Warring States Call

Chapter 2031 Chapter 241: Little Doctor Han Huang

Chapter 2031 Chapter two thousand 41: Little Doctor Han Huang
"This battle...our army...what are the casualties!" Temujin gritted his teeth, his tiger eyes were red, it was obvious that he was about to go crazy.

"15 troops! Not one or two left." Wo Kuotai shook his head helplessly. This battle was too tragic. There were 15 losses and soldiers were injured. I am afraid that 3 people will not survive tonight. In short, more than half of the troops tonight are lost here.

Wo Kuotai swallowed his saliva, glanced at Tuolei, and said directly: "Kublai Khan died in battle, Miwu Zhenxiaolitu, A Shu, Wei Daer, Yelu Dashi, Yelu Guozhen, Yuan Haowen, Ye Liren Sakae and Nori Wangrong have a total of nine generals, all of whom died in this battle!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Temujin threw the whip in his hand to the ground, furiously, with his hands on his waist, his eyes were red, he looked at Mu Huali who just came back, and shouted angrily: "Where are you? How is it! Did the sneak attack succeed?"

Mu Huali shook his head and said: "The two famous generals of the Han army, Han Xin and Wu Qi, guarded against death, and I didn't succeed at all! Charged back and forth three times, and then retreated, beheading more than 1 enemy troops...!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Temujin kicked away the brazier in front of him.

Okudei did not mention the casualties of the enemy army, otherwise he was afraid that Temujin would collapse even more. According to the corpses of the enemy army, they did not even have two thousand people in this night attack, and the casualties were one to ten. In the First World War, one can imagine how tragic Temujin's soldiers and horses were.

"Chan Yu! Now is not the time to worry about this! What should our army do now, should we continue to fight, or...!" Yelu Chucai bluntly reminded Temujin that if the fight continues like this, there is no need for Han As soon as the army went out to fight, some small tribes on the grassland began to attract their attention.

Temujin stared at Yelu Chucai resentfully, his eyes wished to swallow Yelu Chucai, and wanted to get angry at Yelu Chucai, Boyan on the side hurriedly said: "My lord! Withdraw our troops! We are fighting with the Han army. Fight! They don't know our base area, we can completely fight guerrilla warfare with them on the plains tens of thousands of miles away, and when the enemy's front line is stretched, we attack their food and grass, surround them without attacking, and we will be defeated!"

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo!" Temujin exhaled wearily, and thought carefully about Boyan's suggestion that to become a king, one must have the courage to face failure. At this time, Temujin closed his eyes and meditated, Thinking carefully about Boyan's proposal, there is another most critical factor. They lost more than half of their cattle and sheep in this battle. Logistics and food and grass have become problems, so Temujin has no choice. Eyes, picked up the horsewhip on the ground, put it on his waist, and shouted angrily: "Withdraw!"

And Zhang guaiya, who had been at the back of the big tent, heard it, and some mischief had arisen in his heart. The haze and anger that had been squeezed in his heart were finally released under Tuo Lei's whips. He was not a fool, he wanted to Take control of your own destiny, not let others ravage it.

However, at this time Temujin looked at the corpse below and thought to himself: Han Yi, you have not won, and I have not lost either!Let's see our last game!Come here if you have the ability to hunt down!I am waiting for you deep in the grassland! "

Inside the Korean army tent

Listening to Wenpin and Huo Qubing's battle report, Han Yi couldn't help laughing and said, "Pass my order to reward the three armies, kill sheep and slaughter meat! Celebrate our heroes!"

"Cai!" Everyone shouted in unison, cheering for Huo Qubing and the others.

"Wait a minute, my lord!" Huo Qubing hastily stretched out his hand to stop him, and said with a stern expression, "The Xiongnu are still alive, why celebrate the victory? Although the enemy army has been severely injured right now, the foundation of the Xiongnu is still there! If we don't take the opportunity to disable them, we will definitely repeat the same mistakes in the future!"

One word from Huo Qubing suppressed the flames of the crowd. Many generals looked Huo Qubing up and down, and thought to themselves: This kid broke his head in the war, why is he so stubborn!You are not happy to celebrate with you! "

"Your Majesty thinks what General Huo Qubing said makes sense!" Yue Fei also agrees with Huo Qubing's remarks at this moment. These two stand up together, a typical perfect match.

Huo Qubing's uncle, Wei Qing, could only stand up and persuade Huo Qubing, saying, "Qubing! Your Majesty's kindness! After all, you've been fighting all night, so it's time to rest!"

