Warring States Call

Chapter 205 Anger

Chapter 205 Anger

Feng Ting struck fiercely without any hesitation. Concubine Liu never thought that she would die like this until she died. What he didn't expect the most was that there were people in Song Kingdom who were not afraid of him, Liu Yu...

Feng Ting's approach was deeply appreciated by Song Henggong, Song Henggong clapped his hands and applauded, he hated Concubine Liu to the bone, and now what needs to be done is to recruit troops...

Song Henggong got the control of the palace in one night, and he also has the control of [-] soldiers and horses in his hands. He is half happy and half worried!
Song Henggong looked at the bright moon and looked up to the sky and sighed, he didn't know why he was worried, and there was no one behind him, just a few of his cronies.

"Why does Your Majesty sigh!" Feng Ting looked puzzled, Song Henggong should be happy to be able to gain control of the palace, but now he is downcast.

The savage tiger on Feng Ting's left pulled Feng Ting's sleeve and said, "I have a hundred thousand troops in Song Dynasty, of which [-] are guards going south to guard against Feng Yi, and Liu Yu is in charge of [-] troops at once. Soldiers and horses!" Manhu explained, stroking his sword.

"Then what about the other [-]?" Feng Ting scratched his head, thinking about it...

"The other [-] yuan is in the hands of the big family of the clan! Rui, Ji, and Fei are in charge. Among them, the Fei family has already taken refuge in Liu Yu, and the other two have their own ghosts and won't listen to the king's orders?" Manhu was helpless, his eyes stayed on On this king.

Feng Ting also sneered in his heart, he came here to muddy the waters of Song State, now it seems...

"Your Majesty is willing to persuade Rui and Ji to serve your Majesty." Feng Ting stepped forward with confidence and said to Song Henggong.

"Oh!" Song Henggong showed a difference. Although there are many people under his command, none of them are suitable to be lobbyists. This Li Ge really knows how to live and die...

Manhu just wanted to stretch out his hand to pull Li Ge back, but Li Ge was too fast, and he didn't hold back for a while. Everyone knew the strength of the two families, so he never dared to go. .

Song Henggong stroked his beard, looked Feng Ting up and down, and asked, "Does the general know the power of these two families!"

"I don't know!" Feng Ting was categorical, cursing in his heart: His mother's father just came, how do you know, now riding a tiger is hard to get off, at worst, the fish will die and the net will be broken...

"Man Hu, talk to General Li Ge and see if our General Li still has the courage to go!" Song Henggong joked, like a test or a joke.

"Yes!" Manhu replied, and said to Feng Ting with a bad face, "Rui and Ji are the two big families of Tunji in Kuiqiu. They have kept each other in check and have been fighting for the control of the city. The Ji family is Wang's surname, and is the king's clan. The current head of the family is Himelu, who is a general. The head of the Rui family, Rui Cheng, has become a family that can compete with Himeji after several years of development. In order to buy him off, Liu Yu , make him a general, but this guy is a white-eyed wolf, not for Liu Yu's use!"

The tiger is finished!Feng Ting also frowned. According to this situation, it is really uncontrollable and difficult to deal with...

Song Henggong stared at Feng Ting's wonderful expression, and couldn't laugh or cry: "General Li is kind, I know, but this matter is not trivial, so there is no need to be embarrassed by General Li!"

"Your Majesty can convince both of them, but it requires you to give up one city... But it will allow you to get [-] troops?" Feng Ting hesitated, and he himself was afraid that the strategy would be useless...

"Oh! Please tell me, General!" Song Heng said solemnly.

"Himelu is the king's clan. As long as the king promises great benefits, he will definitely help the king. What is lacking in Ruicheng is a city where he can develop himself. The king can grant him the territory of the Fei clan. If there are interests, there will be conflicts, and we are gathering the forces of Ji Rui and the two families to jointly attack the Fei family, so that the king can control the three families without any effort, and can also use the troops of the Fei family for his own use!"

Song Henggong lowered his head and pondered. Feng Ting's words were reasonable, and his complexion began to relax a lot: "The general really has a clever plan, and I will leave this matter to you. In addition, Manhu and Dilong will go with you to assist you."

"Thank you king!"

"The last general takes the order!
The three of them came out at the same time, Feng Ting acted nonchalantly on the surface, but in his heart he had already greeted Song Henggong's ancestors for eighteen generations, didn't this clearly mean that he didn't trust himself?Let Manhu and Dillon supervise themselves?

Long nights of mindless sleep!Han Qinhu strode back and forth, feeling a little upset in his heart. The wound on his arm was also bandaged indiscriminately, but luckily it stopped the bleeding.

The soldiers on the city wall were so tired that they fell asleep one by one, and they all slept very heavily. Obviously, the defensive battles these days had made the soldiers very tired, and the soil bags Liu Yu piled up under the city were getting higher and higher.

Han Qinhu also tried to send people to open the city gate to break up the soil bags, but Liu Yu directly blocked the city gate, and he couldn't get out at all, so he asked the soldiers to push down, and Liu Yu set up archers outside the gate. Drop one and shoot the other.

Dozens of brothers have also died one after another in the past few days. Seeing that the mound is getting higher and higher, but there is nothing he can do, he is also extremely anxious. Why is Xie An still not recovering, and he has not come back until now.

"Go away!" A soldier talked in his sleep and kicked away the broken rice bag he had covered. Han Qinhu had no choice but to take off the cloak on his back and cover it with the soldier. He couldn't bear it!These soldiers fight every day with their swords in their arms, and they can't eat enough. They are in good condition now. It's not winter, and when winter comes, they will be unbearable from the cold.

"General," the night guard beside him felt uncomfortable when he saw Han Qinhu take off his cloak.

Han Qinhu shook his head to indicate that he was fine!Han Qinhu admired these soldiers who licked blood with knives and knives. They defended their homes and the country, no different from themselves, they were all men of flesh and blood.

"The general really loves the people like a son!" The soldiers couldn't stop them when they saw it, so they could only laugh from the sidelines.

Han Qinhu took the opportunity to sit down, and said flatly: "It's from my hometown!"

"Chenggao's are the first batch of people to fight the king!" The soldier had thick eyebrows and big eyes, his face was full of pride.

"Oh! It looks like! According to your seniority, I still have to call you senior?" Han Qinhu laughed.

"Don't dare! The general is trying to kill me!"

"I haven't been home for several years!" Han Qinhu said with concern. He remembered that this guy had never left since he followed him. Han Yi gave the soldiers a month's annual leave last time, but only these border soldiers did not go back.

"It's been three years! This year, no matter what, I have to go home and see my doll! My wife, my mother!" The soldier recalled his child, with a look of happiness on his face.

Han Qinhu laughed and scolded: "Look at your promise!"

"call out!"

"General, you will never find your old age...!" The soldier had just finished speaking halfway, when he suddenly felt a tingling pain on his neck, his eyes swept away, and a feather arrow hit his throat.

Seeing that the soldier didn't finish his sentence, Han Qinhu quickly turned his head to look. The soldier grabbed the arrow on his neck with an expression of disbelief.


(End of this chapter)

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