Warring States Call

Chapter 229 Breakthrough

Chapter 229 Breakthrough
Ruan Wengzhong struck with all his strength, and aimed directly at Han Yi. Han Yi frowned as he watched, and the Old Town Heavenly Halberd in his hand slashed to the side, honestly taking Ruan Wengzhong's full blow. .

Han Yi, who took a few steps back, only felt numbness in his tiger's mouth. It was obvious that his strength was higher than Ruan Wengzhong's, but Ruan Wengzhong's strength still hurt him.

"Don't hurt my lord!" Dian Wei and Xu Chu directly swept Ruan Wengzhong away with the sledgehammer, and distanced him from Han Yi.

"Ding, Dian Wei protector attribute triggers strength by 7, basic strength is 105, current strength is 112
"Ding, when Xu Chu's protector's attribute is activated, the force value will be increased by 7, and the current force value is 108!"

"The combination of ding lion and tiger will increase the force value by 4, the current force value of Dian Wei is 116, and the force value of Xu Chu is 112!"

"Whoever blocks me will die!" Ruan Wengzhong was furious, and the sledgehammer in his hand blasted away again. Han Yi was right in front of him, very close at hand, but because of Dian Wei and Xu Chu, he couldn't move an inch.

"Looking for death!" Xu Chu was furious, and the tiger-headed golden knife in his hand went straight to Ruan Wengzhong's throat. Ruan Wengzhong looked pale, and quickly blocked Xu Chu's move with the sledgehammer in his hand.


Xu Chu's knife forced Ruan Wengzhong to flee a few steps. Xu Chu cut a gap in Ruan Wengzhong's weapon, and his arm began to tremble. The sledgehammer went straight to Han Yi: "Die!"

"Presumptuously treat me like nobody in South Korea!" Elai raised a big axe, and went straight for Ruan Wengzhong.

"Don't be angry, general! He's mine!" Bi Laoyan in Li Cunxiao's hand pierced Ruan Wengzhong's back, as fast as lightning and moving like a gust of wind.

"Let's go!" Ruan Wengzhong slammed the sledgehammer on the pole, saying that it was too late, but now, Li Cunxiao's advantage of dual weapons gave him a huge advantage, and the Yuwang lance in his right hand hit Ruan Wengzhong's forehead.

Ruan Wengzhong was shocked, his thick and long thighs pinched the horse's body, turned around and looked up, King Yu turned into a black shadow in front of him, and disappeared in a flash. Li Cunxiao looked at it and cried out it was a pity, but he didn't want to rely on this to kill Ruan Wengzhong , while Ruan Wengzhong didn't turn around, he stabbed at the horse.

The horse in pain ran towards the front in alarm. If Ruan Wengzhong hadn't held it tightly, it would have fallen off the horse by now.

Li Cunxiao was overjoyed, and drove away to prepare to end Ruan Wengzhong. After all, Zhu Longma is a famous horse in the world, and he caught up with Ruan Wengzhong after a while. At this time, Ruan Wengzhong had just got up and was about to control the horse. Li Cunxiao came and raised his weapon. Exclaimed: "Grow eyes in the next life! Die!"

"General Han, please don't bully me, the Qin army has no one!" Wang Yanzhang saw Li Cunxiao's sure-kill blow with a big iron gun, turned around and grabbed Ruan Wengzhong. raised it.

When Ruan Wengzhong turned around, he put himself on another horse. Wang Yanzhang looked at Ruan Wengzhong and said, "This general is even more brave than you and me! We will kill him together!"

"I'm so happy!" Ruan Wengzhong knew that he was not Li Cunxiao's opponent after the blow just now, and it was even more impossible to seek revenge from Han Yi. Now Han Yi even felt that he was unpredictable.

"Native chicken and dog! Die!" Li Cunxiao picked up his weapon and looked at the two people contemptuously. It wasn't that he was crazy, but he had the right to be crazy.

