Warring States Call

Chapter 222 Breakthrough

Chapter 222 Breakthrough
In the dark night, it was already the middle of the night. Han Jun was exhausted physically and mentally, but under the encouragement of Han Yi, he stood up immediately when he heard that he was going home. Han Yi looked ahead and said, "Brothers! Charge!"

9 people rushed to the place where Wang Yanzhang and Hou Jun gathered at the same time, which was the farthest away from the city. What Han Yi was most worried about happened. He was suffering from hunger and cold here, and the Qin army had a full meal, and the fighting power was pulled away again. .

Bai Qi took this pancake and gnawed it, faltering and saying: "Surround but not kill"

Tens of thousands of Qin soldiers were divided into two and scattered in all directions, completely surrounding the charging Han soldiers.

Qin Jun surrounded Han Yi's troops like a fishing net, and Dugu Xin looked at Qin Jun as if facing an enemy: "Your Majesty, we are surrounded now, Qin Jun is very alert!"

Han Yi looked around and saw the boundless people. If he didn't take action, he would surely die. He hurriedly said, "Zhao Yun, Yang Zaixing, you two will open the way! Be sure to open a hole for me!"

"The last general takes orders!" Zhao Yun and Yang Zaixing charged into the enemy's formation with long spears in their hands, and tens of thousands of troops behind them.

Han Yi reluctantly recovered his mood: "Brothers, now is the time of life and death. If you retreat, you can only be killed. If you don't want to die, let me rush."

"Kill" Han Yi had already given the order. In order to survive, he had no choice but to rush forward. Holding the red-tasseled spear in his hand, Yue Fei commanded the soldiers, and approached Han Yi while resisting Meng Tian's entry.

Yue Fei said indifferently: "Fire the arrows and distance yourself from Qin Bing.

The cold arrows were like streamers, constantly snatching their lives. Dian Wei was even more vicious and directly took out a three-stone strong bow. One arrow shot out, pierced through one person's body, and shot the other person with him.

Intimidated by Dian Wei, Qin Bing began to tremble with fear and kept retreating. Meng Tian kept a cold face,

incredible!Dare to break ground in front of Lao Tzu! "

"Listen everyone! The Chinese army shoots arrows! The front army breaks through!" Meng Tian waved his sword and commanded.

Under Meng Tian's command, Qin soldiers began to approach slowly, ready to fight in close combat.

Bai Qi picked up the Shura sword in his hand and said: "Ruan Wengzhong, I will designate you as the vanguard now, you lead me to break through Han Yi's rear army"

Bai Qi was not polite, and he could tell at a glance that Han Yi's rear army was a little flustered. They were in the rear and were easily abandoned, so they all rushed forward desperately.

"The last general takes the order" Ruan Wengzhong excitedly picked up the sledgehammer in his hand. In his opinion, these guys are just chickens and dogs.
"Come on!" Ruan Wengzhong was like a hungry wolf, killing Han Yi's rear. Han Yi was shocked when he saw the battle behind him. There was no strong general behind him, only his brother-in-law Dugushan. Isn't this completely courting death!
"Where are Li Cunxiao and Huang Feihu?" Go and block Ruan Wengzhong!Be sure not to let him break through the formation! "


Dugushan himself is a face-saving person, and the clothes he wears are white armor!white horse!Ruan Wengzhong saw it at a glance, and danced his big hammer and said: "The enemy will take his life!"

"Bah! Grandpa is afraid of you!" A newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, Dugushan took the precious knife in his hand and slashed at Ruan Wengzhong.

Ruan Wengzhong was shocked, thinking that a master was coming, so he quickly used all his strength to blast at the sword.


I saw Dugushan turned into a meteor, lying on the ground bleeding from seven holes! "

Ruan Wengzhong said disdainfully: "I thought there was a fierce general coming! I didn't expect it to be a fake move!"

