Warring States Call

Chapter 2027 Chapter 237: Bo'er is only a catty

Chapter 2027 Chapter 37: Bo'er is only a catty

"Wow, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof!" The Tibetan mastiff soldiers did not have the arrogance and arrogance of the past, and some only screamed. They were chased by the soldiers of the Red Flame Army, and there were booming explosions from time to time. After a big battle, Of the more than 3 dogs, only [-] ran away.

Tuo Lei rode on a horse, looked at the battle situation in front of him, and saw the scene clearly from behind. The Tibetan mastiff soldiers who were invincible before were now defeated.

Tuo Lei's face was ashen, no one knew how much the training and food of the Tibetan Mastiff would cost. There were hundreds of cattle and sheep every day, and they were all live sheep, in order to arouse the bloody blood of the Tibetan Mastiff.

Genghis Khan put a lot of effort into it, and now the enemy is relying on Hei Bulongdong's things to crack it so easily, how can they accept it, Tuo Lei does not delay, immediately turn the horse's head and turn the horse back to the formation.

"My lord!" Dian Wei came to Han Yi with a pair of halberds in his hands, his expression became more and more cheerful, as if there was a great happy event, Han Yi looked at Dian Wei, and subconsciously asked, "What's wrong!"

"My lord! General Wenpin led [-] Red Flame Army to fight out, defeated the Tibetan Mastiff soldiers, beheaded more than [-] people, all [-] Tibetan Mastiff soldiers were defeated, and General Wenpin's Red Flame Army was unscathed!" Dian Wei The more I talked, the more excited I became, as if the hype was falling.

Han Yi touched the side of his face, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry, things like Zhentianlei appeared on the enemy's frontal battlefield, Han Yi promised that Temujin would be able to drink a pot, at least the starting casualties would be 20, Of course, Han Yi didn't regret it, because Dian Wei had already told the information about the Tibetan Mastiff soldiers just now.

If Wenpin's Red Flame Army does not come out, Sun Wu's [-] troops may be eaten by Tibetan mastiff soldiers. This is definitely not what Han Yi wants to see. Compared with killing the enemy, Han Yi loves his soldiers more.

"Kill!" Su Dingfang yelled angrily, urging his horse to kill Ariqi. At this time, Ariqi was decapitated, and Su Dingfang directly took his head off with a knife, and returned it with a severed head.

"Boss! We can't fight any more!" Tuo Lei looked embarrassed, and returned to the formation on his horse. He was completely at a loss. This battle was beyond their control. If the fight continued, their soldiers would suffer heavy casualties.

"What's the matter!" Temujin looked at Tuo Lei who had rushed back, with a suspicious expression on his face, he didn't have to pay well just now, why did he lie like this now.

Tuo Lei quickly told Temujin what he had seen, and Temujin's face changed suddenly: "Tibetan mastiff soldiers! Bastards! These bastards!"

Temujin's eyes were bloodshot, and his brain was filled with doubts, unwillingness, anger, and shame. Temujin's brain was running at high speed. No matter how he operated, he couldn't figure out what the enemy relied on to defeat his.

"Bastard! Withdraw!" Temujin looked at the battlefield around him. He was afraid that if the thing described by Tuo Lei was placed in the army, it would be unimaginable. With more than 5 Tibetan mastiff soldiers, Temujin could still bear it. , If the 40 family property behind him is gone, Temujin can only jump into the river and commit suicide.

"Withdraw... woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"

Many retreating generals looked a little suspicious. This battle is not over yet, how can they give up lightly?
But the horn of retreat has already sounded, and they have no choice but to choose to withdraw their troops, or there is only a dead end.

Everyone stared at the rout of the enemy army. Many soldiers breathed a sigh of relief. It was finally over. Some generals couldn't hold on any longer and fell to the ground. The soldiers even sat on the ground, gasping for breath. Panic, exhausted, smelling the bloody air, secretly glad that he was still alive.

The tender green grass has been dyed blood green, like an ink painting, and everyone can't calm down.

And the one who gained the most from this battle was Wenpin, who defeated the Tibetan Mastiff Army in one fell swoop. In the next hundred years, when many people mentioned Wenpin's name, the prairie people who survived that war, when they heard Wenpin's name, Keeping silent, Wenpin at this moment also got his nickname: "Booming Thunder Wenpin!"

His current name and prestige, in the hearts of grassland people, has been on a par with Han Ming and Huo Qubing, and has become the last taboo that cannot be mentioned, because the shock these three people brought to the grassland is too great.

back to the barracks
Polarization began, the barracks were full of food and drink, and they began to brag about how brave they were in this battle, how many enemy troops they had killed, and there were also tired soldiers lying in tents not wanting to talk, but it was more the mourning in the wounded and sick camp .

Han Ming brought Han Huang to the Wounded Barracks, looking at the soldiers howling everywhere, those arrow wounds and bloody bones shocked Han Huang greatly.

