Warring States Call

Chapter 2025 Chapter 235: Red Flame Army

Chapter 2025 Two thousand 35: Red flame army
The prairie soldiers riding on horses on both sides of Ariqi kept retreating, their faces were solemn. After all, they knew that Ariqi was a lunatic. Biting scene, this guy is close to pervert.

Sun Wu, the flanking general who was paying attention to the front battlefield, originally wanted to go with the generals, but he thought that Han Yi must be protected by someone, so he stayed. Somewhat suspicious, he looked around, looking for the source of the sound, while Hua Yun, who was at the side, came running out of breath, and said to Sun Wu with a solemn expression: "General! It's not good!"

"What's the matter!" Sun Wu glanced at the flustered Hua Yun, seeing that his dark and thin face was a little unnatural, Sun Wu was even more puzzled.

"Tibetan mastiff!" Hua Yun pointed to the charge to the west and came to the Tibetan mastiff with an embarrassed expression. Sun Wu's face suddenly changed, and he said immediately: "Hurry up and call the Red Flame Army!"

"Order Tai Shici's Fire Camp to ambush with rockets to stop the Tibetan Mastiff's attacking trend! Hurry up!" Sun Wu looked a little unnatural, and immediately went to the battlefield to watch in person.

"Wow, woof... woof, woof!" Tibetan mastiff soldiers of different colors barked wildly, rushing towards the Han army like a wave, and Sun Wu's complexion suddenly changed.

At this time, Tai Shici raised the command flag in his hand, and rockets enveloped the sky in an instant, shooting and killing the Tibetan mastiff soldiers, but these Tibetan mastiffs seemed not afraid of the raging fire, and ignored him when they shot at them, smelling scorched hair, ran forward with all his might.

"Go! My loyal partner! Go and bring back the victory, hahahahaha!" Alich looked crazy, in order to train these Tibetan mastiffs so that they would not be afraid of the fire, Alich let them be accompanied by fire every day, even some Tibetan mastiffs When they were just born, they had to deal with flames in order to overcome their natural fear of flames. Under the survival of the fittest, the fittest survived, and the Tibetan mastiffs that survived naturally would not be afraid of thunder and fire.

"Ahh... woof!" With a roar, [-] Tibetan mastiff soldiers charged forward, like a swarm of bees and butterflies, their thick bodies were like wild lions, and their speed was extremely fast. Compared with the original Tibetan mastiff, it was not only faster , defense and stamina have also become stronger, it can be seen that Aric has really worked hard.

"Quick! Let the arrows go! Quick!" Tai Shici straddled his sword and held the gun with a gloomy expression on his face. He quickly realized that although the power of the rocket is small, it can be reduced a little.

Hua Yun also knew that the situation was a bit serious, so please put yourself in the army, and immediately shouted angrily: "Try to crush it with a chariot."

"No! Li Mu, the former general of Zhao, tried this method before! It's useless! It will only increase casualties!" Sun Wu stood with his hands behind his back, his face sinking like water, looking at the Tibetan Mastiff soldiers who were hundreds of meters away from the army, pondering in his heart.

"Let me come! I have three thousand tortoise shell chariots under my command! This time I brought them to the battlefield, they will definitely be useful." A soft voice came from behind Sun Wu, and the thirty-year-old Xia Houshang stepped forward to plead for orders.

"Tortoise Shell Battlefield!" Sun Wu looked suspicious and was thinking in his heart, but the dog barking was getting closer and closer to his ears, and there was no extra time for him to think, so Sun Wu could only give it a try, nodded and said: "It doesn't matter. You go and try it! Be careful in everything!"

"No!" Looking at the tens of thousands of Tibetan mastiffs, Xia Houshang swallowed his saliva, and with a big wave of his hand, the three thousand tortoise-shell chariots in his hand charged straight up.

The so-called three thousand tortoise armor chariot is a chariot covered with iron cavalry, with four wheels on the outside, covered in all directions, only the bottom and front have gaps, and the enemy can be seen. These were originally prepared to deal with the enemy cavalry Yes, but right now I can't hide it.

"Follow me!" Three thousand chariots rushed out directly, and the shield soldiers on both sides gave way to a bloody road. The thorns were full of back hooks so that Qiba Tibetan Mastiff died on the chariot, and the blood flew wantonly. There can only be five people in the tortoise shell chariot. Control the direction at the front.

"Woof woof... woof woof..." The cut flesh of the dead Tibetan mastiff flowed all over the ground. Stimulated by the blood, these wild beasts became more and more crazy, and kept crashing into the battlefield.

"Bangbangbang" some dexterous Tibetan mastiffs got on the chariot directly!He opened his bloody mouth and bit the iron sheet on it. Although it was useless, it was showing their dignity.