"Shan'er!" Dugu Xin watched his child die under the hands of Ruan Wengzhong. The saddest thing in the world is that a white-haired person sends a black-haired person. Now Duguxin is experiencing it.

"Presumptuous! The enemy will take his life!" Li Cunxiao who had just arrived was furious, and Yu Wangzhang in his hand greeted Ruan Wengzhong enthusiastically.

Ruan Wengzhong saw that Li Cunxiao was coming, so he didn't dare to be negligent. He still vividly remembered the last battle, and he was completely determined to fight with his life!This time another Huang Feihu came, and Ruan Wengzhong hurriedly withdrew into the army because the hero did not suffer from the immediate loss.

"Stop going!" Li Cunxiao just wanted to chase but was stopped by Huang Feihu.

"General! The top priority now is to withdraw the rear army, not to fight Ruan Wengzhong!"

"Coward!" Li Cunxiao looked at Ruan Wengzhong's back and cursed contemptuously.

"General Dugu's condolences!" Huang Feihu comforted, resisting Dugushan on the ground, and handing him over to Duguxin! .

"Shan'er! Old man Ruan Wengzhong and you will never die!" Dugu Xin said angrily with red eyes.

Bai Qi smiled from behind and said, "This guy is a little clever..."

the other side

"Brothers, I'm going to take you home." Yang Zaixing took the lead, straddling his horse and riding his gun.

"Tie Ying Rui Shi, take him down!" Hou Junji looked at Yang Zaixing from behind, he still remembered the humiliation of that day, this guy killed many of his brothers, now is the time to take revenge.


Tie Ying Rui Shi is a beautiful scenery in the crowd, very attractive, tall and tall, black armor and black clothes.

Yang Zaixing said angrily, "Whoever blocks me will die!"

"Kill!" The 3000 people went straight to the front, and Zhao Yun behind him stepped forward and shot, only avoiding one person from the side. The reaction speed was amazing, and even Zhao Yun was surprised. Even a small soldier would hit the target with this move. Unexpectedly The iron eagle sharpshooter actually blocked it.

"Get up!" The three Iron Eagle warriors who dared to come from the rear cooperated with the one in front and started to attack Zhao Yun.

After all, Zhao Yun is a famous general in the world, he picked up the spear in his hand and said, "Come on!"

The five of them fought together again in an instant, Zhao Yun's spear splashed sparks under the fierce friction, and stared at each other with round eyes.

Zhao Yun's marksmanship was fast and steady, but also extremely tricky. He stabbed one person to death with a single touch, but another person behind him bravely followed up to make up for the vacancy.

The pawns next to him didn't dare to get close at all. Just now, there was one who didn't know what to do and was killed by Zhao Yun from the side. He killed one person in four rounds. Even Zhao Yun couldn't stand it.

The battlefield was changing rapidly, because Jiang Song was tightly entangled, and the people behind had no choice but to attack, and the two sides remained deadlocked.

Han Yi looked around, his eyes were full of indifference, cold-blooded and ruthless, now is not the time to be soft-hearted: "Yuwen Chengdu, you attack from the left, you must rush out, report to Gongsun Yan, and let him come to the rescue!"

"Nuo" Yu Wencheng didn't talk much, so he picked up his weapon and rushed out.

Naturally, Bai Qi himself, Han Yi, would go out to rescue the soldiers, so he hurriedly said: "Send the order to Wang Yanzhang! Ruan Wengzhong! Ruan Wengli! Ruan Wengcheng and the others will be robbed by me, and Han Yi will send out the rescuers!"


"The front army charged, the middle army fired arrows, and left and right charged." Yu Wenqing held the pair of hammers in his hand, and supported Yang Zaixing and Zhao Yun in the rear.


Tens of thousands of troops screamed to kill the sky, and thousands of arrows were like rain. Under the twilight, it looked like another scene. Hou Junji quickly reacted and said, "The front army raises their shields, and the rear army prepares to shoot back at fifty paces." "


(End of this chapter)

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