Warring States Call

Chapter 2032 Chapter 242: Zhang guaiya's rebellion

Chapter 2032 Two thousand 42: Zhang guaiya's rebellion
At the beginning of March, after a great battle, everyone was exhausted, and Han Yi was no exception. After two days of rest, Han Yi also got news from Tuobaqian, Temujin's remaining 20 troops, Withdrew north!
At the moment, there was not even a single person in the camp where the banners and flags were still flying. Han Yi rode a horse and came to this Huns camp. Looking at the empty barracks, Han Yi's heart sank, if he went back like this, It can indeed be regarded as a big victory. With 50 cavalry mixed and beheaded 20 cavalry, the Huns must not dare to go south to graze horses for decades.

However, Temujin, the overlord, existed on the grassland. As long as Temujin and Okuotai survived, the Xiongnu could survive for at least 20 years, and Han Yi could not guarantee that he would be free from illness and disaster during these 20 years. So at this time, Han Yi was a little entangled, maybe leaving Temujin to his descendants to deal with, but as soon as this idea came out, Han Yi immediately vetoed it.

Not to mention Temujin's ability, whether Han Chen and Han Huang will be Temujin's opponents will be a question. Han Yi held the emperor's hatred on his waist and said for a long time, "Tuobaqian!"

"Here!" Tuobaqian clasped his fists with a dignified expression.

"How far is Temujin's lair from here!" Han Yi asked with a sullen face, looking at the white clouds and blue sky in the sky.

"It's more than six hundred miles away from here, and it takes about five days to travel!" Tuobaqian looked solemn.

"Five days! The food and grass supply line for the follow-up transportation! There will be problems!" Han Yi thrust his waist, stroked his beard, squinted his eyes, and thought for a long time: "The white horse Yicong who passed the order to Zhao Yun, let them have 20 light armor The cavalry took the lead in chasing Temujin's army, the tiger and leopard cavalry wandered around, and the black cloud cavalry followed, each of them had to carry [-] troops of dry food for [-] days, do you understand!" Han Yi pressed his arms Holding the sword in his hand, he glared at the crowd with a resolute expression.


"Tuobaqian, you lead the way for the vanguard, this time you will fight alone!" Han Yi pressed the weapon in his arms, this is the final decisive battle, Han Yi also wants to be crazy, one battle will determine the world, as long as the pursuit Go to Temujin and this battle will be over.

"Your Majesty! Don't risk yourself! At the end of this battle, you will go for your Majesty!" When the generals under his command heard this, their hearts froze. , they must obstruct.

"Enough! Time doesn't wait for me! The matter of the military camp! Hand it all over to Han Xin, Han Ming stays in the military tent, Yue Fei!" Han Yi shouted angrily, looking at Yue Fei who came with him, with a resolute look on his face.

"The minister is here!" Yue Fei cupped his hands and bowed, looking like an old monk in meditation.

"You order [-] cavalry from the Beiwei army, and follow me to fight! Li Cunxiao, Gao Chong, Huang Feihu, and Jiang Song will go out with the army." Han Yi did what he said, without the slightest hesitation, he turned on Xiaobai directly, and at this time Xiaobai is also full of domineering, with white smoke coming out of his nose, as if telling everyone that he is finally able to go to the battlefield.

"I obey!" Yue Fei didn't stop him, but stretched out his hand to pull a cavalryman off his horse, turned on his horse, and followed Han Yi himself.

At Han Yi's order, nearly 25 cavalry marched northward. Among them, Zhao Yun's white-haired righteous congregation and the tiger and leopard cavalry's leopard cavalry were the vanguard, charging along the enemy in front. Han Yi's Beiwei army was the central army. Huo Qubing's tiger cavalry and Le Yi's black cloud iron cavalry were the rear troops, because one of their second armies could not run fast with luggage, and the other was that the cavalry under their command were all heavy armored cavalry, and their physical strength and endurance were not at all comparable to Zhao Yun's light cavalry The opponent's marching speed is naturally much slower.

Of course, in order to protect Han Yi's safety, Han Xin specially asked Wenpin to take five thousand red flame cavalry to go out with the army to ensure Han Yi's safety.

"Set off"

"Drive! Drive"

The strong wind moves for three thousand miles every day, and the black clouds run tens of thousands of feet. Dare to change the color of the sky and the earth, and don't let Hu captive cross the Yanmen.

Some people chased for three thousand miles. Although the scenery along the way was beautiful and magnificent, they didn't care to appreciate it.

"Woo...!" Tuobaqian turned over and got off the horse, looked around the surrounding environment, looked at the horseshoe prints on the grass, and thought for a long time.