A clever Tibetan mastiff stretched out its head and kept biting at the gap below the tortoise shell chariot, tearing a mouthful, only one soldier who bit it yelled, the palm-sized flesh on his leg was bitten off, the pain made him dizzy Howling, the Tibetan Mastiff at the back followed suit, sticking its head out and drilling into the chariot.

Sun Wu was watching the battlefield anxiously, with his heart in his throat, suddenly an armored battlefield was overturned, and in an instant, countless Tibetan mastiffs rushed in, one dog at a time, and several soldiers on that battlefield died directly. Under the mouth, before dying, he let out a howling scream.

"Oops!" Sun Wu's expression changed drastically, and he looked at Tai Shici, who was beside him, and shouted angrily, "Fire the arrows! Keep shooting the arrows! Hurry up!"

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" The sky was filled with cold arrow bee pupae shooting at the Tibetan mastiff soldiers.

"Wow... woof... woof woof!" The number of Tibetan mastiffs is increasing, and they are constantly biting at the Han army. Dozens of chariots have been overturned, hundreds of soldiers died on the battlefield, and there are scattered The Tibetan mastiff rushed towards Sun Wu's army, trying to give Sun Wu a hard blow, but he was shot to death before he got close.

Xia Houshang, who was defending in the chariot, gritted his teeth, pressed the chariot to prevent it from being overturned, with cold sweat on his forehead, looked at the stunned soldiers on both sides, and cursed angrily: "What are you doing in a daze! Shake the blade and strangle!"

"General! It can't be shaken!" The soldier next to him pushed hard on the axle, but it didn't help at all. Obviously, the scraper had been entangled in the flesh.

Xia Houshang's complexion suddenly changed, and he hurriedly stretched out his head to look forward, wanting to observe the movement in front of him, but saw a Tibetan mastiff biting with its bloody mouth open, and Xia Houshang hurriedly dodged back in fright.

"Hahahaha! Well done!" Ariqi gave a strange laugh, but the Tibetan mastiff under his command was delayed, which made Ariqi feel a little uncomfortable. Looking at the more than 3000 soldiers wearing multi-layered armor behind him, he shouted angrily: " Come on! Overturn these armored vehicles!"


These soldiers are the domesticated masters of these Tibetan mastiffs. Generally, Tibetan mastiffs will not attack their masters, and Tibetan mastiffs will remember the smell on their bodies, so there is no possibility of biting them.

This is also the change of Tibetan mastiff soldiers compared to the previous ones. It is no longer a single way to let Tibetan mastiffs fight independently, but to have special soldiers to control these Tibetan mastiffs, let them attack in an orderly manner, and exert their greatest potential. I have to say , Wisdom is really a good thing, it can make people crazy.

I saw a Tibetan mastiff soldier holding a shield, blocking the cold arrows all over the sky, and holding an iron spear, came to the front of the tortoise car, suddenly pried, using the principle of leverage, to pry open a hole in the tortoise car, and there was a gap. Drilled in by himself.

"Ah... ah" screams came from inside the tortoise shell chariot from time to time, and some directly opened the chariot to expose it to the outside.

"Wang Wang Wang...!"

In an instant, countless Tibetan mastiffs rushed up, biting the soldiers inside into pieces.

"Bastard!" Hua Yun, who was organizing the defense on the front line, saw the scene in front of him, his eyes gradually turned red, and he glared at everything in front of him, but he was helpless. He shot cold arrows all over the sky towards the opposite side, but the effect was very little.

Those Tibetan mastiffs who survived the injury will be even more crazy, all staring at the place where the arrow was shot, charging forward, roaring, and biting.

"Boom!" With a bang, a Tibetan mastiff broke through Sun Wu's line of defense and bit the soldiers in front of him. The soldiers on both sides hurriedly swung their swords to rescue them, but the effect was very little. Countless soldiers looked terrified.

"Woooo...!" The Tibetan mastiff finally let go, whimpered and made a choked sound, but none of the soldiers had pity on him, and even feared that he would not die, so he stepped forward to make up a few knives. The Tibetan mastiff was silent, and then pulled up the soldiers on the ground.

A piece of flesh and blood was bitten off from the arm of this soldier's soldier. The blood was flowing, and the bones were faintly visible.

"Quick! Go up!" Hua Yun stared at the exposed flaws with a solemn expression. Although the soldiers behind them were brave enough to fill in the gaps, the fear in their hearts was rapidly growing and spreading.

Sun Wu observed the changes in the battle situation and came to Huayun's side on a horse. He said solemnly, "Has Wenpin come? Is he here? General Xiahou...!"

"Ah!" A scream came from the battlefield, pulling Hua Yun and Sun Wu's thoughts to the side of the battlefield.

The eyebrows on Huayun's eyelids twitched, his expression looked embarrassed, and the veins on his forehead bulged!Clenched palms together, rattling, looking back, a crimson battle flag became more and more obvious, and immediately Matsushita thought: "Here we come! General Wenpin is here!"

