leading the 3000 troops from the headquarters to approach Yue Yun.

"Liu Bingzhong! You lead the inspectorate to shoot and kill the fleeing soldiers! If there are any dissatisfied, kill them on the spot!" Zhang Hongfan squinted his eyes. He is a soldier, and he will do whatever it takes to repel the enemy.

"Understood!" Liu Bingzhong led more than 5000 people, and kept moving closer to the rear army. All the soldiers who fled were spared, and all were slaughtered by Liu Bingzhong.

"Zhang Hongfan! What qualifications do you have to take over the army! Don't forget! You are just a deputy...!" A prairie general stretched out his hand to question Zhang Hongfan. Zhang Hongfan stared at him coldly, and suddenly pulled out the machete in his hand. The head fell to the ground, and the scimitar in Zhang Hongfan's hand was stained with blood, dripping on the tender green grass leaves. Zhang Hongfan looked at the crowd and said indifferently: "Suddenly I saw the general die in battle again, generals! Get ready!"

Facing Zhang Hongfan's captivating eyes, everyone choked up and swallowed, but they didn't dare to say anything more.

"Zhang Xiongfei, Dong Jun!" Zhang Hongfan looked at the two of them. These two men were of the same origin as him, and they were warriors who were promoted from slaves. They were promoted by Kublai Khan because they had completed the tasks assigned to them by Boyan. Join Zhang Hongfan's army.

"Here!" The two tiger generals fought out with weapons in hand, their expressions extremely respectful.

"The two of you lead [-] iron cavalry! Bypass our current engagement point and charge towards the infantry behind! That is the turning point of this battlefield!" Zhang Hongfan had carefully observed the deployment of the enemy army just now, and they used The cavalry fought on the battlefield, and the infantry behind had been harvesting the remaining prairie cavalry to expand the results of the battle.

Moreover, Zhang Hongfan also noticed that the enemy's commander-in-chief banner was among the infantry, as long as this infantry was destroyed, the vanguard cavalry would be alone and helpless, and their chance would come.

"Understood!" The two tiger generals received the general order, and they drew [-] soldiers from the army to charge towards Yue Fei's infantry, just like the two pairs of arms that the giant had just freed, outflanking the left and right wings of Yue Fei's rear army.

Naturally, Yue Fei was not an idiot. Looking at the enemy's flanks, he naturally knew the enemy's next move. Immediately, he waved the battle flag in his hand and shouted angrily: "Zhang Xian! Form the iron arm camp! Zhuge Liannu is ready!"

"Promise!" Zhang Xian waved his halberd, and all the soldiers under his command set off in unison, the weapons in their hands swung in all directions, tens of thousands of knives and axes, and spearmen all entered the state of combat readiness.

"Kill over!" Zhang Xiongfei shouted angrily, and the soldiers under his command set off in unison, and tens of thousands of cavalry charged in an instant.

Zhang Xian looked at the soldiers on both sides, and immediately shouted angrily: "Zhuge Liannu shoots arrows! Pikemen! Swordsmen! Get ready for battle!"


"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" Countless cold arrows shuttled like rain, rushing back and forth to shoot and kill on the battlefield, and there was an endless stream of mourners who fell off their horses in an instant.

Yue Fei watched the movement of the enemy army with both eyes, secretly calculated their marching route, and immediately shouted angrily: "Get ready for the horse pit!"

A group of three in the Chinese army began to dig horse pits continuously. With the joint efforts of the three of them, it took a full half a stick of incense to dig out tens of thousands of holes, densely packed.

As time passed, Yue Fei stared at the battle situation with a pair of eyes, gradually grasped the time, and immediately shouted angrily: "Withdraw!"

Tens of thousands of troops retreated in an orderly manner, while Zhang Xiongfei's thousands of cavalry rushed forward first. Under the recklessness, they were bound to be recruited. A total of 90.00 horses fell into the horse pit. [-]% of the horse's legs were broken, and it also had a joint effect. The cavalry who chased after them, because the horses of the former army fell to the ground, directly formed a natural barrier. The number keeps going up.

Yue Fei narrowed his eyes, and shouted angrily: "Shoot cold arrows and charge for cover, leaving no one behind, and the swordsman and axe charge forward, tripping the rope! Use all hooks and sickles to kill!"

Yue Fei swiped the Liquan gun up and down, and personally led the soldiers into the arena. The morale of the soldiers was pushed to a climax in an instant, and they rushed towards the enemy like a madman.

Zhang Xiongfei and Yue Fei who had just got up bumped into each other, seeing the enemy approaching, at a loss what to do, he hastily pulled out the scimitar in his arms, and was about to kill the enemy when a cold light came first, followed by a warm current The answers filled Zhang Xiongfei's throat, and after a face-to-face meeting, Zhang Xiongfei was caught off guard, and Yue Fei picked his throat.

