Warring States Call

Chapter 207 Meteorite Rain

Chapter 207 Meteorite Rain

"Han Qinhu takes his life!" "Nangong Changwan waved the precious halberd in his hand excitedly, the tip of the halberd pierced the air, and made a whirr... Sand and dust fly.

Qin Qiong's face was calm, but his heart was already flustered, his palms were gradually sweating, and he silently counted three hundred steps... two hundred steps... one hundred steps...

"General Qin Qiong can't wait any longer! Let go!" Lai Huer hurriedly urged, furious.

Qin Qiong, however, ignored her to protect her son, fine sweat was already dripping from her head, her eyes were still focused on the battlefield.

A group of Song soldiers in the dark, excited like hungry wolves, hoped to win Han Qinhu's head and make a contribution.

Dozens of strong men had already approached Han Qinhu, and the long spears in their hands swept straight at Han Qinhu's chest. After all, Han Qinhu was also a seasoned general. throat.

The three people on the left already had the courage to go to death in their hearts, seeking wealth and danger, the three of them worked together, and stabbed Han Qinhu's throat, chest, and head with spears.

Han Qinhu picked up the corpse he stabbed to death just now, although it was not very lethal, but at least the three of them were forced back. Looking at the more and more people behind, Han Qinhu began to get excited, how long has it been!How long has it been since I was as crazy as today...

"Han Qinhu is going to be rampant! Take your life!" Seeing that Han Qinhu was so presumptuous, Lu Wenlong regarded himself as nothing, and killed him with a gun...

Qin Qiong said happily: "Let go!"


The six boulders were like shooting stars, falling from the sky in the same direction as Nangong Changwan and Lu Wenlong's crowd.

Lu Wenlong was shocked, who could block such a huge stone, even if he did not die, he would be half disabled.


In response, hundreds of soldiers were killed and injured!Lu Wenlong's horse was also smashed into meatloaf.

Lu Wenlong looked at it with shock and fear in his heart!What kind of weapon is this that has such a huge lethality? Then look at Nangong Changwan, who narrowly avoided it.

"Help... help! The gods have descended to earth!...!" I don't know which soldier was afraid, shouted this voice, and it spread like a plague, and Song Bing showed a fearful expression on his face.

It turned out that soldiers and generals who were not afraid of death did not dare to act rashly. Nangong Changwan was also cautious. Just now his weapon was hit and bent directly.

The hundreds of soldiers who were fighting Han Qinhu heard the movement, and when they looked back, they had suffered heavy losses!Han Qinhu resolutely seized the opportunity and stabbed with his long spear, killing everyone.

Qin Qiong was also shocked, this was the first time he used the catapult, it was a magic tool!Qin Qiong said happily: "Let go!"

Another six boulders flew out, this time Lu Wenlong saw them clearly, looked at the dazed crowd and said, "What are you doing! Get out quickly!"

"Withdraw!" Nangong Changwan couldn't accept it, he turned his horse's head and retreated towards the barracks!The main general retreated and fled, and the inferior soldiers naturally followed suit.

Qin Qiong didn't intend to let them go just like that, and took down the yellow flag next to him and swung it from side to side, which meant that the soldiers from all directions were shooting arrows.

Yuchi Gong said happily: "Let the arrows! Let the arrows! Hahahahaha!"

Looking at Nangong Changwan who fled in the desert, he sneered and said, "Nangong Zhang Wanxiu, you and I are here!"

The sound stretched for thousands of miles, and it happened to reach Nangong Changwan's ears. He looked back at the triumphant Yuchi Gong, and felt so cruel in his heart!
On the other side of the hill, two teenagers in black and white looked at with their arms folded, their eyes full of surprise...

"What's the situation! The gods have descended to earth! Even the gods in the sky helped Han Qinhu...!" Deng Zilong's face was full of surprise, and even more puzzled.

Luo Cheng rubbed his chin and stared at the battlefield: "It's not some god descending to earth, it may be some magical weapon in the city! It can just shoot stones!"

"Oh! How did you know that!" Deng Zilong looked at Luo Cheng curiously, and patted Luo Cheng on the shoulder.

"All the wonders in the world come from Lu Ban. Everyone knows that Lu Ban was abducted by Han Yi in Chenggao. This must be Lu Ban's masterpiece!" Luo Cheng analyzed, looking at the stones on the battlefield , There are also many praises...

"Doesn't that mean that Han Jun will be invincible with this!"

"I don't know! Your idea is a fantasy! Since someone made this thing, there must be a way to crack it. No one is perfect!"

"You and I are here to watch the good show. As for how Liu Yu responds, it is not your business!" Deng Zilong crossed his arms and was very frightened.

Luo Cheng gave this guy a disdainful look, then turned his head and left.

"It's not what you mean! It's agreed that the loser will have to wash stinky socks for a month..."


"To be honest, your words don't count..."

Song Army
"There were 810 casualties in this battle, of which 200 died!" Pei Renji stammered out the battle report.

Liu Yu's face was dark the whole time, and Wang Mang next to him was nothing to do with himself!Anyway, it wasn't his soldier who died, so he just ate and drank and watched Liu Yu's play.

"The 1000 siege army didn't even touch the enemy's wall, yet [-] people died. I need a reasonable explanation!" Liu Yu couldn't understand, but felt distressed!This is my heart and blood...

"My lord! That Han Qinhu did not know what kind of demon method! Several large stones fell from the sky, causing countless casualties! General Lu and I have no way to resist!" Nangong Changwan looked depressed.

Lu Wenlong looked at Nangong Changwan, his eyes wanted to scratch him alive, he got into the water by himself, and pulled himself...

Liu Yu was even more angrily said: "If you hadn't provoked Yu Chigong next to him, and compared him, I'm afraid now...!"

"Your Majesty, it's really not the fault of General Nangong. I took a look from behind, old man, and it's indeed like a meteorite. All soldiers who are hit by the impact will have no bones left!" Pei Renji begged from the side.

Nangong Changwan glanced at Pei Renji gratefully, feeling aggrieved in his heart.

Liu Yu was upset and didn't know what to say. If Han Qinhu really had a magical weapon, he really couldn't take it down. As for the ghosts and gods, he didn't believe it...

Looking at Xie Hui for help, he said, "I don't know if Mr. Xie can do anything!"

Xie Hui had a bit of a headache, this Liu Yuming pretended to leave the problem to himself!I couldn't postpone it myself, so I thought for a long time and said, "I think that thing should be man-made. Let's rest for a few days. Your Majesty can send soldiers to attack in the dark and spread them out! Firstly, it can reduce casualties, and secondly, it can speed up the attack." Siege!"

Although Liu Yu was dubious, but the best way is now, he let out a long sigh, and looked at Nangong Zhang Wanqi, saying, "Don't go down to recuperate!"

(End of this chapter)

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