Warring States Call

Chapter 2028 Chapter 238: The Red Flame Army Attacks the Battalion

Chapter 2028 Chapter two thousand 38: Red Flame Army Attacks the Battalion
"Huh!" Han Yi, who was still lazy, suddenly regained his spirits. Commander 98, this person is not simple. Why has he never heard of it in history? Han Yi looked a little suspicious, and said for a long time: "System! I’ve heard of it, you didn’t make it up!”

"Ding, please don't question this system, the host. Batu is a famous military strategist in the history of the world. In history, he is the grandson of Temujin and the second son of Jochi. In 1235, he was ordered by Ogotai to go west. In the second year, it attacked Burial and swept the Rus countries. Afterwards, it has wiped out the Kingdom of Poland, the German army, and [-] Hungarian troops, so this data is very clear! Please don't question the host!"

"Six to one! But the sum of five people may not be able to defeat this person, Han Yi sighed, no matter, after this war is over, it is enough to usher in 30 years of peace.

"Batu! There is really nothing wrong with the name. Can a random person unplug the capital?" Han Yi scratched his head and looked at the flickering lights in front of him. After the battle, Han Yi wanted to It will be difficult in the next royal conquest, the world is settled, so why fight, in the future, only governing the world will be left.

At the same time, in Temujin's big tent, many grassland generals gathered together. They took scattered fragments from the soldiers who fled back. According to the description of these soldiers, the enemy army relied on this kind of thing to defeat the enemy. Killed the Tibetan mastiff soldiers under him.

Temujin squinted his eyes, looked at the fragments in front of him, and sighed helplessly, "Has Mu Huali's army set off yet?"

"Report to Shan Yu! We have already set off! Tonight will definitely succeed in one fell swoop." Tuo Lei looked serious.

Temujin was not as happy as he imagined. He picked up the fragments in his hand and came to the light. Relying on the weak light, Temujin observed carefully. After a long while, he said: "The enemy army relies on such Things, lost a full 2 casualties in our army! This Wenpin! What is it used for!"

"No matter what it is! It needs to be made by people! With such power, there must not be many in the Korean army." Boyan saw the trickiness in it at a glance, and then added: "According to the descriptions of the soldiers who escaped, these things are It needs to be ignited before it can be used, which means that the nemesis of this thing is water. I checked the weather these days, and it will rain in about two days. It's going to rain! Then our fighter planes will come!"

"Bo Yan is right! We still have a chance!" Wo Kuotai also agreed with Boyan's analysis at this moment. Temujin pondered for a while at this moment, then threw the fragments in his hand, and said solemnly: "The wounded soldier How's the situation!"

"The 3000 people who fled back, all...!" Chi Laowen lowered his head when he said this, because the level of medical treatment in the grassland could not heal such injuries at all, and he could only rely on the soldiers themselves.

"Alas!" Temujin threw the fragments in his hands to Tuo Lei, and said with a tired expression: "Once the people of the Central Plains have this kind of thing, it will be even more difficult to attack Yanmen Pass in the future."


"Towlei!" Temujin sat on the seat, looking at himself, the youngest and Temujin's most beloved son.


"Get ready to retreat! If we lose the battle, we will retreat directly into the hinterland of the grassland. With the nature of the Han army, they will definitely not dare to send troops deep, understand?" Temujin looked at Tuo Lei, he was already preparing a second move. Although this war seemed to be balanced, Temujin was not confident enough after the battle. Although the cavalry in the Central Plains was small, they were excellent. Both the quality and equipment of the army were far from what they could match. of.


"Boom...boom...boom...boom!" Temuzhen was discussing with Tuo Lei and others, but there were several bombing sounds from inside the camp, and the sound of bombing was still expanding and increasing.

Temujin's complexion suddenly changed, he hurriedly strode forward, opened the military tent, and shouted angrily: "What's going on!"

"Boom!" Several hundred meters away from Temujin, there was a bang, and two or three fleeing soldiers were directly blown out. fire.

Tuo Lei threw it out at a glance, and yelled badly: "It's Thunderbolt! The enemy attacked the barracks! Damn it!"

"This group of two-legged sheep treat us as a bully! I'll go meet them! Wei Da'er, Mi Wu Zhen Xiao Li Tu, A Shu, you come with me!" Kublai Khan was furious, pulled out the scimitar in his arms, Riding on the horse, finding the right direction and rushing straight away.