On the battlefield of the melee, Guo Baoyu held a saber in his hand and stared at Yue Yun's direction. Seeing Yue Yun's lone army go deep, he immediately waved his hand and shouted angrily: "Stop the enemy!"

"Kill!" The grassland generals on both sides bravely intercepted the Beiwei army who rushed to kill them, and fought with each other with their lives, leaving them on the periphery. Only dozens of cavalry accompanied Yue Yun and fought to the death with the enemy.

Guo Baoyu's handsome face showed a trace of coldness, and he shouted angrily: "Trip the rope!"

"Clatter...!" An iron chain was swaying on the ground, and it went straight to Yue Yun's horse.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...!" To Yue Yun's chest.

Yue Yun's hair was disheveled at this moment, he looked at the hooves of the war horse in front of him, and hurriedly rolled away with a donkey, then stood up and glared at the comer, Guo Baoyu saw that he missed the hit, and shouted angrily: "Shoot the arrow!"

"Swish, swish... swish, swish!" The cold arrows all over the sky were only aimed at Yue Yun. Seven or eight arrows hit Yun's body, although the vitals were not hurt, but his body was in burning pain.

"Hahaha! Yue Yun, you will definitely die today! Keep your head!" Guo Baoyu held the hammer in both hands, looked at the wounded Yue Yun, laughed loudly, and shouted angrily, "Continue...!"

"Whoosh" a cold arrow passed by, and it hit Guo Baoyu's throat. Guo Baoyu had an unbelievable expression on his face. The weapon in his hand fell to the ground with a clang, and he covered his throat with both hands, staring at the front in disbelief.

At this time, Chang Yuchun drew his bow and raised his saber, urged his horse to go up, beheaded two generals, and led the crowd into Yueyun Field, he laughed and said: "Little nephew, don't be afraid! Uncle Chang is very interesting! I still love you. !Hahahahahaha!"

"Thank you, Uncle Chang!" Yue Yun breathed a sigh of relief, feeling the pain in his body, gritted his teeth, pulled out the cold arrow on it, took out the cloth strips prepared in advance from his bosom, and directly bandaged it.

"Little Yunzi! It's okay! I really can't go back and rest! I have uncle here!" Chang Yuchun's people surrounded Yue Yun in a circle, giving Yue Yun time to bandage the wound, Yue Yun three times After Wu Di Er bandaged the wound, he said indifferently, "No need!"

"Hush!" Yue Yun said, stretched out his hand to mouth, blew a whistle, the horse under his crotch rushed straight, Yue Yun turned on the horse, and continued to charge and kill the army.

On the west side of the battlefield, Wei Qing's tens of thousands of soldiers appeared in the shape of characters to kill the enemy. They joined forces with Wu Qi's soldiers. Le Yi, Ju Xin, and Qin Kai were all in this battle formation, commanding the soldiers. It was proceeding in an orderly manner.

And Boyan, Er Zhuzhao, and He Lianbobo also led hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses to fight to the death. There were shouts of killing everywhere, blood was often accompanied by shouts, and the whole earth trembled.

Boyan stared at the battlefield with a pair of black eye masks, and his face became more and more embarrassing. After a while, he waved his sleeves suddenly and said, "The mountain-shaped army formation charged over, targeting the blue battle flag!"

Because the distance was too far, everyone couldn't see clearly what was written on it, they could only vaguely distinguish the color of the enemy's battle flag, and the direction Boyan was pointing at was Wei Qing's flag.

Naturally, Wei Qing also noticed that the enemy army seemed to have regarded him as the main force, so he picked up the command flag and shouted angrily: "Heiyun cavalry charge over! The horned chariots attack!"

The earth began to shake, and thousands of Heiyun iron horses stepped into the joint battalion. This soldier and horse was originally a soldier of the direct line that Liu Yu took away from the Kingdom of Yan. The general of the cavalry is Le Yi, who has been addicted for a long time.

The Sijiao chariot is the original chariot of Yan State, and it is also a chariot specially prepared by Wei Qing for the cavalry. The Zhuge Liannu is equipped on his body. One person drives the chariot, two hold swords, and one holds a crossbow. There are four people in total. Equip barbs and hooks to maximize the power of your tank.

The formation of the army is mainly in a straight line. The commander of Juxin's Sijiao chariot is in the front to expand the damage, while the black cloud cavalry keeps the Sijiao chariot from the harm of the surrounding cavalry. results.

The original chariot is very difficult to face the cavalry. In terms of cost performance, it is not as good as the cavalry. However, Wei Qing has improved his tactics, and the mysterious and unknown nature of the chariot has quietly changed.

(End of this chapter)

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