Warring States Call

Chapter 211 Martial Saint

Chapter 211 Martial Saint
Guan Yu's face was calm and calm, his saber skills became more and more stable and mature, while Wang Yanzhang's spear skills became more and more courageous as he fought, exquisite and unparalleled.

"Go back!" Guan Yu didn't know when, the big knife turned into a stab and stabbed at Wang Yanzhang's chest. Wang Yanzhang was shocked. He had never seen someone use a knife as a spear.

Wang Yanzhang did not dare to underestimate Guan Yu, for a person who has reached his level of martial arts, no matter what weapon you give him, he can master it.

"Ding! The second attribute of Guan Yu Martial Saint is activated. All the generals will lose 1 force every 1 rounds when fighting Guan Yu. The maximum can be activated five times. The current force value of Wang Yanzhang is reduced by 118 point, and the current force value is [-]!"

The more Wang Yanzhang fought, the more he felt powerless. On the other hand, Guan Yu was like a normal person, still blushing and thick-necked, fighting there steadily. After a while, with a ding, the Qinglong Yanyue knife slashed across Wang Yanzhang's face, leaving a bloodstain.

Wang Yanzhang dodged dangerously and dangerously, which can be described as narrowly escaped death!
Sima Cuo was paying attention to the situation on the battlefield at this time. He thought that it would be nothing worthwhile to defeat an unknown soldier with Wang Yanzhang's ability. After the life-and-death battle just now, Sima Cuo realized that he had always underestimated Guan Yu.

Looking to Hou Junji on the left, he said, "This Guan Yu is not someone who is waiting for nothing. You and I will take it down, and we must protect General Wang Yanzhang!"

After speaking, Sima Cuo took the Qin spear in his hand, rode his black Dawan horse, and joined the battle circle!
Although Hou Junji in the back is reluctant, but he has to bow his head under the eaves!Lifting the three-stone bow in his hand, he looked at Guan Yu, bent the bow, set the arrow, and aimed at it in one go. He squinted his left eye and murmured, "Meet!"

"Ding, Hou Junji's Negative Shot attribute activates, reducing the enemy's force value by 3 points when sneak attacking, increasing his own force value by 3 points when shooting from the front, and adding 1 to the force value for every extra arrow shot."

"Ding, it's a sneak attack now. Reduce Guan Yu's force value by 3 points. Guan Yu's force value will drop by 119. Hou Junji releases an arrow, and his personal force value will be increased by 1. The base force value is 96, and the current force value is 97."

"Ding, the third attribute of Guan Yu Wusheng is activated, immune to all negative effects, and the current force value is 121"

The cold arrow turned into a stream of light and shot at Guan Yu, but Guan Yu had a martial saint's body protection, and the Qinglong Yanyue knife just came back to block his face.


With a crisp sound, Guan Yu grabbed the horse rope, took a few steps back, and looked at Hou Junji with hatred, but Wang Yanzhang did not give Guan Yu a chance to be dazed, and turned around and stabbed him.

Sima Cuo's horse was a good horse from Yiqu Kingdom. Although it was not as good as the top, it was more than enough. The black horse turned into a black shadow, and Qin spear pierced Guan Yu's throat.

"What kind of a hero is he who bullies the less? Huo Qubing is here!" At some point, the soldier standing next to Han Yi kicked off the captain next to him, snatched his horse, raised the red-tasseled gun, and let out a murderous look. rushed up.

The school lieutenant has not yet realized what is going on, Han Yi rubbed his head, he suddenly found that his military discipline is getting worse and worse, and he needs to rectify it himself.

Huo Qubing rushed forward excitedly. Guan Yu frowned when he saw that the person who came was a soldier. Didn't this just cause trouble for him?After a while, he died, isn't he too unreasonable?

Sima Cuo sneered, and gave up Guan Yu while dancing with his Qin Mao. In his opinion, this was just a small soldier. After he killed him in seconds, Han Yi's arrogance was frustrated, and he joined hands with Wang Yanzhang to kill Guan Yu.

Han Yi said seriously from behind: "The system will test me, Sima Cuo and Hou Junji, these two people are blind spots until now!"

"Ding, Sima Cuo: Force 97 Commander 95 Politics 74 Intelligence 80"

"Ding, Hou Junji: Force 96 Commander 97 Politics 77 Politics 75"

Han Yi was silent. These two guys are worthy of being famous generals in history. Hou Junji is also worthy of being one of the 24 heroes of Lingyan Pavilion. Otherwise, this guy would have a good reputation in history.

"The last general invites you to fight!" Yang Zaixing said worriedly, Huo Qubing is his brother, and there is a cold archer like Hou Junji on this battlefield, so how can we not make people worry?
"The last general Yu Wenqing..." Before Yu Wenqing finished speaking, Yu Wencheng was holding Yu Wenqing to prevent him from moving, and said with a tiger step: "Go to Yuwencheng and ask for a fight!"

"Brother...!" Yuwen Qing just wanted to say something, but was stared back by Yu Wencheng.

Han Yi was silent, and waved his hand, signaling Yuwen Chengdu and Yang Zaixing to go back. Han Yi needed to press down to see if Luo Shixin and Xia Luqi were in the camp.

looking at the battlefield
Huo Qubing stabbed with a cherry blossom gun in his hand. This Sima Cuo was also a famous general in the world. With a Qin spear in his hand, he picked off Huo Qubing's red-tasseled spear and killed Huo Qubing with his own skills.

It's a pity that he underestimated Huo Qubing. Huo Qubing was a famous general in the Western Han Dynasty. He led 17 brave cavalry into the enemy's territory for the first time at the age of [-], killing the Xiongnu soldiers and fleeing.In the Battle of Hexi, Huo Qubing defeated the Xiongnu and took Qilian Mountain directly.In the Battle of Mobei, Huo Qubing sealed the wolf as Xu and returned with great victory.

It was a great victory in foreign wars in history. Military generals of all dynasties regarded him as a hero, even Cao Cao looked up to him, and even regarded Fenglangjuxu as the goal of his life, and literati and inkmen all praised his name.

It's a pity that heaven is jealous of talents. When Huo Qubing died, he was only 24 years old and had not reached the peak of his life. At this time, Huo Qubing was holding a cherry spear, fast and sharp. Gun to life.

Sima Cuo was shocked, and thrust forward with the Qin spear in his hand, barely blocking Huo Qubing's three deadly weapons, but his thigh was still injured to an unreasonable degree.

After all, Huo Qubing is a fierce general with a force value of 99, more than enough to deal with Sima Cuo.

Bai Qi was shocked in the rear, Wang Yanzhang was defeated, but Sima Cuo couldn't even beat a small soldier. Isn't this a slap in the face?Seriously affecting morale, he said solemnly: "Who dares to fight! After the matter is completed, I will ask the king to make him a general."

"That's what you said, my lord, and I, Ruan Wengxiao, will go!" I saw a strong man holding the black iron big round hammer in one hand and carrying it on his shoulder. Every step he took, there was a huge vibration.

Ruan Wengzhong shook his head helplessly. He wanted to stop it just now, but his brother's big hammer was not a joke. He said tiredly: "A Li, A Cheng, A Xin come with me!"

Others don't know that Han Yi is afraid, but he still knows that the last time he met a Li Cunxiao, he couldn't beat him. If his stupid brother went, wouldn't he even lose his life?

Han Yi laughed and said: "Finally, these guys have been forced out! Fei Lian! Huang Feihu! Yu Wenqing! Shi Jiantang! Zhaohu!"

(End of this chapter)

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