Warring States Call

Chapter 2030: Chapter 240: Happy

Chapter 2030 Two thousand forty: Happy
Tuo Lei, who was out of danger at this moment, looked back and saw his face was blood red, looking at the soldiers of his side who were being massacred behind him, his messy hair was scattered wantonly, Tuo Lei Hu stared at the enemy, gritted his teeth and said: "Wenpin, Ma Chao, Huo Qubing ...I'm going to tear your corpses into thousands of pieces...Ahhhh!"

"Your Highness Tuo Lei, tens of thousands of soldiers will shed blood on the battlefield. This is the fate of generals. Your Highness will follow us back to the North Camp to prepare troops and horses, and fight to the death with the Korean army." Zhang guaiya is riding a horse. He is from the Central Plains. Tuo Lei felt very annoyed when he saw this face, pushed Zhang Guaiya away, and cursed angrily: "You bastards! Why don't you die! Why... ahhh!"

Zhang guaiya was pushed off the horse by Tuo Lei, and rolled several times on the ground. Tuo Lei seemed not relieved, got off the horse, pulled out the whip in his arms, and whipped Zhang guaiya dozens of times before getting back on the horse , breathed a sigh of relief, and returned to Beiying.

This is the normal state of the Huns. They can bully their slaves wantonly. Even if these slaves become generals, they are also the generals of those slave soldiers. The Huns, whether they are men, women, old or young, servants and slaves can abuse them wantonly. .

Zhang guaiya was whipped dozens of times, and his whole body was in burning pain. If he said that he was not angry, it would be a lie. Why would he allow himself to be humiliated, when he tried his best to save him, but in exchange for this He was not reconciled to the unfair treatment, he was annoyed, and a feeling of anger had already filled his brain.

Looking at Zhang guaiya below, Qu Tutong didn't think there was anything wrong with Tuo Lei's approach, and angrily scolded Zhang guaiya: "What are you doing in a daze! Don't leave yet!"

"Okay...Okay!" Zhang guaiya rubbed his aching arm, he could only suppress the anger in his heart, and followed Qu Tutong and the others back to Beiying.

"Father!" Tuo Lei, who had escaped from the death, saw Temujin's face ashamed, and Temujin glanced at the intact Tuo Lei, and finally let go of his hanging heart. Seeing that there was no shadow of Kublai Khan behind Tuo Lei, His heart skipped a beat, he gritted his teeth and asked, "Where's Kublai Khan?"

"I didn't find it!" Tuo Lei said here, and his whole person became depressed. He already had a guess in his mind that his child might be in danger of facing Tiger and Leopard Cavalry and Wenpin's Red Flame Army.

"It's good to be back! Let the old man teach the Han army a lesson! The whole army charges!" Temujin pulled out the scimitar in his arms and yelled angrily. Wash away the shame on yourself.

"Also first!" Temujin yelled angrily at a young general behind Okuotai.

"The last general is here!" Yexian was drenched in blood, and rode a horse to Temujin's side, the armor on his body was still dripping with blood, obviously he had just returned from the battlefield.

"You are the vanguard, rush to kill the enemy's camp to open the way for the army!" Temujin shouted angrily, his dark face was blown by the cold wind, and he looked excited and majestic. It showed its fangs, ready to bite its prey.

"Understood" also nodded his head heavily, prepared [-] cavalry, got on his horse, held two round moon scimitars, waved around and shouted angrily: "The whole army will charge with me!"

"Kill!" The prairie soldier shouted hoarsely, brandishing the scimitar in his hand, and rushed towards the Han army in a dark manner. The momentum was so great that it was like a flood of beasts, and every blow would plunder a person's life.

Ma Chao's vanguard army collided with the enemy head-on, and the two armies fought. Although the tiger and leopard cavalry were well-armored, the grassland, which had been grieved for a long time, burst out with super fighting power, biting the enemy in front of it, but refused Let go, Ma Chao also felt that it was tricky, led thousands of cavalry, charged left and right for a while, but it was too difficult to fight with four feet, and immediately led the soldiers and horses to fight and retreat.

Huo Qubing squinted his eyes and listened carefully to the shouts of killing coming from three sides. His expression changed involuntarily, and he immediately turned his horse's head and shouted angrily, "Withdraw the army! After Zhuge's crossbow is broken! Tell Wenpin to withdraw the army and let him use the shock Thunder cover.

"Understood!" Ning Zhan rode his horse, looked ahead, and immediately blew the horn slowly. The army immediately understood, turned their horses and retreated outside.

Deng Qiang and Zhang Hao got ready on the spot, and looked at the enemy soldiers who were biting behind them, and loaded the Zhuge Liannu in their hands one after another.

