Warring States Call

Chapter 208 Prologue

Chapter 208 Prologue
Korean army camp
Han Qinhu was in a good mood, and said: "Brothers, let's replace wine with tea today, drink it! It's so satisfying!"

"Yes! Yes! I endured that Nangong Changwan for half a month, and today I finally let out a breath of anger! Thinking about his appearance, it's really satisfying." Yu Chigong said happily, tearing off the duck leg in front of him, and slapped himself mouth to send.

"Where is General Qin Qiong?" Han Qinhu asked curiously.

"Report to General! General Qin Qiong is worried that Liu Yu will make a comeback, so why not defend the city on the city wall?" The lieutenant next to him said truthfully.

"Oh! This General Qin Qiong is real! Let's go! I'll invite him!" Yuchi Gong laughed.

"General Yuchi, wait! You go and drink with the two generals, and I'll go and have a chat with General Qin Qiong!" Han Qinhu comforted Yuchi Gong, and he left his seat and walked towards the city wall.

"General... General...!" Yuchi Gong just wanted to stop him, but was interrupted by Lai Huer, who let Han Qinhu go!

Du Yu stroked his little mustache and said, "Come on, general! Tell me, is General Han Qinhu good...!"

"If you talk too much, you will lose. This General Han Qinhu is also showing off today! It's normal to feel a little proud, as long as you don't make a big fuss!" Lai Huer said with a smile.

Du Yu secretly cursed at the old fox. He naturally knew what it meant to come to protect his children. He is the chief general and a Korean nobleman. As long as the city of Kaifeng is not lost, it will be fine. Why bother with so many details?
The moon is dark and the wind is high, the sky is full of murder and arson!
Qin Qiong gnawed on the stiff steamed buns and patrolled with these maces in hand. When he saw soldiers dozing off, he reminded them to be more energetic.

"General Qin! Why don't you go to the celebration banquet! You are not giving me face." Han Qinhu walked away with a smile, watching Qin Qiong gnaw on a big steamed bun.

"General!" Qin Qiong didn't dare to procrastinate, and directly put the unfinished steamed buns in her arms!He clasped his hands together and looked at Han Qinhu.

"What's so delicious about steamed buns! Come and follow me to the celebration banquet!" Han Qinhu said enthusiastically, stretched out his hand to pull Qin Qiong and left.

"The general's city wall still needs to be guarded!" Qin Qiong still maintained his posture, and did not plan to go with Han Qinhu.

Han Qinhu looked at Qin Qiong in surprise, he didn't expect him to reject him, but soldiers are not literati, they are coy, and they can speak out freely if they have something...

"What's wrong with the general! Could it be that there is something wrong with the next download?" Han Qinhu was puzzled.

"The general took personal risks today, and I have to admire the order again, but Liu Yu is still eyeing it. It's too early to hold a celebration banquet now, and the city walls need guards!" Qin Qiong laughed.

"The general is saying that I am overjoyed!" Han Qinhu was not angry but still smiled.

Qin Qiong stopped hesitating, looked at Han Qinhu and said, "If the general is down again, just speak up! I'm not a timid person, the general is a family member of the king, and many things can't be said clearly. If I go down again today, I will speak clearly." up"

Han Qinhu was not angry either, he sat down slowly and said, "General, please tell me! If you come down again, you will definitely listen!"

"I'm a rough man who doesn't know the rules, but Liu Yu is eyeing him. From my opinion, Liu Yu should be dealt with first. Now that the general is throwing a big banquet, it must be a bit of a feat!" Qin Qiong said directly The unhappiness in my heart was expressed.

Han Qinhu also pondered for a long time and said: "Maybe it is true! I have eaten big fish and meat, and I want to try the taste of steamed buns today!"

"General, what are you..." Qin Qiong was a little confused, not knowing what kind of medicine Han Qinhu Gourd bought!

Han Qinhu looked into the distance and said with emotion: "Today's main banquet is actually a part of my great joy, but the other part is also for Generals Lai and Du to wash away the dust! Listening to what you say now is better than reading ten years of books!"

"The general is able to repent, Qin Qiong is very grateful!" Qin Qiong said seriously.

"General, what do you mean! Thank you..." Han Qinhu was a little confused by Qin Qiong.

Qin Qiong smiled and said: "I would like to thank you for the people of South Korea and the king. If the general is obsessed with his obsession, I'm afraid Kaifeng won't last for a few days! The people of South Korea and the king will..."

"What is the general talking about! We are all the king's courtiers. This is our duty. As a Korean clan, we should do our best. There is nothing to say about gratitude!" Han Qinhu smiled and signaled Qin Qiong not to so.

Qin Qiong was so arrogant that he took out the steamed buns he hadn't finished eating. He was used to being hungry since he was a child, and he cherished food very much!

Han Qinhu took it casually, took a bite, and said dissatisfiedly: "This steamed bun is too dry! It's unpalatable!"

Qin Qiong took it back with a smile, and was very happy that Han Qinhu didn't dislike him. There are very few nobles in this world who can sit on an equal footing with commoners.

"Although this steamed bun is a bit unpalatable, it is the staple food of the soldiers after all, so it cannot be compared with the general's." Qin Qiong continued to chew on it after finishing speaking.

Han Qinhu recalled the past well, smiled and said: "From today on, this general will eat and live with you, share joys and sorrows, there is no difference here!"

"You can't do this, General! Zhou Li clearly stipulates that the food and clothing of the nobles must be separated from that of the soldiers!"

"Fuck off! This is a military camp. From today onwards, the military law will be changed, and this will be the first one to be abolished!" Han Qinhu scolded with a smile.

The soldiers also looked at Han Qinhu excitedly. The generals in the past did not think of Han Qinhu like this. It was the first time they saw such a general...

"Ding, Han Qinhu's military strength will be increased by 3, and the current force is 98. Special reminder for Han Qinhu to activate the Kuihu attribute. When entering the battlefield, the force value will be increased by 3, and everyone's commander will be increased by 1!"

Han Yi, who was looking at the map in the dark, was reminded by a message from the system. He put down the pen in his hand out of boredom, activated Han Qinhu's skill, and the commander reached 100, which was more than enough to resist Liu Yu.

And the next battlefield is yourself.

Han Yi was well aware of Bai Qi's power, and in the past few days there were also battle reports from Hangu Pass. General Pang Juan of the State of Wei led Wang Jian out of the pass in order to avenge Shicheng.

Wang Jian's 20-strong army dispatched to fight against the Wei army's [-]-strong army in the field. Generals Li Mu and Lian Po of Zhao State split up and marched. Li Mu led [-] elite troops to surprise Wang Jian's flank.

Outnumbered and outnumbered, Wang Jian withdrew to Hangu Pass, and was raided again by Lian Po, with heavy losses and nearly [-] casualties.

The three commanders-in-chief Li Mu, Lian Po, and Pang Juan fought Wang Jian in the field at the same time. Two of them were the four famous generals of the Warring States Period. Wang Jian was lucky to be able to retreat without being made dumplings.

Han Yi also went with trepidation, as soon as Gongsun's army arrived in a few days, he would prepare to fight Bai Qi in the field.

Han Yi looked up at the bright stars in the sky. After this battle, South Korea may have to recuperate within a few years...

(End of this chapter)

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