Warring States Call

Chapter 220 The Battle of Trapped Beasts

Chapter 220 The Battle of Trapped Beasts
"What did the general say!" Wang Yanzhang worried.

"I don't know what the general said. You can ask the general yourself for the specifics! Now I'll clean up the situation." Junji took the lead with a bow and arrow in his hand, and the Tie Yingrui warrior behind Hou Junji followed behind Hou Junji without fear of death. , rushed forward in a mighty manner.

"The front army advances, Iron Eagle sharp warrior, kill the Ranger!" Hou Junji picked up a bow and arrow and shot at a cavalryman, hitting the throat.

Chen Qingzhi looked at Hou Junji who had rushed over, and asked curiously: "Who is this person, why He Baiqi relies on him so much! Even Qin's Tie Ying warriors were sent here!"

"General! I don't know if it will go down again! But Qin Guo's iron eagle is not in vain. Even General Wenyang's Xuanwu pawn will be difficult to win after seeing them! Are we...!" Cao Ren said hesitantly.

Chen Qingzhi was also troubled by it. The Qin State had countless elite soldiers and strong generals. It would be difficult to win if it was not suppressed by numbers. But now the troops are not enough, so we can't fight recklessly: "Send the order! Call back the tiger!"

"The last general takes orders!" Cao Ren said hastily, the three hundred cavalry led by Zhaohu were all brothers under his command, so naturally he didn't want to see them die in battle.

"The front and middle armies charge forward to welcome back General Zhaohu!"

"Take orders! Kill!"

Seeing Han Zu who was getting closer and closer, Hou Junji sneered, stroked his little goatee and said, "The Tie Ying warriors line up and prepare to charge. The former army abandons their shields and charges to cover Tie Ying."

Every soldier of Tieying Ruishi carried various weapons on their backs, and their horses were even better. They all showed murderous looks, took out their best weapons, and prepared to kill the three hundred Han soldiers who came rushing into the battle.

Following Hou Junji's order, the soldiers of the former army gave up the shields in their hands and charged into the battle with only their spears. They were all brave and fearless, as if they were ready to sacrifice.

Under Cao Ren's command, Han Jun was also not to be outdone, he removed his shield, each with a hideous face, picked up Han Ge and charged.

Thousands of long spears, under the flexible use of the soldiers, are like the claws of death, harvesting their lives.

A burly Han pawn kicked away the Qin soldiers in front of him, picked up the spear in his hand, and aimed straight at the throat, fast, accurate, and ruthless!Without the slightest hesitation.

Zhao Hu fought back and forth among the Qin army, the big knife in his hand was hacked, looked at the four black flags in the sky, and said: "Brothers! Go back!"

Hou Junji sneered and said, "Let's go! Are you able to go! Hit me!"

"Ding, Hou Junji's Negative Shot attribute activates, reducing Zhaohu's force value by three points, and the current Zhaohu's force value is 113! Hou Junji's force value is increased by 1, and the current force value is 97!"

Summon your eyes to see the six directions, and your ears to listen to all directions!Hearing Hou Junji's off-string arrow, he immediately lowered his head, the cold arrow was coming from behind, passing Zhao Hu's head!

"You bastard! How can a real man be afraid of the head and the tail? Hou Junji keeps the head!" Zhao Hu was furious, took down the spear from the ground, and threw it at Hou Junji with all his might.

Hou Junji turned around to avoid it, turned around and saw Zhao Hu leading the cavalry, killing them outside

Hou Junji became angry from embarrassment and said, "Boy is so courageous! Don't go away! Tie Ying Ruishi chases after you."

"No!" The 3000 people were like a killing machine, without any emotion, and blood and flesh flew everywhere where the weapons passed.

Zhaohu laughed and said, "Brothers, withdraw!"

Zhao Hu had already heard about Qin's iron eagle fighters, and he was not stupid enough to confront Hou Junji head-on!Looking at the sparse cavalry, Zhao Hu knew that maybe two-thirds of them died this time, so he could go back alive!Already very good.


Zhaohu opened the way ahead and rushed out.

"Whoever comes, don't leave! The iron eagle is here!" Thousands of people rushed to kill.

"Brother, go!" Leave this to me! "A cavalry exclaimed solemnly.

"Go back, brat! I don't need your help!" A burly man beside him said seriously.

"Brother, let's go!" Xiao Bing stabbed at the horse's butt, and directly avoided the elder brother.

"Little Wang! You!" The big man couldn't control his horse, and looked at his brother and couldn't bear it.

"Brother! Take care of me! My child!" The soldier wept and picked up the spear in his hand. During the Chinese New Year, he had promised his child well. After this battle, he would go home and be with him. He, it seems impossible now!
"The road to a great country! With the help of my blood and bones! This life has no regrets! Kill!" Xiaobing is a centurion with thirty brothers behind him.
"Overestimating one's abilities!" Iron Eagle Ruishi said contemptuously.

"Really!" Wang Quan jumped up and took the dagger.

The sharp man in front picked up his spear and stabbed it, piercing through the abdomen, and slid down under the influence of gravity. Wang Quan stabbed his throat angrily. The sharp man never thought that his life would be exchanged for his own!

"Soldier! It is my duty to protect the country!"

The two armies collided like human flesh. Cao Ren personally charged around with a rotten silver spear in his hand, and the soldiers behind him were like a pack of wolves, gnawing on their prey and not letting go.

Zhao Hu rushed out with a hundred people, looked at Cao Ren and said, "General...!"

Cao Ren was not in the mood to listen, and hurriedly said, "Withdraw!"


Bai Qi looked at the battlefield and said: "The Han army is like a cloud of fierce generals. Although we have more troops than him, it's a pity that we can only take out troops, not brave generals! Now even Hou Junji is entangled by the Han army , Who is this general who leads the army!"

"Back to the general! It's a man named Chen Qingzhi!"

"Chen Qingzhi! Sima wrongly said about him! He is a general who is good at using troops!" Bai Qi sighed
Hou Junji's troops can be said to have an absolute advantage, and there are such powerful troops as the Iron Eagles, but not only did they not destroy their formation, but they lost troops and generals.

"Send the order to retreat, just defend and not attack!" Bai Qi was impatient, he was going to boil Han Yi to death, without food, Han Yi couldn't last much time!

As soon as the golden drum sounded, Qin Bing, like the sea receding from a lake, withdrew three hundred steps and surrounded Han Yi firmly.
Hou Junji glanced at Zhaohu, his eyes were full of unwillingness, but he had no choice but to retreat helplessly

Han Yi looked at the battle situation, waved his hand and said, "Send the order! Defend the camp!"


Seeing the beating of the drum, Meng Tian said: Yue Fei, I remember you...

"Brothers form an formation!" Meng Yi's soldiers and horses were a little scattered by Zhao Yun's rush, so he could only reorganize his formation.

I saw [-] soldiers slowly gathering, and the spears of the Qing Yishi front army slowly dispersed.

Han Zu gradually became frightened. There was a tiger in front of him, and there was no food and grass behind him. He was in a dilemma and shouted: "What should I do!"

Han Yi looked at the exhausted soldiers from a distance, and said solemnly: "Guo Jia, you lead the people and go to appease the soldiers. In addition, accumulate strength and raid at night!"

"My lord! This Bai Qi is not a fuel-efficient lamp! I'm afraid he has been prepared for a long time!

(End of this chapter)

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