Chapter 209

Under Wang Yecheng, Sima Cuo rode to the city alone, and said in a daze: "Next, Sima Cuo came to invite King Han to fight! I wonder if I can enter the city!"

Zhao Yun's handsome face on the city wall became unnatural, Sima's fault was that the weasel had no good intentions to give the chicken New Year's greetings, but this kind of battle is about Korea's face, and it is not up to him to decide, Zhao Yun said: "General, please wait here for a while! "

Above the main hall, Han Yi looked bored. The generals asked for a fight, and the civil servants suppressed the fight.

"My lord can't wait any longer! Let's fight!" Jia Fu said angrily.

"The last general, Yuwen Chengdu, please fight!" Gritting his teeth every word, since the 13 people broke into the camp, there has been no war, and the general's teeth are itching anxiously.

"No, I think we will not act rashly before we are fully prepared." Pang Tong was the first to object.

"I agree!" Xi Zhicai echoed from the side.

Wen Chen believes that the current military strength is not suitable for fighting against Qin, and should focus on preserving strength, waiting for Gongsun Yan's army, and then it will not be too late to fight Qin's army to the death.

"I think you are timid! Fighting a war is not something that you literati can do!" Jia Fu immediately became unhappy, pointing at this drama and scolding his nose and face.

Xi Zhicai was also not angry, compared to Jia Fu's rudeness, Xi Zhicai was more polite, and said calmly: "If the general is confident enough to defeat the Qin army, then of course the old man will not stop him, but before that , General, please be safe and don’t be impatient! Wars are not just what you say!"

" is a strong word!"

"You are reckless..."

The two were arguing endlessly, and one or two became impatient. Chen Qingzhi put his hands in his sleeves and looked calmly at the two people who were competing, as well as the generals and civil servants who were cheering and cheering. At the same time, he was also confused by Hu Hanyi, wondering what he bought in the gourd. Even now, the medicine has not stopped the two people who are messing around.

"Report to the king's enemy general Sima Cuo to bring someone to fight!" Zhao Yun walked into the big tent and reported the information to Han Yi.

Han Yi kept his eyes closed all the time, opened his eyes slowly, and rubbed his head: "Is the quarrel over? Stop it for me when the quarrel is over!"

Han Yi's words are unquestionable. No matter how much Jia Fu messes around, he still has his own bottom line. He doesn't want to offend Han Yi's majesty. Location.

Han Yi lazily stretched his waist and said: "I heard that people in the world regard the people of Qin as tigers and wolves. Let's see if we let him in as rumored!"

Han Yi quietly caressed the emperor's hate on the pole, without any expression on his face, his eyes were empty, as if they were just little ants in front of him.

Sima Cuo was dressed in a black robe, and did not bring any armor or weapons!With a rosy face and no waves on his face, he came to the big tent under the leadership of Zhao Yun.

"Next time, Sima Cuo has seen the King of Han!" Sima Cuo was polite, he took a step forward and respectfully said.

Han Yi's gaze paused on Sima Cuo, and he said curiously: "It's no different from a human being! Two eyes! One nose, one mouth...!"

Sima Cuo was not annoyed and said, "What did King Han say! Could it be wrong to download it again...!"

"The general doesn't need to know... tell me why you are here!" Han Yi was resting his hands on the throne with a serious expression.

Sima Cuo was also a little surprised in his heart, saying that the emperor is ruthless and fickle. He has experienced it from Han Yi, and he is not going to beat around the bush, so he took out the channel written by Bai Qi: "My general, please the king at noon tomorrow. Outside the city!"

As soon as Sima Cuo finished speaking, he felt that the atmosphere was different. The generals were all very excited, and the civil servants all looked at him angrily, as if they had done something wrong.

"Your Majesty, this man is bewitching everyone with his gossip! He should be killed!" Xi Zhicai was the first to express his opinion.

"Your Majesty killed hundreds of our country's soldiers during the war in our country, and he also played a part in besieging and killing General Meng Yuan. It should be..." Shangguan Wan'er, who had been sitting under Han Yi, expressed her thoughts.

Han Yi pulled out Emperor Hate slowly, the sword rubbed against the scabbard and made a rustling sound, Han Yi said with red eyes: "General Sima, what do you think!"

Sima Cuo couldn't maintain his original calm anymore, and his head was gradually sweating. Sima Cuo had experienced many battles, and he had never seen any scenes, but in front of Han Yi, a sense of oppression from a superior person emerged spontaneously …

I originally thought that Han Yi was being boasted about being great, but today I saw that seeing is believing...

"Your Majesty and the two countries do not kill the envoy. If you kill him, I'm afraid he will be punished!" Chen Qingzhi walked out at some point, and glanced at Sima Cuo.

Sima Cuo looked at Chen Qingzhi in surprise. He and he were mortal enemies and opponents that he wanted to kill. It is really unreasonable to save himself now!
Emperor Han Yi hated pointing at Sima Cuo with his sword pointing: "Tell Bai Qi, this battle! I, Han Yi, took it, and you wash your neck yourself! Go slowly! Don't send it away!"

Sima Cuo's gaze rested on Chen Qingzhi for a moment, then looked at him and said, "See you on the battlefield tomorrow! Farewell!"

Chen Qingzhi's face was pale, but there was a sense of arrogance in his eyes, Han Yi could see it naturally, put away the emperor's hatred: "I will leave this Sima Cuo to you! I hope you can bring his head back to me one day... !"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" After saying that, Chen Qingzhi left the big tent and walked towards the city gate.

Sima Cuo was leaning against the city wall, and Zhao Yun next to him frowned tightly, not knowing what he was doing. When he saw Chen Qingzhi's figure, he said, "Chen Qingzhi has been waiting for you for a long time!"

Chen Qingzhi was also silent, or every word was vaguely murderous, and he said flatly: "A man was born in chaos and shrouded in horse leather! You are only worthy of dying on the battlefield, this is not your destination!"

Sima smiled and shook his head wrongly: "You will regret letting me go! Tomorrow's memorial day may be yours, Chen Qingzhi! Remember your head is mine!"

The two men were at war with each other, as if there was no balance between good and evil, and each wanted to kill the other.

"Farewell!" Sima Cuo calmly walked out of the gate and ran towards his camp.

"The general's art of war is deceitful, and he will do whatever it takes to achieve his goal, why not just kill him!" Zhao Yun strongly disagreed with Chen Qingzhi's approach.

Chen Qingzhi smiled and said: "Killing him alone is not enough to affect the overall situation. Besides, killing him will also arouse Qin's anger. The gain outweighs the loss!"

"Ding, Chen Qingzhi and Sima Cuo are not dead and keep posting, Chen Qingzhi kills Sima Cuo commander plus 1, Sima Cuo kills Chen Qingzhi commander value plus 1!"

"It seems that there are quite a few people who have formed feuds these days!"

(End of this chapter)

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