Warring States Call

Chapter 2026 Chapter 236: Shocking Thunder

Chapter 2026 Two thousand thirty-six: Shocking Thunder
Wenpin's Red Flame Army, after years of development, has also expanded from the original number of 1 to the current [-]. But in the final analysis, they are still infantry. Facing the cavalry on the grassland and the vicious Tibetan mastiff soldiers, they are like A lamb to be slaughtered, to be slaughtered and slaughtered.

Sun Wu, who had been thinking hard for a good strategy, looked at the cavalry that appeared from the enemy, and his eyes became more serious. Looking at Wenpin's [-] infantry, Sun Wu's complexion suddenly changed, and he screamed badly. He glanced at Hua Yun beside him, Hastily yelled: "Send the order, Fenglin Huoshan Fourth Battalion is ready to fight at any time, tell Su Dingfang and Zhang Dingbian that once they rush to kill, Shuai will strangle the enemy's general first, and Lu Xiangsheng will lead the troops to stay behind and form a large formation of the Shanzi Army!"


"Kill!" Tu Danyi rode a war horse and commanded more than 1000 Tibetan mastiff soldiers under his command. These Tibetan mastiff soldiers, holding black-edged iron spear round shields, called the Tibetan mastiff to charge forward continuously, whistling: "Shhh!" from time to time .

Whistling like a lost voice, the Tibetan mastiff seems to have received an order to let go of the corpse in front of it. The black dog stares at Wenpin's army, and growls and growls unwillingly from time to time.

"Shocking thunder is ready!" Wenpin waved his hand and raised the flag, staring at the Tibetan mastiff of the former army, frowning slightly, but his heart was as firm as a rock, and the soldiers under his command took out a piece of black from the back of the bag, and put it on And the fuse.

This stuff, when modern people see it, they immediately recognize it. Isn't this the so-called gunpowder?
indeed!This thing is gunpowder, which Han Yi asked Lu Ban to make. Han Yi just told Lu Ban the main materials, such as charcoal fire, saltpeter, sulfur, etc., and Han Yi handed over the formula to Lu Ban. Things that appeared only a thousand years later came out ahead of time.

At the same time, Lu Ban included it in Lu Ban's Secret Records, which are currently stored in Han Yi's study and are listed as forbidden techniques. Even the craftsmen who made them cannot be exposed, and they will live in the walled courtyard all their lives.

"150 steps!"

"130 steps!"

"One hundred steps!"

"Eighty steps!"

"Fifty steps!"

"Light it up! Let it go!" Wen Pin first listened to the voice to argue, and then suddenly opened his eyes, with a cold light in them.

"Gulu...Gulu...Gulu!" Countless black iron balls the size of fists were thrown directly, there were thousands of them, and once they were used, the soldiers under his command couldn't stop them at all.

Those Tibetan mastiffs looked at the black ball flaming in front of them, and didn't care at all. Tu Danyi, who was directing the Tibetan mastiff to charge, didn't even pay attention to him, thinking that the Han army was at the end of the road, and even took a flaming ball to kill him. He dismissed him without paying attention to him, and immediately waved the handle of the knife in his hand and said, "Kill!"

"Boom...boom...boom...boom!" The loud sound was like a ox shaking the sky. In an instant, the Tibetan mastiff group directly smashed the pot, the smoke and dust filled the air, and the flesh and blood flew everywhere. Thousands of Tibetan mastiffs were blown into a pile of mud. The Tibetan mastiff that survived by luck is also missing arms and legs, lying on the ground panting heavily.


"Huh!" The loud noise naturally caught Han Yi's attention. At this moment, Han Yi's face became a little dignified, and he suddenly moved in the direction of the vibration of the Thunderbolt. Straight into the sky.

The rumbling sounds continued, like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and Han Huang beside him was even more frightened, hiding in Han Yi's arms and shivering, Han Yi's complexion suddenly changed, and he quickly stretched out his big hand and patted Han Huang's face. Back, looking to the side of Du Dianwei, he greeted: "Go and see what's going on!"

In fact, Han Yi had guessed eighty-nine points in his mind, but he had to figure out what was going on and why Wenpin made his move.

The huge movement naturally caught Genghis Khan Temujin's attention, they suddenly turned their heads, focused their eyes on the southeast, looked at the towering black smoke in the sky, trembled in their hearts, and said solemnly: "What's going on! "

Tuo Lei rode his horse, looked at the battlefield ahead, and immediately urged the horse to go, shouting as he walked, "I'm going to find out the situation!"

"What... what's going on here!" Sun Wu, who was in the Wenpin rear army, suddenly changed his face, looking at the black mist that was constantly steaming in the sky, his eyes were full of puzzlement?Originally, he planned to send troops to rescue, but now it seems that Wenpin can completely crush the enemy army on the opposite side with one hand.