"Lord Bian Que!" Han Ming came to Bian Que's side with a respectful expression, after all, he had saved himself several times.

"Oh! Fourth Highness! Are you injured? I will help you after I take care of him!" Bian Que was treating the wound of a soldier who had been wounded by an arrow. He was holding a hot red dagger in front of his eyes. There was a prick on the soldier's wound, and the soldier screamed in pain. Bian Que hurriedly comforted him: "It's okay! It'll be fine soon!"

The injured person was relieved, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, Bian Que had the time to greet Han Ming and said, "Where is the Fourth Highness injured, come and let me see!"

"I'm not injured! I found a helper for you!" After speaking, Han Ming directly pulled Han Huang out, Bian Que looked at Han Huang, glanced up and down, and waved his hands again and again: "No! The old man is too busy here Come on, this kid will only get in the way, and why is this kid so small, he can't help much!"

Seeing this, Han Ming immediately whispered a few words to Bian Que. Bian Que's complexion suddenly changed, and he frowned slightly, and directly refused, "No! Don't! Never! I can't afford to take care of things that happen, old man!"

"This is the king's order! Let him come here to experience the suffering! Let him bring you water and carry the medicine box! As long as the dirty work is done, leave it to him!" Han Ming patted Han Huang's small head.

Bian Que was taken aback for a moment, and when he heard Wang Ming's order, he felt quite helpless, then looked at Han Ming, and said for a while, "I don't care what happened!"

"Don't worry!" Han Ming hurriedly signed the ticket, indicating that Bian Que will be fine.

"Four...!" Han Huang pulled Han Ming to leave. When Han Ming heard that Han Huang was going to call him fourth uncle, Han Ming hurriedly covered his mouth, glanced at Han Huang, squatted down, and patted his little one. The head said: "Stay here well, I will come to see you in a few days! Don't worry, you will be fine! They are all good people! Follow this old man well, and I will pick you up in two days! Be obedient!"

"Oh!" Han Huang felt aggrieved, but she didn't dare to disobey Han Ming, her pupils and eyes were full of tears.

Han Ming rubbed his little head and left, winked at a few wounded soldiers, and then returned to the military tent to discuss matters.

Bian Que looked at the little guy in front of him, threw the medicine box to him casually, and reprimanded: "Hold it steady! Don't break it! Or spank your ass, come with me!"

"Oh!" Although Han Huang was aggrieved, she still followed Bian Que and walked forward, holding water, pouring water, and burning knives, very busy.

Gradually, this little guy grew up. Facing those scarred and ferocious uncles, Han Huang felt apprehensive, but after getting along for half a day, Han Huang felt that these hideous uncles seemed not so scary. Start getting acquainted with them.

In the dim big tent, Han Yi sat on the main seat. The atmosphere in the hall did not become cheerful because of the victory of the war, but became a little depressed. The civil servants and generals on both sides, led by Han Xin and Wu Qi, were Then there are generals like Yue Fei, Wei Qing, Cao Cao, etc.

In the center of the big tent, the bamboo slips in Deng Yu’s hands tell the battle report of the war: “In this battle, our army killed 8000 soldiers, excluding the casualties of Tibetan mastiffs, and beheaded 2000 enemy soldiers. The warriors Mountain Lion Camel and Boershu, our lieutenant general You Shiwei and partial general He Wuji died in battle, and the commander of the raiding battalion, General Xia Houshang, was seriously injured and died because he blocked the enemy Tibetan Mastiff soldiers!" Deng Yu said Here, from the corner of his eye, he glanced at Cao Cao beside him, and gave him a look of silence. Cao Cao was also quite choked up, speechless for a long time.

The casualties of his Cao family in these years were really tragic. He said that they were a loyal family, and Cao Cao deserved it. His brothers Xiahou Dun, Xiahouyuan, Cao Ren, and Cao Hong died in battle, his sons Cao Ang, Cao Ning, Cao Zhang, and Cao Shuangjiao died in battle, and his nephew Cao Anmin He and Xia Houshang were all killed in battle. It can be said that the old Cao family has hardly lost Bailing in the past few years. At this moment, Cao Cao's heart is bleeding.

Han Yi naturally also looked at Cao Cao, sighed and said with a long breath: "Xia Houshang made outstanding achievements, died for righteousness, and was later named Yihou, and the statue was put into the Heroic Soul Tower. Generals He Wuji and You Shiwei collected the corpses , to reward his family with fifty acres of small farmland and a hundred gold, to comfort his wife and children, and if his children are willing to become officials, they can enter Wutong Academy!"

"Promise!" Deng Yu wrote down one by one, and then he resigned. At this moment, Cao Cao was in tears, bowed his hands to Han Yi and said, "Master! Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Meng De! Don't be too sad! You are one of the twelve lords of my court! You should cheer up!" Han Yi has already reminded Cao Cao from the side, I have taken off your temporary reserve, and you still need to work hard .