Wang Yanzhang's face turns green and turns pale for a while, it's really not good-looking, because it's the first time in many years that he needs to team up with someone to fight against the enemy, what a slap in the face

"Kill!" With just one word, the three of them began to kill each other, attacking and killing each other. Li Cunxiao held two weapons in his hand, attacking and defending in an orderly manner, Wang Yanzhang opened and closed his big iron spear, and Ruan Wengzhong's weapon was like a huge rock, but it could always be defeated. Li Cunxiao easily dodged, and in the blink of an eye, the three of them had been fighting for several rounds.

There are hundreds of rounds in a three-person battle that cannot be won. Han Yi looked at the two of them. This is his greatest enemy. He must not keep them. Now that Shi Jiantang is injured, the other generals have their own arrangements. Not going to send out.

In case Luo Shixin broke the watch here, he went to kill the enemy alone, and there was no rush to cry when he met him.

"Huang Feihu! Jia Fu, you two go to help General Li Cunxiao, be sure to kill the two of you!" Han Yi dispatched two generals in one go, from which it can be seen that Han Yi attaches great importance to them.

"Yes!" Both of them were puzzled, but they couldn't get angry, Wang Yanzhang bullied the few with more, and rushed to kill with guns.

Han Yi said ruthlessly: "The others and this king rush out!"


Tens of thousands of people, led by Han Yi himself to charge and kill, the momentum is like a rainbow, Bai Qi's eyes are straightened when he looks behind, this is the first time he sees an emperor leading troops to charge and kill!
But then Bai Qi showed that harmless smile, and Han Yi wanted to die, so he can’t be blamed. Being able to solve Han Yi here will undoubtedly hit the morale of the Han army, and Qin’s Hangu Pass can also Stabilize quickly.

With red eyes and pale face, Bai Qihong sneered and said: "The order will be passed on, the encirclement will kill one, let Hou Junji feign defeat, and lead Han Yi into the killing game!"


Looking at the big picture of Qin Jun, Han Yi's eyes were firm, and he held the old town's halberd in his hand: "Kill!"

"Come on!" Dian Wei took the lead, and Xu Chu also followed!The four evil people blocked Han Yi's face and firmly protected Han Yi, leaving Han Yi speechless.

Hou Junji looked indifferently at Han Jun, who was crowded with people, and said indifferently: "The Chinese army shoots three rings in succession! The front army charges!"

Han Yi looked at Hou Junji calmly, and said hastily, "The former army unites and marches with their shields raised!"

"Let go!" Seeing the opportunity, Hou Junji swung his sword and slashed out.

Chen Qingzhi was in the front army, and said calmly: "Block!"

"Dang...dang...dang...! Thousands of arrows were all blocked, and Hou Junji's eyes went straight.

Zhaohu on the side said: "Charge!"


The army changed formation and charged in a straight line, Hou Junji quickly took out his weapon and said, "Fight!"


So the soldiers have hideous faces, some of them are to survive, some are to make contributions to honor their ancestors.

"General Baiqi, the general's secret order!"

"Oh!" Hou Junji, who was directing, was taken aback. He quickly put his ears to his ears and listened carefully. A smile gradually appeared on his face. He looked at Han Yi and stroked his beard. He didn't know what he was thinking!
"Tie Ying Ruishi withdraw!" Hou Junji said happily.

The mobilization of thousands of people suddenly became much empty, and Han Jun saw that there was no obstruction from Tie Yingruishi, and his speed was a little faster.

"Break through Qin Bing's camp" Han Yi's eyes shone with a star.

"I'm afraid it's not good for the lord to go deep alone like this," Dian Wei reminded.

Han Yi said helplessly: "The most urgent task is to lead people to break through Bai Qi's siege, not just sit here and wait for death."

Bai Qi smiled and stroked his beard: "Han Yi! Han Yi, it would be great if my king could be as brave as you. You are qualified as a monarch, and you are not bad as a general. It's a pity that you met me Bai Qi"

(End of this chapter)

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