"Here we come! Here we come! General Wenpin is finally here!" Looking at Wenpin's crimson flame flag, many soldiers were finally relieved. Looking at the figure of the leader rushing towards him, they felt this figure for the first time. Such a stalwart.

Sun Wu pressed the sword in his bosom, got off his horse, hurried to Wenpin, and said with embarrassment: "General Wenpin, you are finally here. These animals are rough and thick, and even random arrows can't kill them! Rockets can't kill them!" It's of no use"

Wenpin squinted his eyes, looked at the screams on the battlefield from time to time, and said with embarrassment: "What's going on! Who is on the battlefield!"

"General Xiahou used the armored chariot to attack, but it didn't have any effect. Now thousands of brothers have already...!" Hua Yun said this, with an extremely embarrassed expression on his face.

Wenpin also finally realized the seriousness of the matter. Looking at thousands of Tibetan mastiff soldiers commanding the Tibetan mastiff, Wenpin finally realized the seriousness of the matter. They also learned from the lessons of failure. At this moment, Wenpin felt for the first time to stress.

"General Wenpin! Is there any way?" Sun Wu swallowed his saliva and said solemnly.

Wenpin held a battle gun, scratched his eyebrows, stared at the Tibetan Mastiff soldiers on the battlefield, immediately pulled out the sharp sword in his arms, looked back at Paoze behind him and said: "Soldiers! It's time to rescue your colleagues , get the torches ready, and follow me to deal with all the soldiers!"

"Promise!" Tens of thousands of people shouted angrily, and began to prepare on the spot. In about [-] breaths, Wen Pin checked the equipment and said to Sun Wu: "General Sun! Get out of the way! I will take Brothers under my command! Kill them!"

"General Wenpin! What are you doing! Are you going out like this? Isn't that sending you to your death?" Hua Yun looked at Wenpin suspiciously, and when he saw the soldiers behind him, his expression was decisive, and the suspicious look in his eyes became more and more intense .

"Originally these things were prepared for those cavalry, but now there is no need for that at all!" Wen Pin looked dignified and resolute, staring at the battle ahead with tiger eyes, and directly led the army to charge towards the front.

"Hua Yun! Open the way for General Wenpin!" Sun Wu looked at Wenpin's confident eyes and stopped him at any time. With a big wave of his hand, he motioned for Huayun to open the door.

"The end general understands!" Hua Yun took her big knife, responded, swung the knife in her hand, and shouted angrily: "Kill!"

"Thousands of brave warriors rushed out, in groups of three, and killed the Tibetan mastiff soldiers in front of them.

Seeing that everything was almost done, Wenpin turned around and left, silent all the way!It seemed that he was thinking about some countermeasures, and led the army directly out of the army formation.

"General! Look at the enemy's battle flag! Some of them are fighting again!" Tudan Knin, who was beside Arichi, watched the enemy's defeat, and there were still people who dared to fight, pointing at the enemy's red battle flag road.

"Does anyone still dare to come to die? Ah! Hahahaha!" Aric looked at his own Tibetan mastiff soldiers, suppressing the enemy's formation, and couldn't help being in a good mood. Looking in the direction, I saw a bright red battle flag appearing in front of Aric.

Aric, who was still laughing, stopped his voice in an instant, frowned, stared at the hot battle flag with tiger eyes, rubbed his eyes, Alici's complexion became more serious in an instant, and even his smile disappeared. Every word was paused, as if facing an enemy: "Red...flame...army!"

"General...! Tudan Knin seemed to notice that Dao Aric's expression was wrong, and murmured softly.

"Humph!" Aric snorted coldly twice, staring at the Red Flame Army in front of him with tiger eyes, and gritted his teeth: "Damn the Red Flame Army, today I want to wash away the shame of the past, Tu Dan Kning!"

"Here!" Tu Dan Kning bowed his hands with a stern expression.

"Lead the warriors of the grassland to charge me! Behead the enemy general! Avenge my former partner who died! Tell Tu Dan Tu Dan Yi to lead an army of [-] Tibetan mastiffs to assist you!" It's just that there are [-] Tibetan Mastiff troops and [-] cavalry. Firstly, they can increase the number of Tibetan Mastiff soldiers, and secondly, they can clean up the battlefield after the Tibetan Mastiff soldiers.

"My subordinate understands!"

"Kill!" Tu Dan Kning led tens of thousands of cavalry to take the lead in the charge, followed closely by thousands of cavalry under his command, and the smoke and dust filled the air.

After receiving the order, Tu Danyi grinned sneeringly, looked ahead with both eyes, and then led [-] Tibetan Mastiff soldiers as the vanguard army, and cooperated with Tu Dan Kning to launch an attack on Wenpin's Red Flame Army.

(End of this chapter)

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