"Drive!" Ma Chao led [-] cavalrymen to evacuate backwards. Hearing the retreat horn, Zhang Hao and the others were ready to go. Ma Chao took out the dagger in his arms and stabbed the horse's buttocks. It was three times faster than before, and the soldiers under his command imitated the example, one after another, the distance between the two armies gradually widened.

Zhang Hao and Deng Qiang looked at each other and shouted angrily: "Reverse riding!"

When the soldiers under his command heard this, they rode on the horses backwards, facing the horse's buttocks.

Ma Chao's silver armor was stained with blood, and when he passed the two faces from the side, he panted heavily and said, "I'll leave it to you two!"

"Let's go!" Deng Qiang waved his hand, motioning for Ma Chao to leave quickly. Ma Chao did not hesitate, and quickly fled forward, steering the horse.

"Let's go!" Zhang Hao and the others no longer hesitated, they slapped their horses one after another, aiming at the enemy with the Zhuge Liannu in their hands.

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" Thousands of cavalry rode back on their horses, and greeted the enemy with the Zhuge Liannu in their hands.

"Swoosh... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" a bloody soldier was shot in the throat, and fell directly into a pool of blood with a thud, shaking countless blood and filth.

This kind of situation is happening in Yexian chasing the vanguard army, and it is constantly staged. Yexian glared at the tiger and leopard riders in front of him. This is completely playing them like monkeys. They are men on horseback. How can they bear such a situation? insult.

"Bastard... the archers are still shooting arrows!" Yexian stared angrily, drew the bow and set the arrow, the bow was drawn to the full moon, the arrow's edge was cold, and he aimed coldly at the enemy in front, and shouted: "Hit!"

"Whoosh!" The cold arrow shot down through the wind and hit the tiger and leopard rider's armor, but only sparked some fireworks on his body, which had no effect at all. The armor of the tiger and leopard knight was heavy iron, weighing forty The defense power is amazing, as long as it is not hit by heavy weapons such as mountain axes and maces, it has almost no effect.

"Hahahahaha! Bastards of the prairie! I won't play with you anymore! Let's go!" Zhang Hao laughed loudly. After shooting the Zhuge Liannu in his hand, he turned over on his horse, which showed that he was proficient in bowing horses.

"Bastard! Catch up with me! Kill them!" Seeing that he was being teased first, he was so angry that he was so angry that there was only white smoke coming out of his two nostrils. He stared at the fleeing enemy army, and then shot the sword in his hand. He pulled out the dagger in his arms, stabbed the horse's abdomen, and shouted angrily: "Go for me! The enemy soldiers are wearing heavy armor, so they won't be able to run very far! Catch them! Let me kill them! Ye Li Wangrong, Nori Renrong, you two flank the enemy army on the left and right! Chase and kill me! Hurry up!"

"Yes!" The two middle-aged men rushed out, one on the left and the other on the right. They had similar faces, but the momentum in the corners of their eyes was different. Yeli Wangrong had the wildness and bravery of a soldier, while Yeli Renrong was cautious and very cautious. Vigilant, with the elegance and delicacy of a literati.

The two urged their horses out, followed closely by tens of thousands of troops. Deng Qiang and Zhang Hao looked at the flag of the Red Flame Army at the gate of the camp, laughed and said, "General Wenpin! We sent you a Great gift! These people will be handed over to you!"

Wenpin's expression froze for a moment, seeing tens of thousands of troops following closely, Wenpin's expression changed suddenly, he immediately turned his horse's head, and shouted angrily: "Get ready for Zhentianlei! Let it go!"

The black shocking thunder was thrown directly at the black grassland cavalry, and thousands of flaming black iron balls filled the vanguard army in an instant. After previous tactical research, they roughly grasped the purpose and use of this weapon of the enemy. With the power of the range, he immediately shouted angrily: "The whole army spread out and charge! Quick!"

"Scatter...quick!...scatter!" Nori Renrong hurriedly called the surrounding soldiers to scatter, but he never noticed a small black ball on the explosive horse's crotch.

White smoke drifted out from the burning black Thunderbolt, and Ye Lirenrong seemed to have noticed something strange. When he looked at it, the fuse of Thunderbolt had burned out.

"Boom...!" There was a loud noise, the smoke and dust filled the air, and the dust exploded within a radius of three meters around Yeli Renrong's feet.

"Crack...!" The huge shock force directly exploded the pot, sending Nori Renrong flying a full five meters away before landing. At this moment, Nori Renrong's body was scorched black with white smoke rising from his left thigh. He and his right hand were bombed and there was no time left, blood was splashed wantonly, it was still difficult to survive in this state.

