Warring States Call

Chapter 228 Chapter 228: Pretty Strong

Chapter 228 Chapter 220

"Let's go!" Ruan Wengzhong's heavy hammer hit Li Cunxiao straight away, and Ruan Wengli and Ruan Wengcheng were also assisting Ruan Wengzhong.

"Ding, Ruan Weng Trong is affected by the host's Weizhen attribute, the force value has dropped by 1 point, the current force value is 103, Ruan Wengcheng's force value has dropped by 3 points, the current force value is 96, Ruan Weng Xiao's force value has dropped by 2 points, the current force value is 98!"

"Ding, the three brothers of the Ruan family are so powerful that they can cut gold. Brothers all go to battle. For each additional person with a force value of 90 or more, the force value will be increased by 1. The current three people's force value is above 90. Ruan Weng Zhong's force value will be increased by 3, and the current force value is 105. , Ruan Weng Li's force value is 101, and Ruan Weng Cheng's force value is 99!"

Li Cunxiao looked at the three of them with disdain, and the King Yu in his hand swept away thousands of troops with one move.

"Ding, Li Cunxiao launched boldly! When picking a general, reduce the enemy's force value by 3 points, increase your own force value by 5 points, currently reduce Ruan Weng Trong's force value by 3, the current Ruan Weng Trong's force value is 102, and Ruan Weng Li's force value is reduced by 3 points, and the current force value is 98. Ruan Wengcheng 3, the current force value is 96"

"Ding, add 5 to Li Cunxiao's force value, add 1 to the force value of weapons Wang Yu and Bi Yanluo! Add 1 to Zhu Longma's force value, base force 107, current force value 114!"

The confrontation of heavy weapons directly knocked Ruan Wengcheng and Ruan Wengli back. Ruan Wengzhong's face was weak, and the sledgehammer in his hand almost fell out.

Li Cunxiao seized the opportunity, Bi Guoyan took Ruan Wengli's life directly, Ruan Wengli was shocked and said: "Don't hurt my brother!"

"Ding, Ruan Wengzhong activates the attribute of empathy, reduces Li Cunxiao's force value by 5 points, the current force value of Li Cunxiao is 109, increases his own force value by 5, and the current force value is 107

The hammers and spears intersected and made a deafening sound. Li Cunxiao's Bi Laoyan was directly blocked back.

"You two leave quickly, I'll stop you here." Ruan Wengzhong had seen Li Cunxiao's strength, he couldn't beat him at all, and his two younger brothers became his burden instead.

"Leave it to me! Han Yixiu go! Take your life!" Ruan Wengli said angrily.

"Presumptuous!" Dian Wei, Xu Chu and the four generals yelled at the same time, which directly shocked Ruan Wengli. You must know that these four guys together started to launch the four elephants killing array.

Han Yi picked up the Canglaozhen Tianji, smiled gently and said: "He is mine!"

"Ding, the overlord attribute of the host is activated, the force value is increased by 6, and the current force value is 104!"

When Ruan Wengli saw that Han Yi was asking for trouble, he was overjoyed and said, "Today I will let you know what is called the sky is high and the earth is thick! Get up!"

Ruan Wengli's Qin Ge pierced Han Yi's chest, Han Yi laughed and pierced the halberd with a slight upward thrust, the ear of the halberd directly knocked over Ruan Wengli's Qin Ge, and the tip of the halberd raised slightly and pierced his throat.

Ruan Wengli was shocked, and hurriedly hid from the side, but suddenly thought of something, and quickly lowered his head, only to see Han Yi retracting the halberd, and the ear of the halberd cut off half of Ruan Wengli's ear!

"Ah! It hurts me too!" Ruan Wengli covered his ears, feeling very regretful in his heart, and looked at Han Yi with red eyes: "Take your life!"

"Ding, Ruan Wengli lifted Li Cunxiao's suppression, affected by the host's Megatron, the current force is 98!"

"Ding, Ruan Wengli's bloody battle attribute activates. When he suffers irreparable damage, his force value will be increased by 10, and his current force value is 108!"