"Sir! You must live up to your majesty's expectations!" Cao Cao felt a little better, returned to his original position, and carefully recalled some of the ancestors' rankings, which were already full.

After appeasing Cao Cao, Han Yi looked at the bamboo slips in his hand, and said for a while, "My dear friends! Now that the casualties are a foregone conclusion, what good strategy do you have for defeating the enemy, you can come slowly!"

"Your Majesty! I believe that we are not in a hurry to defeat the enemy right now, but should strengthen our defenses!" Wu Qi bowed his hands at this moment with a serious expression.

"What do you mean!" Han Yi squinted his eyes, his expression unresponsive.

"This time our army has weapons such as thunderbolts on the battlefield. Ordinary people will definitely not be able to hold back, but Temujin is not an extraordinary person. He will definitely attack our army camp at night. Once the two armies fight hand-to-hand, they can play a big role. Second, cavalry are good at roaming, which is very good for night attack, even if they can't fight, they can roam and escape quickly!" Wu Qi said here, his expression was a little serious.

"That's true!" Han Yi groped his beard and looked at Wu Qi and Han Dao for a while: "You two generals! You go to the barracks to set up defenses now! Be careful that Temujin will attack the barracks!"

"No!" The two bowed their hands, and they both took orders to go. Now Han Yi has left Yanmen Pass and set up camp. Without the defense of the pass, Han Yi's tens of thousands of troops are exposed to the open air, which is very dangerous, and he is good at wandering. And the grassland cavalry who rode and shot, the damage they caused was incalculable.

Han Yi fumbled for his beard, looked at the bamboo slips in his hand, carefully recalled what Wu Qi said just now, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "The enemy can go! I can go too!"


"The minister is here!" Tuoba Qian, who has been in the Central Plains for seven or eight years, is used to the etiquette of the Central Plains, so now he just said it casually.

"Your tribe is the wandering wolves of the grassland, who are good at inquiring. This time, you can find out where Temujin is camping!" Han Yi fumbled for his beard and stared at him indifferently.

"Report to the king! I have accurately detected the enemy's position." Tuobaqian looked solemn and bowed his hands.

"Very well, generals, this time I plan to send a total of 11 soldiers and horses from the Red Flame Army and Tiger and Leopard Cavalry to surprise Temujin's camp! Inflict heavy damage on the enemy! What do you think?" Han Yi groped his beard, wanting to hear The opinions of the audience.

Yue Fei carefully speculated, cupped his hands and cupped his fists for a while and said: "My lord! General Huo Qubing's tiger and leopard cavalry are heavy armored cavalry. If you charge back and forth, you may lose your strength. I am willing to go to meet General Huo Qubing."

"That's it!"


After some discussion, everyone withdrew and told their soldiers to be more vigilant today and not to waste it. And Han Yi also got some free time, leaned on his position, looked up at the sky, and said with a tired look: "The system bring it on!"

"Ding, Boershu, He Wuji, Mountain Lion Camel, Zhang Xiongfei, Guo Baoyu, You Shiwei, Tudan Yi, Tudan Kening, Ali Qi, Xia Houshang, a total of ten people died in battle. Congratulations to the host for getting 90 summon points point, the current host summoning point is 1898 summoning points!"

"Ding, among them, the mountain lion camel's power value is 105, so the system needs 6 people out of the table! Please prepare the host!"

"Six people can't affect the overall situation! Come on!"

"Ding, the current No. 1 Song Dynasty Zhang Jie: Force 89, Commander 87, Intelligence 87, Politics 75. Currently implanted as a tooth general under the host's command!"

"Ding, Qu Neng of the Ming Dynasty is the second person on the list: force 90, commander 92, intelligence 90, politics 85. The current implantation status is an official in the Indochina Peninsula, and he is currently an official under Hu Yan!"

"Ding, the third person on the list is the Tang Dynasty, the Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties Han Yu: Force 67 Commander 81 Intelligence 97 Politics 95 The current implantation status is a child of the Han clan. This time he is enrolled in Wutong College and is preparing to take the imperial examination this year!"

"Ding, Su Shunqin of the Song Dynasty is currently the fourth person on the list: force 62, commander 89, intelligence 96, politics 90. The current implantation identity is Su Qin's son, and now he is studying at Wutong Academy!"

"Ding, currently the fifth person on the list is Ren Fu of the Song Dynasty: force 96, commander 96, intelligence 88, politics 51. The current implantation status is Wenpin Army Lieutenant General!"

"Ding, the sixth person who is currently on the list, Boer Jijinbadu: 94 in military strength, 98 in command, 94 intellect, and 90 in politics. The current implanted identity is Temujin's grandson, and he is now going out with the army!"

(End of this chapter)

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