Chapter 230
"Break!" A small soldier couldn't wait, rushed out of the encirclement, holding a weapon, looked at the city wall and said excitedly: "Great! I can finally go home!"

Hou Junji squinted his eyes with a sneer, and teased, "Medium!"

The sound of the arrow piercing through the air was as fast as lightning, passing through the soldier's throat, shooting light red blood on the ground.

The soldier clutched his neck, disbelief written all over his face, he still wanted to go home!I want to hug my wife and children and honor my parents, but now it seems that everything has become like a dream.

"Rush!" There is a second person for one person, and all Han Jun began to break through at the fastest speed, with eager smiles on one and two faces.

Hou Junji had a panoramic view of all this, and muttered, "Let's feel your last warmth!"

Han Yi looked around, feeling that something was wrong, everything was so quiet!Looking forward, the soldier said, "What's happening in front of you!"

"I'll go and have a look!" Xu Chu took a knife and rode his horse to kill him!There is no one to stop where he passes, and he quickly comes to the front, his eyes are also confused.

Xu Chu looked around, but did not see a group of Qin soldiers. Although he felt suspicious, he did not dare to relax too much and drove back.

"Is there something wrong with the enemy army?" Han Yi worried when he saw Xu Chu come back. From Han Yi's judgment, there must be something wrong.

"No, I didn't even show my tail." Xu Chu shook his head helplessly, and told Han Yi about the scene just now.

Han Yi looked at the fewer and fewer Qin soldiers, and said in shock: "Not good! Baiqi is besieging and killing! Everyone listen, concentrate your forces and approach the city wall!"

Bai Qi watched from above, and said with a smile: "This guy is a little clever, but it's too late! Pass the order! Cut it off!"


Although Bai Qi's invitation to enter the urn was unsuccessful, Han Yi suddenly discovered it, but Bai Qi would not fight an uncertain battle.

"Very good, this is what you've been waiting for, Weisha," Hou Junji closed his eyes for a long time and said

Meng Tian didn't know when he brought tens of thousands of Qin soldiers, like a big knife, to kill Han Yi's army.

"Quick! Cut off Han Jun!" Meng Tian was very excited, holding the Qin Ge, and caught Han Jun off guard.

"Quick! Surround the gap!" Hou Junji watched the show from above. If Meng Tian succeeds, Han Yi will only have 3000 people, and he will be unable to escape.

Han Yi cursed inwardly!Looking at the army, he said: "The whole army is getting closer, so Meng Tian must not cut it open!


But Han Yi's reaction was half a beat slower, and Meng Yi led his troops to cut in from the opposite direction of Meng Tian!The two armies met and cut off Han Yi's central army. Zhao Yun was shocked in the rear. Han Yi's life and death are really uncertain now!

Guo Jia's complexion was even worse. Han Yi would be doomed sooner or later. He looked at Yang Zaixing and said, "General, quickly lead someone to break through!"

Yang Zaixing also realized the seriousness of the matter, looked at his life-and-death friend Huo Qubing and said: "Abing, you lead 1000 people to ask for help!"

"Leave it to me!" Huo Qubing did not dare to neglect.

The [-] ordinary soldiers in the rear brought their small bows from nowhere. Looking at Huo Qubing who had broken through, a burly centurion said solemnly: "Everyone shoot arrows and cover that man for me. Make sure to open a gap to protect him." Little King Han!"



The arrows gathered together and began to shoot a weak Qin soldier to death!The centurion looked at the domineering Meng Tian, ​​and said indifferently, "I made you laugh."


Meng Tian, ​​who reacted quickly, stared at the four directions, turned around and shot the arrow away, but still hit his left arm, looked at the feather order above, and there was a word "brake" written on it.

Meng Tian looked at Yu Ling in surprise for a moment, this is the special force of South Korea, this force can compete with Tie Ying, and muttered in his heart: "I'm careless,"

But Meng Tian couldn't say it, so as not to affect the morale of the army, he looked in the direction of Jian Ling, and at some point, the centurion had disappeared without a trace.

Looking at the noon sun, Han Yi gradually became speechless. He didn't know what to do. He came to this world to live a life full of dangers.

Han Yi worked hard to restore his calm, he didn't want to die yet, he couldn't die yet!Looking at Meng Tian, ​​who had been chopped off at the waist, he said angrily: "Rush out! Kill!"

"Fire arrows!"

Tens of thousands of cold arrows evaded Han Yi back. Hou Junji looked at him calmly and agreed, but he couldn't hide his excitement, and said, "Han Yi, you are asking for trouble! Next year's today will be yours." Festival day!"

"Hahahaha! Hou Junji, don't be too frightened. After I die, there will be another King Han! I still have a hundred thousand troops, Korea will never be destroyed, and Qin will never be peaceful!" .

Dian Wei and Xu Chu in the rear looked at each other and were ready.

"You can't see it anymore! Let the arrows go!" Hou Junji was not talking nonsense with Han Yi, and directly ordered to let the arrows go.

"Wait a minute" Bai Qi walked slowly.


Bai Qi looked at Han Yi with a smile and said, "King Han Wu, what else do you have to say!"

Han Yi had mixed feelings for a while and didn't know what to say.

Bai Qi was very satisfied with Han Yi's expression, he looked at Han Yi as if admiring a work of art.

"Bai Qi...!" Han Yi gritted his teeth and never thought that such a day would happen to him.

Bai Qi smiled and said: "The world will be divided for a long time, and it will be united for a long time. You Han Yi is just a speck of dust, how can you compete with the bright moon! Die!"

"Stop hurting my lord!"

Wang Ye's gate slowly opened, Chang Yuchun was wearing a black battle armor, and charged forward with a half-moon knife in his hand.

For some reason, Bai Qi in the distance could feel a bloody smell. Although Chang Yuchun seemed to be committing suicide, Bai Qi's intuition told him that this person didn't understand.

"Kill!" I saw Chang Yuchun shouting with a big knife in his hand. Chang Yuchun, who was watching the battle on the city wall, saw Han Yi trapped. If he stayed out of the matter, Han Yi might be killed.
"Hou Junji is going to collect the net," Bai Qi said coldly, ignoring Chang Yuchun, the overall situation has been settled, it's useless whoever comes.

Han Yi said angrily: "Kill!" With a wave of the halberd, Han Yi rushed into the formation. Dian Wei and Xu Chu were frightened and chased after Han Yi.

Now Han Yi couldn't bear it anymore, he would rather die in battle than live on his knees.

Bai Qi said helplessly: "Fire the arrow!"

Thousands of arrows were densely packed like rainwater, Dian Wei was shocked and said, "Protect Your Majesty!"

Dozens of people used their bodies to stand in front of Han Yi. Han Yi's eyes turned red, and he said, "Get out of the way! Don't...!"

The soldier in front of him smiled honestly and said, "To die in battle for the lord! It's an honor!"

"The Koreans will not fall! My lord is fine!"

"May I go through fire and water for the Lord!"

Every word is like iron, engraved in Han Yi's heart, every word is like a heavy hammer!
"My lord, don't panic! Xiahou Yuanla also"

"Don't hurt my lord! Wen Yang is here!"

"Ambition to fall into the battle! There is death but there is no life!

(End of this chapter)

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