Warring States Call

212 Grim Reaper

212 Grim Reaper
Fei Lian sighed, shouldered his sickle, and walked slowly towards the battlefield, looking very lazy, and said in distaste: "Trouble!"

Zhao Hu and Yu Wenqing on the side were choked up by his words. If Han Yi heard this, he might just cut him off.

Fei Lian is still the same, Hei Jia!Red!The ghost mask, standing on the battlefield is a beautiful landscape, what's more, the battle has begun to be in danger.

After all, when Fei Lian took the corpse, his methods were too cruel. There was a saying in the Qin army that he would rather kill the king of Hades than live Fei Lian, which shows how cruel this guy is.

"Ding, Fei Lian acquires the attributes of the god of death, and the ghosts are afraid of evil spirits. When facing the opponent, it reduces the enemy's force value by 3∽7 points, increases the personal force value by 5 points, and reduces the enemy's attribute by half."

"Ding, God of Death attribute 3, every time the enemy activates a skill, own strength will be increased by [-] points!
Han Yi swallowed his saliva, Fei Lian's attributes are too perverted, not only reduces the enemy's attributes, but also can increase his force value by 3 points, which is completely his own strong nemesis!

Fortunately, Fei Lian is with me, otherwise I would be in trouble. With this skill and other attributes, this Fei Lian can contact the top generals in the world.

Although there are still many gaps, but this alone can also dominate one side.

In contrast, Yu Wenqing and Zhao Hu are completely foils.

Ruan Wengxiao took the sledgehammer regardless of Sanqi 21, and directly hit Guan Yu with a hammer.

Guan Yu snorted coldly, and the Qinglong Yanyue Knife in his hand sold a loophole and withdrew.

Fei Lian walked to the battlefield helplessly, provoking Ying Ji who was domineering behind him, and motioned for him to come over. The chain behind the sickle was blown by the wind, making a tinkling sound, as if Death's footsteps were getting closer and closer. close.

Yingji was originally a stunned young man, but with Fei Lian's provocation, he was so angry that he took out the Shuiyue knife and rushed out of the camp to kill Fei Lian.

In addition, the three Ruan Wengzhong brothers have been standing by to support Ruan Wengxiao.

Yingji was furious. He rode on a thousand-mile horse, clamped the horse's body tightly, drew out his Shuiyue knife, and slashed at Feilian's neck.

Fei Lian sneered, the sickle itself is a long weapon, Fei Lian took three steps back, and distanced himself from the knife with Ying Ji, the sickle stabbed at Ying Ji's arm, coupled with the fast charge of the horse...

Before Ying Ji could react, his arm was hooked by Fei Lian's sickle, and the tip of the knife caught the bone in his arm. The horse galloped like lightning again, and Fei Lian directly used the sickle to pull Ying Ji off.

With a sound of bumping, Yingji crawled firmly on the ground, splashing sand and dust

The tearing of the muscles, the pain in the arm, and the feeling of falling to pieces, even a tough guy like Ying Ji couldn't stand it!The inner fear arises spontaneously.

Fei Lian hooked Yingji, looked at the Shuiyue knife on the ground, and sighed: "What a good knife!"

"You...you..." Ying Ji was speechless

Bai Qi in the back was shocked, this Yingji was not an ordinary general, but a nobleman of the Qin State, if he made any mistakes, Qin Xiaogong would definitely ask him to question his teacher, and quickly said: "Keep people under the sword, if you ...!"

Before Bai Qi could finish speaking, Fei Lian had already taken the Shuiyue Knife and slashed at Ying Ji's neck, and the blood was like a fountain, splashing Fei Lian's face.

Fei Lian murmured: "To die under one's own weapon is a well-deserved death!"

"Bastard! The whole army is attacking!" Bai Qi was furious. Once Yingji died, Qin Xiaogong must be furious, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

"Ding, Baiqi activates the third attribute of the killing god attribute, reducing the enemy's soldier's force value by 1∽3 points, and at the same time reducing the enemy's fierce general's force value by 3 points, and reducing the enemy's commander by three points at the same time,"

"Ding the host's Qilin holy beast attribute is activated, the command value and Bai Qi are offset, and the current command is 93"

Han Yi looked at Bai Qi calmly. He didn't expect that Bai Qi would still be in chaos, but Bai Qi's group attack attribute was too strong. With the strength in front of him, his strength was not his opponent at all.

"On the left side, Meng Tian led [-] soldiers and horses to attack Han Yi's left side, and on the right side, Meng Yi was the general, leading [-] troops, and sent them to kill!" Bai Qi was furious, and sent out the [-] troops .

"The last general takes orders!" The two picked up their weapons and killed themselves.

"Zhou Dewei, you lead [-] elite soldiers to confront Han Yi head-on!" Bai Qi set up the arrangements in an instant, pre-empting strikes, and Han Yi had no choice.

Han Yi frowned, and the expert made a move!I don't know if there is, if I block it, I will definitely be made dumplings in vain.

Han Yi said calmly: "The whole army obeys the order, capture the thief first and capture the king first, and the whole Chinese army will make a surprise attack, and take down Bai Qi!"


"Jia Fu! Li Cunxiao! Zhao Yun! Yang Zaixing! The three of you will kill Bai Qi!"

"Take orders!" The four strode out, facing tens of thousands of people, the sand and dust flew like shooting stars.

Tens of thousands of people marched on the battlefield.

Hou Junji looked at Fei Lian, with cold sweat pouring out from his head. This guy's cruelty, I believe seeing is believing. He is completely a villain. among.

Fei Lian looked at the busy crowd boredly, yawned and said, "Zhao Hu, Yu Wenqing, Shi Jiantang, you guys, just choose one at random! Leave the rest to me!"

The voice is so caring, but no matter how Yu Wenqing listens, it feels a little harsh, and at the same time there is no way, who makes people strong!Reluctantly said: "Leave that little guy to me." Yu Wenqing pointed to Ruan Wengcheng and smiled.

After dividing the work, each went to find his opponent, Guan Yu snorted coldly, and the big knife in his hand was a little faster.

"Ding, Guan Yu's Martial Saint attribute activates, the force value is increased by 2, and the current force value is 123"


With a harsh buzzing sound, Guan Yu slashed at Ruan Wengxiao with a knife. If the knife hits, this guy will die.

"Don't hurt my brother! Ruan Wengzhong is completely a calf protector. He didn't know where he took a sledgehammer and smashed it directly at Guan Yu.

Guan Yu was shocked, he didn't dare to take this move, he quickly put away the Qinglong Yanyue Knife, strangled the Chiyan, and raised it with the Chiyan horseshoe to prevent the hammer from hitting it. As expected, the hammer below hit the ground, splashing a huge battlefield.

Guan Yu's eyes were filled with fear, Fei Lian walked over as if nothing had happened, slashed Ruan Weng Zhong's throat with a sickle, and said indifferently: "It's not martial arts to bully more and win less!"

"Go away!" Ruan Wengzhong was eager to protect the calf, but he didn't have time to mess around with Fei Lian, so he grabbed a soldier, pushed him forward, and avoided Fei Lian's knife.

Fei Lian calmly put away his sickle, his eyes were full of coldness

(End of this chapter)

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