The complexion of Tuo Lei on the side suddenly changed, and he hurriedly shouted angrily: "Tuo Lei! Don't be impulsive! Come back!"

"I can't take care of that anymore! It's important to protect Shanyu! Go! Go quickly!" O Kuotai looked at the chaotic battlefield in front of him, and immediately shouted angrily, pulling Temujin away, and the surrounding soldiers rushed to protect Temujin , evacuated towards the rear.

Wenpin stared at the enemy below like a tiger, rubbed his wrists, and looked at the [-] infantry behind him. Wenpin turned his head to Ren Neng and said, "Here's a simple catapult on the spot! Throw bombardment into the city." Tianlei, I lead [-] cavalry to clear the way for General Huo Qubing! I will leave this to you. Remember to leave three thunderbolts for each person to defend themselves. When the enemy comes, you can retreat first! Do you understand? "

"Subordinates understand!" Ren Neng also knew Wenpin's intentions. He only had this thunderbolt in his hands, and they were still infantry. Once they encountered cavalry, it would be very dangerous. Retreating early can also ensure their own safety.

Seeing that everything was explained, Wen Pin hurriedly shouted angrily: "The whole army is on horseback, ready to fight!"

"Promise!" Tens of thousands of troops shouted in unison, the sound resounded through the whole world, deafening, like a thunderbolt from the blue sky.

"Kill!" Kublai Khan rode a horse, took the lead, and commanded more than 1 grassland cavalry under his command. After leaving the army tent, he met Wenpin who was the pioneer.

Kublai Khan held a saber in his hand, wore a bronze pixiu armor, a bloody horse under his crotch, and his arms were like apes. In the dark night, relying on the faint moonlight, he caught Wenpin at a glance and shouted angrily: "Kill this man!" Central Plains people! Reward two hundred sheep!"

"Kill!" Wei Da'er yelled angrily, flicked the silver knife in his hand, majestic, rode his horse and kept charging to the front line, and rushed straight to Wenpin's five thousand cavalry.

"Zhen Tianlei is ready!" Wen Pin squinted his eyes, looking at the enemy's formation, a smile could not help appearing on the corner of his mouth, Wei Da'er's charge formation was a mountain-shaped charge, and this charge formation was very dense , for Zhen Tianlei, it can amplify the damage.

At this time, Huo Qubing was riding a war horse. He was bored. He watched Wenpin killing all directions by himself. Huo Qubing regained his energy in an instant, groped for his beard, and said indifferently, "This thing! How did you make it!"

"Old Huo! Aren't we going to help?" Ma Chao's eyes were filled with passion. Against the Xiongnu's iron cavalry, they could only adopt a defensive strategy of fortifying the walls and clearing the field, and rarely confronted the enemy directly. However, Ma Chao was extremely excited in today's scene of killing all directions.

Huo Qubing glanced at Ma Chao, who was as bloody as a chicken, and looked at the bombardment thunder that was constantly exploding on the battlefield, and said helplessly, "I can't go now, Hong Tianlei will accidentally injure our soldiers, just wait until they finish blowing up." , we are on top!"

"Alas... what a pity!" Although Ma Chao sighed, he looked at the battle situation in front of him with his neck raised and his eyes squinted. Now his heart is hot and unbearable.

Wen Pinhu stared at the prairie of the former army, watched the soldiers rushing towards him, and secretly calculated the distance in his heart: "150 steps...130 steps...[-] steps...[-] steps...ignite! Let it go!"

After about eighty steps, Wenpin finally couldn't bear it anymore, and directly ignited the Thunderbolt in his hand, and threw it directly at the enemy.

"Gulu... Gulu... Gulu!" The black iron ball was thrown towards Wei Da'er's forward team. Hei Bulongdong, in this dark night, Wei Da'er and the others were even more difficult to see clearly, only one Go forward vigorously.

Wenpin secretly counted the time in his heart, and muttered to himself: "Three...two...one!"

"Boom... Boom... Boom... Boom, boom!" In an instant, Wei Daer's entire forward team was blown up, and there were scenes of blood and flesh rolling everywhere. The words exploded directly behind the buttocks, Wei Da'er was blown to the ground, covered with a layer of sand, grand fireworks continued to bloom in the vanguard, and flew into the sky, blasting the surrounding horses and soldiers.

And this is not the effect of one thunderbolt, but the effect of hundreds of thunderbolts. In just an instant, Kublai Khan's thousands of vanguards were all blown to death by the thunderbolt. Mie Wu really laughed. Litu was bombed with no bones left.