"It is precisely because this is the kindness of the king! Those of us who are courtiers should help the king solve problems, eat the king's salary, and be loyal to the king. My colleagues, we have come to this grassland for thousands of miles. It is not for celebration, Chang'an's singing and dancing. Shengping, wouldn’t Goulan wine shop be more lively and enjoyable than here, but if we only care about enjoying ourselves, who can protect our home and country!” Huo Qubing said that everyone’s faces were flushed, even Wei Qing couldn’t hold back his face, and was beaten My nephew taught me a lesson, it felt weird, but I couldn't refute this kid.

Han Yi also only felt that what Huo Qubing said made sense, but seeing the tired eyes of everyone, Han Yi was about to turn around, but Yue Fei on the side bowed his hands and said: "Your Majesty! Think about the [-] Yunzhong County who were taken captive. People, they are still in dire straits!"

Yue Fei's sentence doubled the critical hit point. Originally, everyone thought that Huo Qubing was young and energetic and didn't understand bureaucratic ways, but Yue Fei's sentence undoubtedly started from the highest point of morality and justice. He said that they were ashamed of themselves. Look People's awareness, people's work attitude.

"Your Majesty Yue Fei and General Huo Qubing are right! Save the common people!" Wu Qi also came out to stand in line at this moment, and Han Xin couldn't sit still, he hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "My lord! Put the overall situation first!"

Good guy!He directly dumped the blame on Han Yi, thinking that he wanted to rest and have fun, but he didn't know that some of them shouted louder than anyone else just now.

"Cough cough!" Han Yi coughed twice in embarrassment, looking at Huo Qubing who was in blood armor, he couldn't bear it, and immediately said: "Let's do this! Eat while discussing the battle opportunity! First, to replenish physical strength, and second, not to waste it time!"

"Promise!" Everyone agreed, even Huo Qubing and Yue Fei stopped singing the opposite tune.

The big tent was thinking hard about countermeasures, but the wounded and sick camp was in full swing. Many soldiers who were ambushed by Mu Huali were sent to the wounded and sick camp. The wailing sounded everywhere. Bian Que, Hua Tuo, and Zhang Zhongjing were already running After working for three hours, all of them are tired, dizzy, and their eyes are red. They have to treat hundreds of people on average, and they rest for an hour and a half a day at most, which is an hour. They are all yawning tiredly , can only keep pricking himself with needles.

Han Ming also learned some simple tasks here, serving tea and pouring water, burning a knife to fetch cloth, his two pink hands were already dirty and his hair was messy.

"Dinner is ready!" A cook was holding a basket full of steaming steamed buns and broth, which was Han Yi's special order.

The wounded and sick need to improve their food, otherwise soldiers who can live the rest of their lives in peace and stability will be in danger because of insufficient nutrition and burnt down diseases.

The food was delivered by a 50-year-old veteran who had his hamstring cut off on the battlefield and was unable to use his strength. Now he can only be a firefighter. When people asked him why he didn't retire and go home to enjoy his old age, the old man said that his wife After his death, his son got married again and didn't want to cause trouble for them.

Every retired soldier will cause some troubles for his children when he goes back. They will maintain the military habits, wait for the battle, and return home, but it is not as good as the habit of staying in the army.

The veteran is called Yang Huzi, because his surname is Yang and he has a goatee, so people call him Goatee.

Goatee held two steamed buns and a bowl of broth, and handed them to a soldier lying on the ground with a smile. He took the steamed buns and broth with both hands, but he could not move his feet, and shouted at Old Yang Huzi: " Thanks! Old Goatee!"

"Hey! What's the matter with you boy begging for a beating! Is your leg healed? If you're ready, go out quickly and don't take up space here!" The old goatee scolded angrily.

The soldier grinned dryly, but the soldier beside him with injured hands smiled and said, "Uncle Yang, don't talk to him! How about what I told you last time, betroth your daughter to me!"

"Bah! Just you little cripple! Just stay here! My daughter is something you can marry!" Old Yang Huzi directly took the steamed buns and stuffed them into his mouth, and handed over the soup to him. He said: "Be careful not to spill it! One bowl for one person! Live well! When this war is over! Go home! Life will be better!"

When it came to going home, these wounded soldiers felt a little lonely, and a smarter soldier beside him hurriedly shouted, "Zhang Mazi! What kind of eyes do you have? It's just his girl! You can even fall in love with her."

"Hey! What's wrong with my daughter! Xiao Guozi, please tell me clearly! Otherwise, I will smash you with a spoon... and I won't give you food!" Old Yang Huzi left after speaking, the wounded soldier named Xiao Guozi Hastily smiled and said: "Farewell, Mr. Yang! I owe you! Please forgive me!"