Aric looked embarrassed, and his black face was much darker than before.He was originally full of confidence and wanted to annihilate the Red Flame Army in one fell swoop, but seeing the movement caused by the Red Flame Army, Aric's complexion suddenly changed, he clenched his teeth, and said through gritted teeth: "Wenpin...!"

This name is like a nightmare. On the day when the Tibetan Mastiff Army was almost disabled, it was deeply imprinted in Arich's mind, and it is even more lingering now.

Wenpinhu stared at the enemy in front of him, then turned over and rode on the prepared horse, his expression gradually became cold and said: "Kill!"

"Kill!" The morale of the Red Flame Army erupted at this moment, and the situation of a faint defeat at first completely disappeared without a trace with the help of Hong Tianlei.

The faces of many soldiers under Sun Wu's command were all frightened. What kind of style of play is unheard of, just throw something.


"Gulu Gulu... Guru Gulu!" Countless black iron balls were thrown at the Tibetan mastiff soldiers, and the voice of Hong Zhong Dalu resounded in an instant: "Boom...boom...boom...!"

Just like planting mushrooms, one after another, small mushroom clouds marched on the soldiers of the Tibetan mastiff, in an instant!Ten thousand Tibetan mastiff soldiers were blown to pieces, and the rest of the Tibetan mastiffs all showed timid eyes. They couldn't bear the slightest resistance in the face of absolute power.

Tu Danyi looked at the arrogant and domineering Wenpin, and immediately urged his horse to go up, please blow the slogan and approach the enemy, a trace of coldness flashed in Tu Danyi's eyes, and suddenly angrily reprimanded the fleeing Tibetan mastiff soldiers, shouting angrily: " The Tibetan mastiff soldiers commanded the Tibetan mastiff to rush up, hurry up."

"Hush!" The Tibetan mastiff soldiers mustered up their courage and howled one after another, but the Tibetan mastiffs under their command seemed to be out of control any more, and they backed up one after another, making a choked sound: "Wooooow... woof... woof... ...Wow woof...!"

"Go!" Wen Pin's eyes turned cold, and he threw the black thunderbolt directly under Tu Danyi's horse. The burning black thunder appeared in Tudanyi's eyes, and it seemed that Tudanyi could only see This thunderbolt.

"Boom...!" There was a loud noise, the smoke and dust filled the air, and the dust exploded within a radius of three meters around Tu Danyi's feet.

"Boom...!" The huge shock force directly exploded the pot, sending Tu Danyi's body flying five meters away before landing. With white smoke, a smell of gunpowder permeated the surroundings, and everyone looked terrified.

The surrounding Tibetan mastiffs have no one to direct them, like runaway wild horses, they all scattered and fled in all directions, never daring to stay here again, they have already developed fear of the things in front of them, no matter how powerful an animal is, it is also afraid in the face of absolute power extremely.

"Bastard! Go up to me! Kill this two-legged sheep." Tu Dan Kening, who was organizing the cavalry to finish the work, saw the Tibetan mastiff army in front of him was beaten to pieces, stared at Wenpin, furious, and made a decisive decision immediately. , got on his horse, held a spear, and led the soldiers to charge towards Wenpin's soldiers and horses.

"Let go!" Wen Pin didn't care at all, still calm and calm, the soldiers under his command got the order and threw the thunder in their hands one after another.

"Boom...boom...boom!" Thousands of thunderbolts exploded in Tudan Kening's army, and Tudan Kning even fell off his horse directly, his body covered in smoke and dust. It was just the previous blow. , a full 3000 people died in that bombing.

The soldiers behind Tudan Kning with weapons were pale. The sound of the bombing just now was vivid in their minds, and they couldn't get rid of it. Some soldiers even didn't know whether to move forward or retreat.

Wenpin stroked his beard, which was originally black and white, but it was covered with dust due to gunpowder. Wenpin looked calmly at the soldiers behind him, and shouted: "Brothers, the last time I ate Dog meat is not addictive, do you mind eating dog meat again tonight!"

"Original intention! Willing!" The soldiers under their command burst out with a strong fighting spirit. The last time they barbecued with kerosene, this time they had gunpowder dog meat. In this era of lack of supplies, it is very rare to be able to eat a meal of meat in the barracks.

And so far, the casualties of the two armies are 4000 to [-]. The Tibetan mastiff soldiers before and after, excluding the Tibetan mastiff, have killed and injured a full [-] people, and Wenpin and the soldiers under his command have not lost a single hair .

"Okay! I'll eat dog meat today!" Wenpin's face was gloomy, and then he stared at Tudan Kening who was 50 meters away, and then lit a thunderbolt and threw it at him, sneering: "I'll see you off... no thanks I!"

Tu Dan Kning looked at the sky-shattering thunder that was getting bigger and bigger in front of him, the fear in his heart became more and more intense, and he shouted with a dead face: "Don't come here!"