"How is this possible! How is this possible!" Kublai Khan couldn't accept the facts in front of him. He clenched his fists tightly and stared at the fleeing soldiers. rush!"

"Throw it up! Throw it!" Wen Pin was too lazy to get used to Kublai Khan, so he personally ignited a thunderbolt and threw it directly at Kublai Khan.

"Hoohoo!" Dozens of thunderbolts smashed towards Kublai Khan.

Kublai Khan didn't pay attention at this moment, and urged the horse to shout angrily: "All spread out! Turn over and charge! Kill!"

"No! Your Highness, let's go!" At this moment, A Shu looked at the dozens of burning thunderbolts under Kublai Khan, his complexion changed drastically, and he quickly waved his horsewhip to lash Kublai Khan's horse. Tens of meters were covered by scattered thunderstorms.


At this moment, Kublai Khan saw the black ball in front of him blazing, but he had no choice but to do anything. All the thunders burst into strange fireworks around him. At this moment, Kublai Khan was shrouded in flames. Like Kublai Khan, after a great battle, the two of them died here one after another.

Kublai Khan, the founder of the Yuan Dynasty, the creator of the unified emperor, and the terminator of the Southern Song Dynasty, just left this world.

Wei Da'er stood up with difficulty at this moment, holding a long knife, and glared at Wenpin, but he was exhausted now, Wenpin looked at him contemptuously, and suddenly swung his sword to cut, and with a sword drawing, he cut directly Falling in fear of answering children's heads.

Kublai Khan's [-] cavalry were defeated across the board, and Ren Neng, who was building the catapult, was ready, rubbed his wrist, opened the box, and a black ball the size of a human head was placed in front of everyone. After carefully checking the enemy's movement, he adjusted the direction of the catapult for a while, and shouted angrily: "Let go!"


"Boom...boom...boom...boom!" Four simple catapults flew towards the camp of the Huns.

In an instant, four flames with a height of seven to eight feet bloomed in the army of the Huns, and each thunderstorm caused hundreds of casualties. Ren Neng laughed and shouted: "Come on!"

"Boom!" A huge shock resounded through the sky, and Hong Zhong Da Lu was even worse than it. Smoke and dust filled the air, flesh and blood flew across hundreds of meters, and the air was filled with the smell of burnt flesh.

Huo Qubing, who was still yawning, heard the rumbling sound that resounded through the sky, and instantly lost his sleepiness. Looking at the seven or eight feet high pillar of fire, he murmured, "It's so big!"

Nothing could be seen in the dark night, but these flames added a ray of light to the camp. The camp of the Huns was overthrown, and cattle and sheep ran everywhere. Temujin looked at the chaotic camp, but his heart was bleeding.

Temujin's face was pale, looking at the towering flames in the sky, his heart trembled, and he said solemnly: "How is Kublai Khan!"

Tuo Lei was also quite worried about Kublai Khan's comfort at the moment, it was his son, how could he not be worried, and Kublai Khan was also Temujin's chosen successor, Tuo Lei rode on a horse, looking at the smoky On the battlefield, he urged his horse away immediately, and shouted as he walked: "Hurry up and protect Khan and go first, I will save Tuolei! Hurry up!"

Wo Kuotai looked at the back of his fourth brother leaving, and suddenly a different thought arose in his heart, he quickly grabbed Temujin and said, "Chanyu! Let's go!"

"This..." Temujin was quite hesitant for a while, a little worried about Tuo Lei, and immediately shouted angrily: "Xian Deli, Zhang Guaiya, Qu Tutong, Yelu Guozhen, Yelu Dashi, go and protect Tuo Lei! Hurry up!"


Temujin looked a little embarrassed, looking at the barracks covered in flames, Temujin gritted his teeth and said, "Wenpin...!"

After being annoyed for a while, Temujin immediately turned his horse's head and shouted angrily, "Go!"

Wenpin Hu stared at the enemy in front of him, looked back and returned to Huo Qubing who hadn't moved yet, and immediately waved: "Shoot the arrow and tell Huo Qubing! Let's do it!"

"No!" The lieutenant general got the order and didn't dare to be negligent. He turned over, took off the rocket behind his back, and shot it into the sky.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...!" The sound of arrows sounded in the sky, and Huo Qubing, who was in shock, suddenly raised his head, looked at the rockets in the sky, and shouted loudly, "All troops charge!"

(End of this chapter)

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