Zhao Yun rode the Zhaoye Jade Lion, dressed in silver armor, standing out on the endless prairie, looked at Tuobaqian who was standing still, and said solemnly: "General Tuoba! We have been marching for three days. I didn’t see any shadow of the enemy, maybe I went the wrong way, if I can’t find it! We should find a way to solve the problem of water supply! Is there any water source around here?”

When fighting on the grassland, food is the main thing, but the water source is even more important. Because the water source on the grassland is extremely scarce, there is an unwritten rule on the grassland that you can't wash clothes or pee in the water. This is why the people on the grassland look dirty, because they don't have extra water to wash their faces. The water on the grassland can only be used for drinking, and it must not be used for other things.

"Wait...!" Tuobaqian interrupted Zhao Yun, got off his horse, and came to a pile of horse dung. Zhao Yun looked suspicious, got off his horse and came to Tuobaqian. Following him, watching Tuobaqian staring at the horse dung in front of him, Zhe Kecun was puzzled and said, "Isn't it just a piece of horse dung? What's the fuss about!"

However, Tuobaqian ignored him, and directly reached out to grab the horse manure, grabbed a handful, and played with it back and forth in his hands. This action made Zhao Yun and Zhe Kecun look pale, and Zhe Kecun stared at him in disgust. Looking at Tuobaqian, he said with disgust: "What are you doing!"

Tuobaqian ignored the two of them, and concentrated on playing with the horse dung in his hand. The wet horse dung was kneaded back and forth by Tuobaqian. Then Tuobaqian threw the horse dung in his hand to the ground, and put his hands on the ground. After rubbing back and forth, he said, "Let's go! The enemy is right in front! According to the moisture in the horse manure, the enemy is about ten miles away from our position! We are ready to fight!"

"How do you know! Just rely on this horse dung!" Zhe Kecun was in a tight situation, his eyes were wide open, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

"The weather is sunny today and the sun is very strong. If the horse manure exceeds a certain period of time, the water will evaporate and become very dry. The horse manure just now still has a lot of water, so I can be sure that the enemy is in front!" Tuobaqian turned over. Riding on the war horse, he glanced at Zhe Kecun contemptuously, and said contemptuously: "Boy! Don't think that after a few victories in the Central Plains, you can become lawless. This is the grassland!"

"You...!" Zhe Kecun was about to argue with Tuobaqian, but Zhao Yun stopped Zhe Kecun, cupped his hands at Tuobaqian and said, "I've been taught!"

"Yeah!" Tuobaqian ignored Zhao Yun, and while riding a war horse, he looked at the footprints below and said solemnly: "The number of enemy troops is about tens of thousands, and there are cart wheels on them, facing in three directions. Let’s go! Although our army has figured out the direction right now! But the exact location and time! I can’t judge!”

"You mean the enemy's troops are divided!" Zhao Yun rode on his horse and came to Tuobaqian's side, looking at the endless grassland, he frowned slightly.

"That's right! There are wheel marks all around, I can't tell which way the enemy is going!" Tuobaqian circled his robe, carefully wiped the corners of his mouth and palms, and took a deep breath.

"Where do these two roads correspond to?" Zhao Yun asked with a puzzled expression.

"These two roads can reach Temujin's base camp, but one has to pass through Wolf Mountain, and the other has to cross the river!" Tuobaqian said solemnly, leading the horse.

"This is easy to handle, as long as you can judge according to the depth of the wheel! If it is heavier, you can judge where Temujin's baggage is!" Zheke kept his words and pointed to the road passing Langshan: "Where As the car prints get deeper, it should be there!"

"Where is the ambush!" A cool voice came out, and I saw a prairie general urging his horse out. I saw this man with a surly complexion, red eyes, wearing leather armor, holding a sword, and staring at him like a tiger. Everyone, Zhe Kecun saw that it was the Huns, and immediately shouted angrily: "Get ready to fight! There are enemies!"

"Wait a minute" Zhang Guaiya waved his hand immediately, and said indifferently, "I am here to rely on you! Long time no see Tuobaqian!"

"Zhang guaiya!" Tuobaqian was stunned for a moment, his tiger eyes staring at Zhang guaiya, his expression dazed.

"When I hunted you down in the past, I let you go! But I still remember!" Zhang Guaiya said indifferently, pointing at Tuobaqian with a resolute expression.

"Of course I know! Didn't you stay well under Temujin's command? Why did you appear here!" Tuobaqian looked suspicious, staring at the surroundings, looking at the surrounding grasslands, all of them were endless, and his expression was involuntary Seriously, this Zhang guaiya really dared to come alone, maybe he was cheating.

"I can't stay any longer! Just like you in the past, even if I go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire, I still can't change the situation that I am a slave! Since I can't change it with him! Then I simply don't want to be a slave! I want to be my own master !" Zhang guaiya stretched out his palm and grasped it tightly. He really wanted to say to Temujin, I originally wanted to be a loyal dog, but you forced Wan to be an unfamiliar dog. Wolf, you brought all this on yourself.