"Boom...boom...boom!" Thousands of thunderbolts exploded at once, like grand fireworks, Yeli Wangrong was thrown off his horse, and was trampled to death by the panicked horses behind.

There was smoke and dust behind the five thousand red flame cavalry, and many grasslands looked pale. The sound of the bombing just now was vivid in their minds. As long as a few resolute soldiers dared to go after them, they did not dare to approach them easily, lest they would become cannon fodder.

"Let's go! Let's go!" After one shell was dealt with, Wenpin saw that the target of the remaining prairie cavalry was not clear, and immediately led the army to retreat quickly. During this period, he carefully counted the rounds of shells fired just now. No one should still have them now. There are 5000 people under his command, which means that they only have the last [-] pieces left. If they throw them away, they will be finished with them, and judging by the posture of the prairie cavalry, they may be bitten. put.

"Destroy them! Don't panic! Their hands are gone, let me do it." Based on the calculations just now, he roughly understood that the thunder in the enemy's hands is limited, and directed the panicked soldiers to continue charging.

"Set up the fire feather array!" Wen Pin looked indifferent, seeing that there were not many Thunderbolts in his arms, and swept away the enemy troops who were chasing after him. Since they were unwilling to let him go, he would give him the same Check out the color.

Tens of thousands of head-sized kerosene bags were untied and thrown directly on the ground. The kerosene splashed all over the ground. Wenpin hurriedly led the soldiers and charged forward for hundreds of meters before stopping and turning the horse's head. Taking out the two Zhentianlei tied together in his arms, he shouted angrily at a tiger general behind him: "Gao Gu!"

"In" I saw Gao Gu riding a big maroon horse to Wenpin's side, Wenpin threw the Thunderbolt in his hand to him, and said indifferently: "I'll leave it to you!"

"No!" Gao Gu chuckled, then ignited the Thunderbolt, shook it twice in the air, and threw it directly at the previous kerosene bag.

"Ding, the high-solid throwing stone attribute is activated, and the high-solid force value is increased by 10 when throwing stones, and the current high-solid force value is 110!"

Some experienced prairie cavalry retreated to both sides when they saw the flames, but the next second.

"Boom!" The thunder exploded, and countless sparks shot away. The kerosene flowing on the ground was instantly ignited, and countless fires burned. The entire grassland cavalry was trapped in the fire, and thousands of people were killed. Get away, fall off the horse, and die in the sea of ​​fire.

Among them is a fire horse covered in flames that shuttles through the flames, like a hellfire horse from a movie, extremely gorgeous and beautiful, but behind this beauty is the neighing and pain of the war horse.

"Woo!" Yexian hastily reined in his horse, and the red flames reflected his face, and Yexian's face turned blue. He didn't dare to speak, for fear of offending the coach beside him.

"Zahamu!" Ye Xian gritted his teeth and shouted angrily at the soldiers behind him.

"Here!" I saw a strong man in the middle, with two whips tied on his head, coming and leaving behind with a respectful expression.

"Collect the corpses for the soldiers...!" Yexian seemed to hesitate for a long time, staring at the sea of ​​flames in front of him, finally turned his horse's head and returned to the barracks to plead guilty.

"Hahahahaha! Happy! It's so happy!" Deng Qiang and Zhang Hao laughed, not to mention how happy they were, and Huo Qubing also met with Yue Fei. The two top generals looked at each other. Yue Fei immediately Knowing that this time is a victory, the hanging heart is relieved.

"Back to camp!" Yue Fei waved his hand, it was already ugly time, that is, around four o'clock, the sky was gradually turning white, and everyone returned to the barracks with victories.

When they arrived at the military tent, they were a little surprised. Seeing the smoke everywhere, many people's faces darkened a lot. After asking, they found out that Mu Huali really led [-] cavalry to attack the camp, and Han Xin and Wu Qi were simply on guard. The loss was even greater.

Mu Huali returned to the camp, seeing the smoke everywhere, he was completely stunned, is this still my original camp?So everywhere... corpses and flesh and blood.

Mu Huali entered the big tent, three corpses were covered on the ground, Tuo Lei's eyes were red and swollen, Temujin's expression was not good-looking, the atmosphere in the hall was frighteningly suppressed, Mu Huali instantly understood that they had also encountered an ambush.

Everyone inside the big tent had different expressions, and the outside of the big tent was covered with scorched earth. There were thousands of potholes on the ground, as if they had been thrown by wolves. When he carefully recalled the scenes that passed by just now, Mu Huali instantly thought of Zhentianlei this weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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