Warring States Call

Chapter 225 Horse Meat

Chapter 225 Horse Meat
Hou Junji held a Qin bow in his hand, with a rocky face, and shot a cold arrow from time to time, looking at the iron eagle fighters who fell beside Zhao Yun and Yang Zaixing one by one, Hou Junji felt his heart was bleeding.

There were only 3000 Tieying Ruishi in total. Under Yang Zaixing and Zhao Yun's slaying, more than [-] people have fallen, not counting injuries.

"Listen, Tie Yingrui! The whole army retreats, shoot Zhao Yun and Yang Zaixing with arrows!" Hou Junji picked up the bow and arrow, casually wounded Yang Zaixing with a blow.

Like a flash of inspiration, the cold arrow passed through Yang Zaixing's cheek, leaving a not deep and not shallow mark on Yang Zaixing's face. Yang Zaixing looked displeased, staring at Hou Junji with a pair of tiger eyes, and cursed angrily: "I think you are a birthday star!" Arsenic, impatient to live!"

"Ding! Yang Zaixing's Death Rush attribute is activated. Whenever he is injured and enters the formation, he can activate it in conjunction with his death will. It can only be activated when facing more than 5 people. The force value is increased by 5! The current force is 111!"

"Let's go!" Yang Zaixing couldn't bear it any longer, he picked up the corpses around him, smashed at the iron eagle warrior who was blocking him, straddled his horse and rushed towards Hou Junji, holding the silver spear that Han Yi had rewarded him with.

Hou Junji had seen how powerful Yang Zaixing was. He held a bow in his left hand and an arrow in his right hand, and shot at Yang Zaixing.

"Ding, Hou Junji's Negative Shot attribute is activated, reducing Yang Zaixing's force value by 3 points, and Yang Zaixing's current force value is 109!"

Yang Zaixing let out a cold snort when the cold arrow was shot, the spear casually interrupted Hou Junji's cold arrow, and the spear in his hand took the head of the soldier beside him.

Hou Junji saw that his proud archery skills could do nothing to Yang Zaixing, so he gave up the contest with Yang Zaixing, and said solemnly: "Soldiers, are you willing to kill so many of our brothers?"


"Okay! Everyone obey orders! Let me shoot the arrow!" Hou Junji said seriously.

At this moment, Tie Ying Rui Shi had already distanced himself from them, and after receiving Hou Junji's order, he turned around and counted arrows.


Yang Zaixing secretly cursed for trouble, grabbed the corpse on the ground and blocked himself, and Zhao Yun from behind hurriedly followed, just in case something happened to Yang Zaixing.

Dongfeng Jincao, Han Yi picked up the emperor's hatred in his hand and said: "Send the order! Withdraw!"

"My lord has made a breakthrough in the current situation. If we withdraw our troops at this time, I am afraid that the morale of the army will be lost," Dugu Mu on the side was puzzled.

Han Yi looked helpless, exhausted, and said: "Ahead is Hou Junji! There are elites from the state of Qin like Tie Ying Ruishi there, and none of our special forces are here. Fighting will only increase casualties! It's better to wait for the opportunity Woolen cloth…"


"Okay, don't talk anymore, pass on the order!" Han Yi rubbed his head, there was nothing he could do if his skills were inferior to others!


"withdraw troops!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" After the three-body horn was blown, the tens of thousands of troops retreated exhausted.

"Retreat!" A centurion was exhausted and returned to the original place with his soldiers and horses. The soldiers did not dare to fight for a long time, so they quickly withdrew.

"General Yang is gone!" Zhao Yun reminded.

"You go first! I must kill him today!" Yang Zaixing fired up his real fire, ready to stab Hou Junji to death.

Zhao Yun was helpless, turned around and pulled Yang Zaixing's horse's head back with a blow, and stabbed the horse's buttocks. The frightened horse rushed back to the original place with Yang Zaixing.

Yang Zaixing said angrily, "General Zhao...you"

"excuse me!"

The night is long, there is no desire to sleep, one or two are exhausted, and they just want to lie on the ground and don't want to get up.

Han Yi looked at Xiaobai confusedly: "Do you think we will die here!"

"Roar...roar!" Xiao Bingxiang understood what Han Yi meant, and he groaned!Don't know what to say.

Han Yi put away his sword and sat on the ground thinking about something!
"Why is your majesty sighing!" Guo Jia picked up the feather fan in his hand with a smile, as if he knew it well.

Han Yi sighed lightly and said, "I think I've traveled all my life, and I've gone through hundreds of battles, but I never thought I'd be defeated by Bai Qi!"

"Where does the king say that! Then Bai Qi is a famous general in the world, and it is normal for the lord to fail!" Guo Jia looked at Han Yi in relief.

Han Yi picked up the Emperor's Hate in his hand: "How about the casualties!"

"Our army died more than 700 times, and the casualties have not yet been counted!" Guo Jia said that it was a bit difficult here.

"Among the 9 people, there are [-] from Zhou State! [-] from Dugu Xin, and [-] well-trained soldiers. Most of the casualties are among the soldiers of Dugu Xin!"

Han Yi shook his head and said, "Pass the order down! Kill the horses! Eat them!"

"Your Majesty, these horses are all the work of your Majesty!" Dian Wei, who had just rushed back, couldn't bear it.

"Sometimes being alive is more important than anything else!" Han Yi said seriously.

"But the king...!"

"Enough! Remember not to start a fire, eat it raw, I'm afraid of getting suspicious, now we have to try our best to maintain our strength!"

"My lord, is this good...!" Guo Jia was obviously not used to it, like his own playboy, he had never eaten like this.

Han Yi said helplessly: "It's a matter of making a fire. I'm afraid Bai Qi will send people to harass him. The soldiers themselves are physically and mentally exhausted. If this continues, I'm afraid they won't last long."


Bai Qi smiled and took down the unfinished pancakes in his arms, and said: "This Hou Junji is not bad! He actually forced Han Yi to order to retreat, he is indeed a talent!"

"What will the general do next!"

"What to do! Send a few cavalrymen to harass Han Yi from the side and exhaust him physically and mentally. Let's boil the frog in warm water for three days and three nights! It's time to harvest!" Bai Qi said with a smile.

"The last general takes orders!"

"Your Majesty is done roasting! Let's eat!" Dian Wei took out the horse meat that had just been roasted, and watched Han Yi show great care.

Han Yi looked at the fragrance of the ready-made horse meat, and couldn't help swallowing. All the soldiers turned their attention to Han Yi, and they couldn't help swallowing.

Han Yi looked eagerly at each of the soldiers who were eating raw horse meat.

The soldier's armor was already tattered, and several scars appeared on his body, and the horse meat in his hand was only the size of a baby's fist.

On the other hand, Han Yi's horse meat was not only roasted, but also very big. Han Yi sighed and said, "Are you hungry?"

Xiaobing looked at the horse meat in Han Yi's hand, nodded first, then shook his head again!

Han Yi looked at his black cloud dragon armor robe, which was obviously a soldier of Zhou State. Han Yi smiled and took out his horse meat!Handed it over to Xiao Bing, said: "Eat well! Live well!"

"This...!" Xiaobing had mixed feelings in his heart, not knowing what to do.

"My lord! This is for you...!" Dian Wei was obviously not happy.

"Okay! Dian Wei! Divide the rest of the horse meat!"

"But my lord!"

"Divide it!"

(End of this chapter)

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