Han Yi's gentle face gradually disappeared, replaced by endless indifference, get up! "

"Ding, the host is affected by Xiaobai, the strength value is increased by 2, and the current strength is 106!"

"Ding, the strong attribute is activated, reduce Ruan Wengli's force value by two points, Ruan Weng Trong's force value is 106, increase the host's force value by 2 points, currently 108!"


In the halberd battle, Ruan Wengli's weapon was obviously an ordinary Qin Ge, while Han Yi's was a famous halberd summoned by the system, and Qin Ge who attacked Ruan Wengli with one move made a cracking sound.

"Get up!" Han Yi snorted, and Ruan Wengli's Qin Ge broke immediately.

"Xiaoli!" Ruan Wengzhong saw that his third brother had lost his ears, so he naturally thought that Han Yi's force was not inferior to that of his younger brother, and prepared to speed up, avoid Li Cunxiao, and go to the rescue, but who is Li Cunxiao, how could it be so easy? let him go!

Han Yi calmed down his mood. Canglaozhen Tianji swept through thousands of troops and took the head straight. Han Yi said coldly: "Let's use you to activate the very strong third attribute!"

"Ding, the second attribute of Manqiang is activated, reducing Ruan Wengli's force value by 4 points, Ruan Wengli's current force value is 102, increasing the host's force value by 4 points, and the current force value is 112"

There was a difference of ten points in strength, Ruan Wengli saw Han Yiqiang slashing at him with a halberd, and tried his best to block it with his Qin Ge.


A good human head fell, and the aura of the little white holy beast emerged spontaneously.

"Roar!" A roar frightened the horse without a head.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for beheading a general with a force value of over 100. The current force value of Ruan Wengli is [-], and the host is currently very strong to activate the third attribute!"

"Ding, the system will provide a list of explosives next!"

"Wait for the next time!"

"Ding, okay!"

"Third brother!" Ruan Wengzhong couldn't bear it anymore,
"Go!" Ruan Wengzhong smashed Li Cunxiao with a hammer, Li Cunxiao had no way to dodge it, so he could only block it.


Li Cunxiao only felt his arms go numb, and the Zhu Longma who stepped off was also hit by this sudden blow, and the horse's hoof trembled, leaving a small hole in the ground."

"Ding, a special reminder, Ruan Wengzhong's basic strength is increased by 1, and the current strength value is 106. When the heavy killing attribute is activated, after using a heavy weapon, the basic strength will be increased by 7."

"Third brother! Third brother!" Ruan Wengzhong wanted to cry but had no tears!Holding the headless corpse, I don't know what to say, war is cruel!

Ruan Wengcheng on the side didn't know what to do, Ruan Wengzhong was furious, with tears in his eyes, pointed at Han Yi and said, "You...die!"

Han Yi, on the other hand, has a calm and strong third attribute. As long as he doesn't meet perverts like Xiang Yu, Li Cunxiao, Li Yuanba, and Luo Shixin, the others are more than enough.

"Don't be presumptuous! You are mine!" Li Cunxiao was furious, his opponent slipped from his hands, isn't this a joke!
"Ding, add 8 to Li Cunxiao's force value, and the current force value is 117!"

"Give it to me, get out!"

"Ding, Ruan Wengzhong activates the attribute of heavy killing, the force value increases by 7, the base force value is 106, the force value of the heavy emotion attribute is activated by 8, and the current force value is 121"


Li Cunxiao's move failed, and Ruan Wengxiao turned around and killed Li Cunxiao, who had hit him with a hammer, backed down, but he didn't stop there, turning around and killing Han Yi.

Han Yi's eyes were fixed, and he said proudly: "Let me see, what skills do you have?"

"Ding, Han Yi's strong attribute is activated, the force value is increased by 6, the current force value is 118, and the force value of Ruan Weng Trong is reduced by 6 points, and the current force value of Ruan Weng Trong is 115"

"go to hell"

(End of this chapter)

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