Warring States Call

Chapter 206 Catapult

Chapter 206 Catapult

Han Qinhu was furious, his eyes were bloodshot, his face was flushed, and a tiger's roar resounded through the sky, waking everyone up.

The soldier who was put on the cloak by Han Qinhu turned over in a jerk, and shouted: "Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

Everyone had the same conditioned reflex, woke up quickly one by one, picked up their weapons, and looked down the city to see what happened.

And Pei Renji under the city was surprised. According to his own idea, the soldiers who were on duty at night should be locked on the pillars with an arrow so that they could not make a sound. But just now he heard Han Qinhu's roar, and he was really surprised. one time.

Han Qinhu sat down on the bottom of the city wall, covered by the bricks on the outside. In addition to the dark moon and high winds, he couldn't see at all, and the soldiers carrying the stone piles under the city quickly withdrew back.

Han Qinhu looked down the city angrily. Although he couldn't see him, he could have the ability to penetrate Yang with a hundred steps. In Liu Yu's army, there was no one other than Pei Renji. If I don’t kill you, I swear I won’t be a human being!”

The sound was like a fierce tiger shaking a mountain, stretching for thousands of miles, and some echoes could be heard from time to time, which showed how angry Han Qinhu was.

Pei Renji heard the truth from below, the sound of Han Qinhu resounding through the sky, the feeling of being stared at by a fierce tiger is not a good thing, and he wondered, what's the point of killing someone...

Han Qinhu stopped looking forward, turned around and looked at the soldiers tremblingly: "Brother...brother...just tell me what you have to say! I will help you fulfill your wish...!
The soldier's arrow was stuck in his throat, unable to speak, he pointed to the yelling person just now and pointed out, then exhausted all his strength and put down his hand exhaustedly, only feeling black in front of his eyes, and fell powerlessly

Han Qinhu looked at the soldiers in a dull mood, not knowing what to do, he wanted to cry but had no tears!Looking at the soldier, he said, "Did he tell you what wish he has?"

"Tie Niu, I hope that one day I won't fight wars, and I will go home and farm the fields honestly!"

"Where is his house? What's his name!" Han Qinhu said eagerly, hoping to bring them over after this battle...

"Tieniu Li Tieniu, a native of Chenggao, has a son..."

Han Qinhu looked at the dead Li Tieniu calmly, slowly pulled out the arrow from his neck, put it on the ground and said solemnly: "Defend!"


In the dark night, I can't see people clearly, so I can only shoot arrows based on feeling. These days, Liu Yu is like an owl, sleeping during the day and piling up soil at night. Xie Hui saw that he caused public outrage, so he could only think of Liu Yu and say: " At night, the Han army has poor vision, so it is not easy to shoot arrows, and it is easy to reduce casualties! ”

I have to say that this method is really useful.

"General, we can't see in at all, and we can't shoot arrows!" All the soldiers were helpless.

Han Qinhu was furious, he was really dumb today and couldn't tell what he was suffering from, so he punched the city to vent his anger.

The light of dawn slowly shone on the land, Han Qinhu looked at the ray of sunshine in the morning, his heart was full of anger, he really wanted to swing his troops to kill!Fight to the death with Liu Yu.

But it's not just a human life, but the life and death of the 430 army!As well as the [-] million lives behind, your own life and death can be ignored, but what about the people behind?What about Han Yi?What about South Korea's [-]-year plan?

Everything makes me have to calm down...

"Siege the city!" Liu Yu said calmly, he was rushing day and night just to have the ability to compete with Han Yi one day...

"Kill!" Pei Renji held a bow and arrow, narrowed his eyes, and shot at Han Qinhu.

"Ding, Han Qinhu and Pei Renji will never stop dying. Pei Renji's force value will increase by 3 when he kills Han Qinhu, and the commander will add 2. When Han Qinhu kills Pei Renji, his force value will increase by 2, and the commander will increase by 1!"

Han Yi, who was resting, suddenly received the news and began to worry. It seemed that Liu Yu couldn't wait any longer. There was something wrong with Han Qinhu.

I am still waiting for Gongsun Yan's army here, if I stick to it, it will be a bit dangerous for Han Qinhu!

"Go!" Nangong Changwan said impatiently, the bright halberd in his hand was shining silver, now half of the mound was completed, and the next step would be to use his life to push it up.

"Where is Yuchi Gong!" Han Qinhu glared.

"The last general is here!" Yu Chigong walked away with a purple gold whip in his hand.

Han Qinhu guides Gong Zhangwan, and said: "Shoot him down for me! Hold him down!"

"The last general takes orders!" Yuchi Gong took the bow and arrow with a pale face, and shot an arrow when he saw Nangong Changwan.

Nangong Chang Wan showed contempt, and with one hand held the halberd to sweep away the cold arrow, with a provocative face, he signaled Yu Chigong to come again!

Yu Chigong wasn't angry either, anyway, he had achieved his goal, and then he needed to see how Han Qinhu would arrange it.

Liu Yu looked at the back and said angrily: "This Nangong Changwan is always like this! He started messing around alone again, regardless of the battlefield! Lu Wenlong, go support him!"

"The last general takes orders!"

"Go! The archers suppress it! Pile up the soil!" Lu Wenlong ordered repeatedly, and waved the soldiers up.

"Report to General! General Qin Qiong is back!"

"What!" Han Qinhu said happily

"Come down again and nurse to see the general!"

"Du Yu has met the general!"

"Exemption! Exemption! How many catapults do the two generals have!" Han Qinhu said seriously.

"General Qi reported that there were less than eight catapults, and there were only thirty Zhuge Liannu and strong crossbows!" Qin Qiong said helplessly.

"What's going on! Why are there so few!" Han Qinhu was puzzled. According to his request, there were ten catapults

"General, General Gongsun directly took away more than half of Cheng Gao's weapons in order to win the battle against Bai Qi, and Mr. Lu Ban left the rest for you!" Qin Qiong explained.

"I can't help it! Using the catapult is too scattered, and the lethality is not enough. I will go to the mound first, and Lu Wenlong and the others will definitely rush up when they see me! You seize the opportunity! Use the catapult!"

"No! The general is the commander-in-chief of the first army! What if you make a mistake!"

"Don't miss this opportunity! The bait is not big enough to attract big fish!" Han Qinhu said seriously.

"But the general...!"

"That's enough, the old man will go"

Song Bing also piled it up desperately. Seeing more and more soil, Han Qinhu jumped into the soil in a rage, less than two feet in front and back. Anyone who dared to get on it was directly killed by Han Qinhu .

"The commander of the Han army is down! Come on, brothers!" Lu Wenlong was very excited, holding his own two guns, avoiding the arrows and going straight to Han Qinhu!
Nangong Zhang Wan also lost the mind to tangle with Yu Chigong, and hurriedly killed him.

Qin Qiong hurriedly said: "Listen up, Luban children, put the catapult, and the target mound is three meters away!" !


"The others concentrate their arrows and protect the general!"

"Hahahaha! Han Qinhu takes his life!"

"The head is mine! Chief Nangong Wanxiu grabs it!"

Qin Qiong said seriously: "Let go!"

(End of this chapter)

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