"Boom!" A huge explosion sounded, and Tu Dan Kning was bombed so that not even his body was left. The blood mist bloomed in front of Wenpin, like a delicate flower from the other side. Wei Ji said, "It's so beautiful...!"

"Run! Run! Go! Go!" The remaining prairie cavalry no longer dared to fight for a long time, and fled one after another. Wenpin chased them for 300 meters, rewarded them with two rounds of explosives, and wiped out more than 6000 people. Then Wenpin did not continue, and Wenpin led the army to kill the remaining [-] Tibetan mastiffs. This time, Wenpin was going to blow up all of them.

"Destroy them!" Wenpin snorted coldly, took out two thunderbolts from his arms, lit the flames, and threw them towards the tortoise shell chariot surrounded by Tibetan mastiffs.

"Boom boom boom!" Flowers bloomed everywhere in an instant, and there were blood and flesh flying everywhere. Sun Wu behind looked at the scene in front of him, and then shouted angrily: "Su Dingfang, Zhang Dingbian, you two lead the soldiers to assist General Wenpin and expand the results of the battle. , be sure to swallow this army in one fell swoop!"

"Yes!" The two tiger generals were ordered to prepare their troops and charge forward.

"Ha!" Hearing a greeting, a total of [-] soldiers in the Fenglin camp set off in unison, and quickly marched out as Huayun's two armies cleared the way.

"Fire oil! Rockets! Get ready!" Wen Pin looked indifferent, seeing that there were not many Thunderbolts in his arms, he immediately waved his hands.

Although things like Hongtianlei are easy to use, they are extremely expensive to make. Although there are more meat and fewer wolves, Wenpin only allows each soldier under his command to carry ten pieces each time he goes out to battle, and he must not take more. This is a joint reaction, one is blown up, and the whole army is blown up, and secondly, carrying too much of this thing is also a burden on the physical strength of the soldiers under your command, three?This thing is really too expensive, and Han Yi's monthly supply is not much, so he needs to save some money, and there are still several battles waiting for him to contribute.

And according to the current situation, Hong Tianlei will hurt his colleagues, so Wenpin can only choose to use kerosene.

"Fire oil! Throw it!" Wen Pin gave an order, and bags of fire oil the size of a human head were thrown out, smashing into the pile of Tibetan mastiffs tens of meters away.

"Fire the rocket!" Wen Pin looked around indifferently and waved his hand.

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" The rockets that filled the sky spread down like rain of fire in an instant.

When the kerosene meets the flame, the whole earth is ablaze with flames. The fire is stained with the dog's hair, making a crackling sound, and the hair burns out instantly. Within a short while, the whole group of dogs is on fire at this moment, making the bark of the Tibetan mastiff It looked extraordinarily bleak and crazy, and the whole air was filled with the smell of burning.

Moment!The smell of burning dog meat was wafting, and the entire aggressive group of dogs became sweet pastries, and a large number of Tibetan mastiffs began to flee in all directions.However, Wenpin did not intend to let them go. As the saying goes, wildfires are endless, and spring breeze blows again. This time, Wenpin cannot repeat the same mistakes. Looking at the people behind him, he shouted angrily: "Use the thunderbolt, don't let anyone go!" !"

"No!" All the subordinates rode their horses in pursuit, and wiped out the original Tibetan mastiff soldier, who had made the soldiers fearful, under the banner of the Red Flame Army.

Sun Wu, who was commanding the army at the back, couldn't help but gasped, this Wenpin really didn't talk too much.

"Ah!" There was a mournful howl, Xia Houshang looked at the corpse in front of him, gasped heavily, and crawled out from the pile of dead people and dogs, bearding the surrounding air with his big beard.

Wen Pin frowned and looked at Xia Houshang, who was being crushed by the Tibetan mastiff, and immediately greeted the soldiers behind him, angrily shouting: "Bring General Xiahou out quickly!"

The soldiers on both sides went up and down and dug Xiahoushang out. At this time, Xiahoushang was covered in blood, with more than 30 wounds on his body, and the bones were faintly visible, and even the calf of his left foot was gone. How miserable it would be Miserable, Xia Houshang glanced at Wenpin with a confused expression, and said in an extremely weak voice: "Many... many... thank you...!"

"Quick! Hurry back to the barracks for treatment! Hurry up!" Wen Pin hurriedly greeted the soldiers on both sides, and sent Xia Houshang back. Judging by his seriously injured appearance, it is likely that he will not survive these three days. It depends on Bian Que and Hua Hua. The two of Tuo were rejuvenated.

"No! It's impossible...it's impossible!" Aric saw that his invincible Tibetan Mastiff army was defeated, which made him unbelievable. Originally, he had imagined that he led his own Tibetan Mastiff army to be invincible, but now it seems that His own dream was shattered, which made Arich unable to accept the fact in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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