"Hmph! Look at you, you'll be fine! I'll give you two steamed buns! Hurry up and pack up your things! Let's go back to the team!" Old Yang Huzi had sharp eyes, and when he saw that the kid had recovered from his injuries, he didn't want to leave!Obviously wanting to drink some soup.

Xiao Guozi didn't care, picked up the two steamed buns on the table, first thanked Bian Que and others, and then said to everyone: "Brothers and old brothers! Li Guo is leaving! I will go on." Kill the dog, the mountain is high and the road is far away! We will see each other in the future!"

"Come back! Come back!" The surrounding soldiers yelled one after another, avoiding the hospital, but how did they know that it was better than dying to be able to reach the wounded and sick camp alive on the battlefield.

And these people yelled to come back as soon as they could, which meant that they must not die, even if they were injured, it didn't matter.

Old Yang Huxu pushed the grain cart, glanced at Han Huang who was burning the knife, his face was stunned, pointed at Han Huang and said: "Who does this little baby belong to!"

A veteran shouted: "Master Bian Que's apprentice! I don't know why! You can call him Ah Huang!"

"Oh! This poor baby!" The old goat picked up a bowl of soup and handed it to Han Huang, "Little baby! Don't burn it! Eat something first!"

Han Huang was taken aback for a moment, then looked at the steamed buns on the car, reached out and took a piece, shook it at the old goat and said, "Thank you! I just want one of these!"

After speaking, Han Huang was biting the steamed bun with a burning knife in one hand, maybe he was really hungry. Han Huang, who was used to delicacies from mountains and seas, didn't care that it was just an ordinary steamed bun.

Burning a knife is a technical job. The knife cannot be continuously fired. Once the temperature is not enough, it will not be able to heal the wound and will only cause secondary damage to people. Therefore, Han Huang is very careful, but every time the knife comes The temperature was so high that he had to switch his hands back and forth.

No!Han Huang really couldn't stand the temperature on the knife, he took a steamed bun in his mouth, and hurriedly changed hands. Lao Yang glanced at it casually, and found that several blisters had appeared on the child's palm.

"Poor child!" Old Yang Huzi tore open a steamed bun, fished out a piece of meat from the pot, put it on the steamed bun, and patted Han Huang on the head.

Han Huang turned her head, took off the steamed bun in her mouth, looked at Lao Yang's beard and said, "How is grandpa!"

"I'm hungry! I'll trade with you!" After Lao Yang Huzi finished speaking, he took the steamed bun in Han Huang's hand, put the steamed bun with meat in his mouth, and limped away pushing the cart , By the way, he bowed his hand and said: "Wait! I will bring you a cake tonight!"

"Thank you, grandpa!" Han Huang smiled, and seeing that the knife was almost burned, she came to the soldier with a scratched calf, held the knife in both hands and said, "Uncle! You did it yourself! Or I will help you!"

The man was covered in blood, and there was an eight-centimeter incision on his calf. The man swallowed his saliva, looked at Han Huang and said, "Thank you, little brother! Brothers on both sides! Help hold me down! Thank you!"

Both sides were slightly wounded, one was pressing the soldier's left leg with his hand, and the other was holding the soldier's injured leg, and then gave Han Huang a positive look and said, "Little brother! Come on!"

Han Huang did not hesitate, and directly pressed it firmly. Bian Que once handed Han Huang his hand, and he must not hesitate to strike, lest the soldier suffer the crime, and the wound has not healed. Although Han Huang is afraid, he is still dead. Pressing the burning knife, white smoke appeared in front of Han Huang.

The wounded soldier was scalded desperately. First he clung to the mat on the ground, and then he couldn't control it anymore. His legs reflexively shrank back. The two soldiers simply pressed tightly. It lasted for about half a minute without flinching, before Han Huang let go of his hand. Seeing that the wound was scalded, he picked up the refreshing herb prepared in advance and applied it to the soldier's leg. After doing this, the soldier Already passed out. After all, burning is painful, which is not something ordinary people can bear.

Han Huang also breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and threw the burning knife into the wooden barrel. A professional person would pick it up and clean it. Now what Han Huang needs to do is to hug the firewood. Add fire to the extinguished fire. After all, this is the wounded and sick. Now it is spring again. On the grassland, the temperature difference between day and night is large. There are not enough quilts, so we can only use torches. First, it can burn knives, and second, it can keep warm .

(End of this chapter)

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