Warring States Call

Chapter 226 5 Great Generals

Chapter 226 Five Great Generals
It is rainy in summer, but South Korea is located in the Central Plains. Although there is not enough rain in summer, it is still caught up by Gongsun Yan's army, and the road is slippery!
Gongsun Yan's face was not very good-looking, staring at the rainy sky, his face was full of melancholy. The news of Han Yi and Bai Qi's decisive battle in Wang Ye had been heard for several days.

Although Gongsun Yan has confidence in Han Yi, Bai Qi and Qin's 20 troops are not vegetarians, and their worries are also revealed.

Zhou Zui in the back touched his goatee and said, "The general is worrying about peace!"

This battle was a battle between South Korea and Qin. In the name of peace, Zhou Tianzi sent Zhou Zui to lead [-] Zhou soldiers to help the battle. To put it bluntly, Cao Cao transferred Zhou Zui out for a period of time in order to control Zhou Guo, so as not to He gets in his way.

Gongsun Yan said without changing his face, "Worry about the king!"

"From my point of view, the king is really not Bai Qi's opponent...

"Presumptuous!" Gongsun Yan was furious, and his tiger eyes stared at Zhou Zui with killing intent in his eyes.

"Don't be angry, general! In my opinion! Han Yi will lose this battle! General, why don't you make yourself king, considering that I am the prime minister of Zhou State! As long as the general helps me drive Cao Cao out, when I control Zhou State, it will be When the general takes the throne!"

Gongsun Yan was very surprised, he didn't expect to be so heavy-hearted this week, but suddenly he felt that what he said was reasonable, if he could really replace his son...

"Report to the general! Wang Ye sent an urgent report!"

"Oh! Xuan!"

I saw a small soldier rushing over in a hurry, panting: "The general is defeated in front! The king is trapped under the city! There is still a day's journey away from the king!"

"What! What happened to the king!" Gongsun Yan said in surprise, the thing he was most worried about happened!

"General! Your Majesty is in danger now. If the general doesn't send someone to rescue him, I'm afraid the whole army will be wiped out!"

Gongsun Yan hurriedly said: "Send the order! The whole army pulls out the stronghold! Order Xiahouyuan's raid battalion to go to Wangye with fast horses, and wait and see what happens. Don't act rashly without this general's order!"


"Wen Yang and Gao Shun lead Xuanwu's soldiers and trap the camp to Wang Ye. They must arrive at Wang Ye before noon! Yan Liang and Wen Chou are here to guard the army's expenses. The others go into battle lightly, and they must catch up!"


A series of three general orders came out, Gongsun Yan was full of murderous intent, and Zhou Zui persuaded him: "The general is such a good opportunity, don't let it go! In the future...!"

"Death!" Gongsun Yan pulled out his sword, seeing blood sealing his throat, Zhou Zui clutched his arm in disbelief.

Gongsun Yan looked at Zhou Zui indifferently, and said with a sneer, "I, Gongsun Yan, was originally an alcoholic. If it hadn't been appreciated by the king, I don't know where I would be living in a daze today! You made a wrong idea!"

"My Gongsun Yantou can bleed and bleed, and I will definitely follow the king in this life!"


"Come here! Lord Zhou was assassinated by Qin's assassins!" Come here quickly! "Gongsun Yan is quick and wise.

Zhou Guo's army must be used well, otherwise it will become a serious disaster. This week, I originally wanted to keep him for a few days, but I didn't expect that I would die, and I would not be able to keep him today! "

The second general Gao Shun Wenyang was shocked when he received the general order. Both of them are Han Yi's direct troops. Now that the lord has lost, they are naturally distraught.

Wen Yang has always been calm, but now he is not calm anymore, with a soul-destroying gun in his hand, a serious face, blue eyes, and murderous eyes in his eyes, he looked at his Xuanwu soldier and said: "The general dies in a hundred battles, and the strong man returns after ten years! Raise soldiers for a thousand days and use them for one hour! The lord is trapped in the king's field, warriors! Are you afraid!"

"Will go through fire and water for my Lord!" The voices of 3000 people resounded through the sky, frightening the birds away.

Wen Yang looked at the crowd with satisfaction: "This battle is about the death of the king, everyone listen! No one is allowed to retreat without the general's order! The general is dead! As long as I don't speak! You can't retreat! Until Until the king is rescued!"


"set off!"


There are 3000 people, keeping a leisurely pace, all of them are lightly armed, and the heavy armor is transported to Wangye by Xia Houyuan's iron cavalry to maintain maximum physical strength!

Gao Shun was not good at words, holding his big knife, looked at the brothers in front of him and said: "The ambition to fall into battle!"

"Death but not life!"

"set off!"

Gongsun Yan looked at the three armies. The three armies combined only had 9000 men, but they were against [-] troops.

"How many cavalry do we have!" Gongsun Yan asked curiously.

"Only General Cao Hong's five thousand cavalry!"

"Give the order! [-] light armored soldiers, mixed with [-] cavalry, rushed over as fast as possible, and the other [-] troops were led by Xia Houdun, Zhang Liao, and Ning Yue, and rushed to Wang Ye. Be fast! I'm afraid the king won't be able to persist." how long!"


Bai Qi looked at Chu Yang who had just risen, with helplessness in his eyes, and joked: "This Han Yi is really an unbeatable Xiaoqiang! He can still persist until now!"

"General, do you want to launch a general attack?" Hou Junji who rushed back said with a smile.

"No need! Don't be in a hurry now. I just looked at it. The Han army has not yet reached the end of its rope. As the saying goes, if the soldiers are in a hurry, they will jump over the wall. If they are in a hurry, there is no guarantee that they will not be caught!"

"But general! Just waste time with them like this! What if the Han army has reinforcements!" Hou Junji obviously disagreed with Bai Qi's opinion, he thought that the opportunity must be missed.

Bai Qi said more and more: "Han Yi has solved it, but there are 30 troops from Zhao State and Wei State in Hangu Pass. Once Han Yi fights with us to the death, we will not be able to support Wang Jian and the others! What's more! This battle can't kill Han Yi at all!"

"This still can't kill Han Yi...!" Hou Junji was surprised, the 25 army can't kill even one person, just kidding!
Bai Qi's head became more and more helpless: "I didn't believe that there are generals who can defeat one hundred in this world, but judging from the situation just now, only Han Yi wants to go out, I'm afraid the generals around him will definitely protect him , it’s just that this guy is reluctant!”

"General! Don't let it go like this!" Hou Junji said unwillingly.

"Report to the general! General Wang Jian fought with Zhao and Wei at Hangu Pass, and I hope the general will support you."

"What is this Wang Jian doing? Why can't even defend the city!" Bai Qi said angrily, he knew Wang Jian's skills!Not to mention comparing with myself, but it is more than enough to defend a city!

"General! General Wang Jian is under great pressure! Zhao Guo dispatched three great generals in a row this time! Lian Po, Li Mu, and Zhao Gou, three great military gods! Wei Guo also has two great generals! Pang Juan, Le Yang, and one who is up-and-coming Guo Chongtao, General Wang Jian is really going to be overwhelmed!"

Bai Qi stroked his beard, this battle was really hard to say, no wonder Wang Jian couldn't stand it anymore.

"Also! The monarch of the Zhao Kingdom, King Zhao Wuling personally came to help!"

(End of this chapter)

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