"I have a good strategy to defeat the enemy! Dedicate it to the King of Han!" Seeing that the few people did not move, Zhang Guiya immediately spoke up.

"Drive... drive... drive...!" There was another sound behind Zhao Yun, and Han Yi led an army of [-] backs chasing him. Zhao Yun turned pale, and then secretly said: Too much time wasted here!well!
"What's going on! Why don't you go forward!" Han Yi looked suspiciously at the military flag of Baima Yicong, and led Yue Fei and his son to find out.

"My lord! This person wants to surrender!" Zhao Yun pointed at Zhe Kecun with a stern expression.

Han Yi was also puzzled for a while, but Zhang guaiya on the side turned over suddenly, imitating the etiquette of the Central Plains, knelt on the ground and said: "Zhang guaiya has seen the king!"

"Zhang guaiya!" Han Yi squinted his eyes, looked Zhang guaiya up and down, and asked tentatively, "People from the Central Plains!"

"Yes! My father and mother are both from the Central Plains! They were taken captive to the Huns in the 28th year of Zhao Guo!" Year.

"Oh! What! What do you want to do!" Han Yi squinted his eyes, glanced up and down at Zhang guaiya, and said with a smile on his face.

"King Qibao! I can lead the way for the army and guarantee that Temujin can be destroyed," Zhang Guaiya said with a determined look.

"Oh! There is no love for no reason! There is no hate for no reason either! Say what you want! I just want to hear it!" Han Yi thought that Zhang Guaiya could be used. After all, it depends on his appetite. If it's too small, kill it, because people with such things are either ambitious or vain.

"I am willing to rule the entire grassland for the king! Be the king's most loyal eagle dog on the grassland." Zhang guaiya's expression was sharp, and his eyes were a little surly.

Han Yi squinted his eyes and looked at Zhang guaiya. He took three breaths. At this moment, Zhang guaiya was already sweating profusely. He already had a premonition of his own tragedy after Han Yi refused.

"Okay! I promise you!" Han Yi stared at Zhang guaiya with a smile, and looked at Zhang guaiya who was kneeling below. Han Yi stroked Xiaobai's hair and said with a smile: "As long as Temujin is defeated, the lonely I will make you a good king!"

"Thank you, king! I will use my life to rise up to the heavens and never betray!" Zhang Guerai raised his left hand high, swearing to the blue sky.

Han Yi immediately smiled and said, "Have a rest for half an hour, and then get ready to go!"

"No!" When everyone heard this, they all breathed a sigh of relief, but at this moment Han Yi got off Xiaobai, supported his crotch, and ran the horse for three days in a row. Han Yi, who hadn't mounted a horse for many years, suddenly I almost didn't get used to it.

Guo Jia, who was behind, rushed to catch up, and said embarrassedly: "Why did the king make him king! Wouldn't it be...!"

"Don't worry!" Han Yi took a few steps casually, calmed his body, and said solemnly: "I have observed Zhang Guaiya carefully, and I have a deep resentment towards the Huns at the moment. Zhang guaiya will only arouse conflicts between the two sides. When the Huns will rebel, Zhang guaiya must suppress the rebellion. Both sides are constantly weakening their strength, and Gu will slowly eat away the grassland and set up counties outside Yanmen Pass. , build a city wall, encourage intermarriage between the two races, and let them be completely assimilated by me. After a hundred years, the Huns will naturally cease to exist! As for this cute cliff, it will take three years at most! Three years later! Guzai will send someone to take over! Aren't they all the same?"

"But Your Majesty! How did you know that there would be conflicts between the two of them? And this Zhang Guaiya acted like this! Don't you worry, Your Majesty?" Guo Jia, who was with the army, looked quite worried.

"Feng Xiao! Greed is more reassuring than ambition. This Zhang Guaiya is a greedy person! And...!" Han Yi squinted his eyes, looking at the soft clouds in the sky with tiger eyes, and said indifferently: "Gu Shuo He will! He will!"

After resting for half an hour, Han Yi's hundreds of thousands of troops pursued him. According to Zhang Guaiya's reminder, Han Yi easily detected Temujin's movements.

Temujin's scouts also found Han Yi's army, and hurried back to report. Temujin glanced at the generals in the big tent, and said for a while: "Modun, Li Yuanhao!"

"Here!" The two tiger generals fought out, their expressions dignified, but the faces of the two were not good-looking. They were going to face the troops of the Han army with thunder.

"The two of you lead the headquarters to block the Han army! Buy time for our army to retreat! Er Zhuzhao, you stay too!"

(End of this chapter)

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