Chapter 221
Han Yi frowned, but this was the only way at present. If he couldn't break through the enemy camp, the 9 people would really be lost here!
Guo Jia doesn't say too much, now is the time of life and death, you can't act with loyalty, Han Yi silently looked to the east, the only way for now is to watch the people in the city hurry up, tell Gongsun Yan the news, let Gongsun Yan lead troops from the outside Here comes the kill.

Yangdi Palace.

King Han Xiang leisurely watched the lotus in front of him. It was summer now, and the fish were swimming happily here, and there were splashes of water in the water.

At this moment, Shen Buhai strolled over!Looking at King Han Xiang who was fishing beside him, he smiled and said, "Your Majesty is really at ease!

King Han Xiang looked in the direction and saw Shen Buhai coming. He was old and dim, although he couldn't see people, but his ears were still good. Our prime minister is here!"

"That's what the king is talking about! It seems so natural!" Shen Buhai laughed instead of anger.

King Han Xiang was also helpless, got up and walked to the bamboo pavilion behind and said, "Come and sit down!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Shen Buhai said happily.

"I'm no longer the king, so don't call me King Han anymore." King Han Xiang seemed a little frustrated, but suddenly he was relieved!After all, without the burden of King Han, life is quite easy.

Shen Buhui smiled and said: "One day is the king's subject, and he will be the king's subject for the rest of his life!"

King Han Xiang waved his hand impatiently and said, "Okay, okay! Just talk about it! Don't beat around the bush! You know I don't like this!"

Shen Buhai rubbed his nose in embarrassment and said, "Now King Xiao Han has led his troops to Wang Ye to fight Bai Qi to the death. I, Zhu Zhiwu and Wang Meng will take care of the political power in the country. I hope the king will come forward." Stabilize the situation!"

Although Shen Buhai said so, it was just to test King Han Xiang. To put it mildly, it was Han Jiu who conspired against him. King Han Xiang resigned from the throne in despair and gave it to Han Yi. To put it harshly, Han Yi had already controlled All the troops in South Korea, large and small, if King Han Xiang stays on them, he is just a puppet, so it is better to push the boat along...

After all, King Han Xiang was an emperor, and he disdainfully said to Shen Buhai's temptation: "Shen Xiang has such a simple truth to test me! Will you treat me as a child's lesson!"

"This...!" Shen Buhui was speechless for a while.

"Hmph! King Han asked you to come!" King Han Xiang said angrily.

Shen Buhui quickly stood up and said, "Han Wangyuan didn't know about this in Wangye!"

King Han Xiang shook his head and said, "Sure enough, it's the emperor and the courtier! Shen Buhui, you've done a good job! Tell me your reason for coming!"

"Your Majesty! Concubine Zhao and Concubine Yang are both pregnant, so I'm here to report to Your Majesty!" Shen Buhai said worriedly, this trip was also for this purpose.

"Oh!" King Han Xiang was overjoyed, but at the same time he said in a dull voice, "Has Wei Yanyu's child been found?"

"Not yet! Since the palace change three years ago, there has been no news of the little prince!" Shen Buhai said with a headache.

King Han Xiang looked unhappy and said: "I am sorry for the child! I am also sorry for Yi'er, the blood of my royal family is actually in the countryside!"

"Your Majesty, don't be sad! The little prince is blessed! He will be safe and well!" Shen Buhai comforted, his face was a little ugly, he still remembered the palace change that year, Han Jiu was executed in the street!King Han Xiang's head was covered with white hair overnight, Han Yi inherited the throne, and has become cold-blooded and ruthless ever since.

King Han Xiang returned to his previous appearance and said: "Use all your strength to find me the little prince! You can use the braking brake when necessary!"

"My lord! I'm here again just to hit the brakes!" Shen Buhai said seriously.

King Han Xiang stared at Shen Buhai and cursed, "You old fox!"

"Your Majesty! The harem seems to be peaceful now, but Concubine Zhao and Concubine Yang are both pregnant with the King's flesh and blood! Besides, the two concubines have their own support in the court. If they are allowed to develop, I am afraid it will be detrimental to the country!" Shen No harm said seriously.

King Han Xiang picked up the fishhook in front of him, came to the lake and said, "Go ahead!"

"Concubine Yang is Zhu Zhiwu's adopted daughter, so she naturally has Zhu Zhiwu's support. In the past few months, Zhu Zhiwu has seen his other daughter, Diao Chan, transferred to the palace. It seems to be to take care of Yang Concubine's daily life. But it is to deal with Concubine Zhao! Both of them hope that their child will be the first to be born, and hope to become the eldest son!"

"Nonsense! The eldest grandson of this old man is Wei Yanyu's child! What are they!" King Han Xiang said angrily.

"Your Majesty, this is not the time to discuss this! The key is how to stop the two of you!" Seeing that King Han Xiang didn't pay attention to the important points, Shen Buhai was a little bit dumbfounded.

"The power behind Concubine Zhao is...!
"Concubine Zhao is the younger sister of King Zhao Wuling. Many veteran officials in the court think that the state of Zheng has been destroyed! This Concubine Yang is a subjugated slave! It is not orthodox, so most of them support Concubine Zhao!" Shen Buhai said seriously.

King Han Xiang said helplessly: "It's useless to tell me so much. Hitting the brakes is the trump card of every generation of Han kings. At the beginning, I saw that Yi'er had Xuanwu pawns in his hand, so I didn't hand them over! Now it seems that I can't keep it a secret." !"

"Your Majesty, for South Korea's century-old plan, please transfer Jisha to the palace to protect Concubine Zhao and the others," Shen Buhui said anxiously.

King Han Xiang smiled and said: "Don't underestimate Yi'er, his eyes are not the only ones in this palace! There are no waves in the palace! As for Shisha, I have already sent them to Shangdang to protect them secretly. Yier!"

"My lord! You are...!"

"Jisha is a well-known crossbowman in the world. Everyone is an excellent archer with a hundred shots. I originally wanted them to find the child. Now I see it is time to hand it over to Yi'er!" King Han Xiang finished speaking, A gratified smile appeared on his face.

"Your Majesty, take care of your health!" Shen Buhai said worriedly.

"Don't worry about me! I know about my body. I'm still going to see my grandson. I won't leave until my eldest grandson comes back. I'm not willing to leave either!"


"Minister Shen! Yi'er's reforms in the past two years have been too big. Although it benefits the country and the people, it sometimes violates your interests. I hope that Prime Minister Shen will put the overall situation first!" King Han Xiang said with good intentions, I began to worry that Han Yi was using too much force, they would come to an uprising!

Shen Buhai shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, don't worry about management! As long as your Majesty does something that benefits the country and the people! Shen Buhai will definitely help you!"

"It's Yi'er's luck to have your help!" King Han Xiang comforted.

"Your Majesty guarantees your health! I will leave!" Shen Buhai wanted to leave after finishing speaking.

"It's all here! Let's set down a set of flags!"

(End of this chapter)

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