Warring States Call

Chapter 213 Zhongshan becomes Liangshan

Chapter 213 Zhongshan becomes Liangshan

Being able to escape Fei Lian's scythe shows that this guy is not a simple person. Fei Lian is wearing a mask. Although he can't see his expression, the sense of pausing in the drum is still not easy to detect.

Guan Yu put away his Qinglong Yanyue Saber, looked at Fei Lian who had rushed over and said, "The general is here to help!"

Guan Yu couldn't take down Wang Yanzhang, but he still wanted face on the surface. It was impossible to say directly, General Fei Lian, I can't beat them, so come and help me!That would be too embarrassing.

Fei Lian looked at Ruan Wengzhong calmly, bloodthirsty in his eyes, picked up his scythe and said: "Leave this guy to me, and the other two guys, leave it to the general!"

Guan Yu caressed his Changshun, his maroon face looked so calm, his half-closed Danfeng eyes slowly opened, and dragged the Qinglong Yanyue Knife on the ground again, majesticly saying: "That's exactly what I meant!"

Guan Yu charged towards Ruan Wengxiao with his horse, and the Qinglong Yanyue Saber was dragged on the ground again, drawing a soil mark on the dark yellow ground. Wang Yanzhang was shocked that Guan Yu had experienced this move before, and it was extremely powerful.

However, after using it, there was a period of extreme weakness, and he became weak. At first, he thought Guan Yu would be unable to use it, but he didn't expect another blow now.

"Be careful!" Wang Yanzhang reminded

With Ruan Wengxiao's current strength, there is no play at all!It is possible to be cut by the array!Wang Yanzhang rushed forward with an iron spear, hoping to block Guan Yu's move.

Ruan Wengzhong was shocked. Judging from his own state, Guan Yu was going to make a big move. His younger brother, like a normal person, was prepared to fight for his life. Isn't this nonsense!Ruan Wengzhong couldn't bear it anymore, he picked up the sledgehammer on the ground and rushed forward.

Fei Lian sneered and said, "Don't go! You are my prey!" Fei Lian looked at Ruan Wengzhong with a sickle and chopped it off.

Quickly picked up the sledgehammer to block it, the sickle and the sledgehammer passed by, making a "Zi...Zi" sound.

Fei Lian only felt numbness in his palms, but Fei Lian, who is known for his speed, reacted quickly, turned around and stabbed Ruan Wengzhong's throat, Ruan Wengzhong had no choice but to turn around and shake Fei Lian away with a hammer, cursing inwardly :hateful!If it weren't for the weapons at hand, how could Fei Lian be presumptuous! "

Fei Lian took the trouble to entangle Ruan Wengzhong, Guan Yu's Chiyan was the best among horses, Wang Yanzhang and Ruan Wengxiao were far away, Guan Yu naturally killed him.

"Ding, Guan Yu drags his knife to slash, the force value increases by 5, the force value of the Martial Saint increases by 2, and the current force value is 130!"

Guan Yu's phoenix eyes slowly opened like round eyes, coupled with Chiyan's horsepower, he quickly approached Ruan Wengzhong, Guan Yu held the knife in one hand, like a round moon, the Qinglong Yanyue knife left the ground, splashing huge dust, Ruan Wengxiao Shocked, his face pale and weak, he raised the sledgehammer in his hand and blocked it in front of him.

With the help of Chiyan's horsepower, and the Qinglong Yanyue Dao's heavy saber that just got up, Guan Yu went down, and in midair, his original one hand became two hands, and he went up with one sword, and a silver light was like an ax smashing Mount Tai. hesitate.

"Boom" the sand and dust flew.

Wang Yanzhang could see clearly from behind, but there was nothing he could do. There was still a long distance between him and Guan Yu, and there was no way to rescue him. Ruan Wengzhong was entangled by Fei Lian again.

Guan Yu let out a heavy breath, and Qinglong Yanyue's knife kept dripping blood, Guan Yu's Danfeng eyes became half-open again, his face was tired, and he rode back on Chiyan.

