Warring States Call

Chapter 224 Chang Yuchun

Chapter 224 Chang Yuchun

"Look at the gun!" At some point, Wang Yanzhang stabbed him. In order to defeat Yu Wencheng, he ignored his injuries and took up the big gun to kill him!Now it is not easy for me to use force, so as not to strain the wound, I can only win with marksmanship

Wang Yanzhang yelled, and the big iron spear stabbed at Yu Wencheng's throat like a dragon coming out of the water, and it flashed like lightning.

Seeing Wang Yanzhang's stabbing, Yu Wencheng took up the weapon with his right hand and shook it, raised it in the air and smashed it down, taking offense as defense, and easily neutralized Wang Yanzhang's attack.

Seeing that he could not take Yu Wencheng's life, Wang Yanzhang withdrew quickly.

Naturally, Yuwen Chengdu would not let Wang Yanzhang go, taking advantage of Ruan Wengzhong's absence, he galloped his horse forward with the golden iron in his hand, and smashed Wang Yanzhang's back with the momentum of thunder.

Wang Yanzhang turned pale with shock, turned around and saw that Yuwen Chengdu was close at hand.

"Go away!"

Somehow, a flying hammer hit Yuwen Chengdu, it was as fast as a meteorite, and it hit Yuwen Chengdu after a while.

Yuwen Chengdu had no choice but to abandon Wang Yanzhang, turned around and retreated, unable to move forward.

Han Yi looked at the entangled Yu Wencheng from the back with a serious expression on his face. At this time, he sent out all the cards he could get out. He still had a few small cards in his hand, but if they were taken out, they would be sent to death!
"The system, I want to summon a fierce general!"

"Ding, the host currently has 243 summoning points and can be summoned twice!"

"Summon a warrior for me first!"

"Ding! Hou Yi: Strength is 105, commander is 91, intelligence is 81, and politics is 77!"

"Ding, Gao Siji: Force 105 Commander 89 Intelligence 77 Politics 66"

"Ding, Chang Yuchun: Force 99, commander 99, intelligence 80, politics 79!"

"I feel that Chang Yuchun is not suitable for me now! Let's get rid of him!" Han Yi said with a smile, he is very satisfied with this call, after all, there are two strong generals!
"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting Chang Yuchun!"

"What's the situation! Didn't I say I want to get rid of Chang Yuchun?"

"Ding! System error! We will be resting for three days. Chang Yuchun's current implanted identity is General Wang Ye."

"System! System... Xiaoxue! Xiaoxue... bastard...!"

Han Yi said angrily, but he was relieved. With Chang Yuchun in Wang Ye, he didn't need to remind him. He would tell Gongsun Yan. Looking at Yuwen Chengdu, who was fighting fiercely, Han Yi said, "Yu Wenqing, go and bring your brother back." ! Remember not to love to fight!"

"The last general will take the order!" Yu Wenqing said with a smile, after waiting, he finally waited for himself

Bai Qi looked in the direction of Yuwen Chengdu and began to feel helpless. Although he was strategizing, Han Yi had too many strong generals, and he couldn't stand it at all!
Now Yu Wencheng has settled down, looking back, Bai Qi stroked his gray beard, wondering what he was thinking...

The battlefield is changing rapidly, among thousands of troops, Zhao Yun and Yang Zaixing fought together, only to see that they were both physically and mentally exhausted, and they only killed more than [-] people from time to time. I have to admire this iron man. In the battle of Ying Ruishi, the two were surrounded in a short while.

Zhao Yun smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Yang! I didn't expect us to fight side by side again!"

"Yes! Yes! I'm so honored!" Yang Zaixing wiped the blood from his face, and began to put on his desperate posture again.

"Then let's compare, who can kill the most enemies!" Zhao Yun suddenly became excited, and he picked and killed one person by sweeping the gun.

"Okay! We won't waver!" Yang Zaixing didn't dare to be weak, so he raised his gun and killed him.

Ding, Yang Zaixing's death will activate, every time he activates the power value will be increased by three, the maximum limit is seven times "current force value is 111"

"Ding, Zhao Yun's gentian attribute activates, the enemy's force value of 1 people increases by 1, the current Qin soldiers have 25, the force value increases by 25, the base force value is 103, the gentian silver spear's force value increases by 1, and the current force value is 129!"

Because Bai Qi invested 129 troops, directly bringing Zhao Yun's force to [-] against the sky, and other skills are being activated, I am afraid that Zhao Yun is almost against the sky.

"Die me!" Zhao Yun suddenly changed his appearance, not as elegant as before, and became bloodthirsty. Tie Yingrui was directly passed to the chest by the hole, and Zhao Yun rode a horse and pulled it out from behind.

Zhao Yun and Yang Zaixing worked together, advancing and retreating like a revolving lantern, fighting in the iron eagle for nearly fifty rounds.

One person dealt with three or four Iron Eagles, cutting the Iron Eagles' vigor by more than half, and began to question whether they were facing a human or a devil

Hou Junji was so angry that he jumped into a rage, cursing loudly, but there was nothing the two of them could do for a while.

Zhao Yun took a step, withdrew back, leaned against Yang Zaixing and smiled, "Brothers killed a few!"

Yang Zaixing smiled and said:?No more, no less, just right!Twenty!And you! "

"Zhao Yun took a weapon and picked and killed the person who came forward, saying: "It's just right, one more! "

"No! Zilong, you're playing tricks," Yang Zaixing objected.

Hou Junji in the rear was furious. As the saying goes, the king is captured first before the thief is captured. Looking at Han Yi's direction, Hou Junji bent his bow and set his arrow!

"Ding! Hou Junji's Negative Shot attribute is activated, reducing the host's force value by 3 points, and the current host's force value is 95!"

"call out!"

Han Yi was shocked, and hurriedly left his original position. The sound of breaking the wind was familiar to the experienced Han Yi, so he quickly dodged and looked back at Hou Junji's direction, his eyes full of killing intent.

And on his original seat, there was an extra arrow in an unbiased manner, which made Han Yi's scalp tingle. If he hadn't had a system to remind him, he might be finished just now.
"That's not right! Didn't the system go to rest? Why can you still remind me now!"

"Ding, this...!"

"You lied to me!"

"Ding, now is not the time to pay attention to this, the host should save his life!"

"Hmph, I'll settle accounts with you later!" Han Yi's face was cold, Han Yi would not be merciful to those who wanted to take his own life.

Hou Junji looked in Han Yi's direction, but he didn't expect that he would fail, so he said helplessly, "Heaven will not help me!"

Wang Yezhong, a general in red battle armor, was watching the situation on the city wall. He had a rough face with a beard and a big knife in his hand. He stood majestically on the city wall with a serious face, letting the night wind blow him touching his cheek.

Looking at the deputy general behind him, he said, "When will General Gongsun say!"

"Report to General! General Gongsun will take the road soon, but it has been raining heavily for the past few days and the road is muddy, so it may take a while!"

"Wait a little longer! I'm going to collect the body for the king in a little while. Send an order to hurry up and tell General Gongsun Yan to arrive tomorrow afternoon!"

"But the general...!"

"There's nothing wrong with it, it's a waste of time! I'll kill you!"

"The last general takes orders!"



The general looked into the night, the lights were brightly lit, and the sound of killing was loud, this is destined to be
a sleepless night...

Down there is already a mess

(End of this chapter)

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