Ruan Wengxiao kept holding the hammer. Three seconds later, with a click, the hammer was split into two. On Ruan Wengxiao's head, a bloodstain spread from the top of the head to the bottom of the body, and bits and pieces of blood flowed out from it.

The eyes are lifeless, and under the influence of gravity, they fall slowly, splashing dust, and die with regret.

"Second brother...!" Ruan Wengzhong was devastated, with disbelief written all over his face, the sledgehammer in his hand hammered Fei Lian angrily, Fei Lian turned around and avoided it.

Ruan Wengzhong hurriedly ran to Ruan Wengxiao's side, only to inhale but not exhale. There was a kind of fear in his eyes. The originally radiant eyes gradually lost their radiance.

"Guan Yu......Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Ruan Wengzhong was furious, picked up Ruan Wengxiao's broken hammer, and smashed it like a shooting star.

Guan Yu rode his horse to avoid it, his eyes were full of indifference.

"Ding, Ruan Wengxiao died in battle, with a basic strength of 102, congratulations to the host for gaining 12 summoning points, plus Yingji died in battle, with a strength of 97, the host gained 9 points, summoning points, the current summoning point is 247"

"Ding, Guan Yu kills, Ruan Wengxiao, strengthens the dragging knife, the second use of force value increases by 1, Ruan Wengzhong's base force value is permanently increased by 106 because of the death of his younger brother Ruan Wengxiao, the current base force value is [-]!"

"Ding, because Ruan Weng Xiao died in battle, Ruan Wengli's check force value is increased by 1, the current check force value is 101, Ruan Weng Cheng's force value is increased by 1, the current force value is 100, Ruan Weng Xin's force value is increased by 1, the current force value is 99!"

"Ding, Guan Yu and Ruan Wengzhong will launch Undead, when Guan Yu beheads each Ruan Wengzhong brother, the force value of dragging the knife will increase by 1, and the force value of Ruan Wengzhong will increase by 2"

"Ding, Ruan Wengzhong activates the attribute of empathy. When facing the death of his relatives, the force value of the enemy general will be reduced by 5 points, and the personal force will be strengthened according to the enemy's basic force value."

Han Yi has a headache!This completely strengthens Ruan Wengzhong!If I didn't guess wrong, the next thing is going to explode.

"Ding, the system will explode next!"

"Ding, Meng Ben: Force 103, Commander 81, Intelligence 74, Politics 66, implanted in Qin State!"

"Ding, Wu Huo: Force 104, Commander 70, Intelligence 81, Politics 67, implanted in Qin State"

"Ding, Ren Bi: Force 103, Commander 80, Intelligence 54, Politics 51, implanted in the land of Qin!"

"Ding, Ma Shanwei: Strength is 104, commander is 91, intelligence is 54, politics is 41 and implanted in Chu State!"

"Ding, Liang Lin: Armed Forces 101 Commander 94 Intellect 94 Politics 84 implanted in the ground!"

"Ding, Lin Chong: force 99, commander 90, intelligence 70, politics 68 implanted in the ground

"Ding Gongsun Sheng: force value 66, commander 81, intelligence 90, politics 87 implanted in Zhongshan"

"Ding, Hu Yanzhuo: Force 98 Commander 90 Intelligence 81 Politics 67! Implanted in the ground!"

"Ding, Hua Rong: Force 93, Commander 91, Intelligence 70, Politics 64, implanted in Zhongshan!"

"Ding, Chai Jin: Force 84 Commander 84 Intelligence 85 Politics 64 Implanted in the ground!"

"Ding, Li Ying: Force 89 Commander 87 Intelligence 55 Politics 64! Implanted in the ground""

"Ding, Lu Zhishen: Force 99 Commander 87 Intelligence 84 Politics 64 Implanted in the ground!"

"Ding, Yang Zhi: Force 95, Commander 87, Intelligence 78, Politics 67 implanted in the ground!"

Han Yi looked at this data in surprise. This is completely treating Zhongshan as Liangshan, but Han Yi can't control it. South Korea's territory does not border on this Liangshan. The headaches are Zhao Guo and Wei Guo anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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