Chapter 232

The situation became more and more chaotic, and Wen Yang and Xia Houyuan stepped in, making Bai Qi's hard-won management situation even more anxious!Hou Junji was pestered by Gao Shun.

The [-] troops led by Meng Tian and Meng Yi are fighting Zhao Yun and Yang Zaixing to the death!Chang Yuchun led the city guards in to make trouble.

The only thing that makes Bai Qi happy is that Han Yi has not escaped from his own Wuzhi Mountain.

At this moment, Han Yi was struggling hard, Bai Qi couldn't bear it anymore, picked up the crossbow in the ground and said: "For Qin! For a hundred years! You must die!"

The long arrow turned into a flash of light and shot straight at Han Yi's throat. Han Yi didn't pay attention at this time. He provoked the soldiers in front of him and chopped them off. The surrounding Qin soldiers were shocked when they faced Han Yi.

"call out!"

The cold arrow turned into a streak of light and shot out from Han Yi's chest and shoulders, piercing Han Yi's body.

"My lord!" Xu Chu, who was not far away, was always paying attention to Han Yi. If he didn't pay attention, Han Yi was shot in the cold.

Bai Qi kept the crossbow shooting posture, his face was gloomy, his arrow didn't kill Han Yi, this made him most upset.

Han Yi, who was hit by an arrow, was not unconscious, but felt awake. The pain of the arrow made him more and more awake. At this moment, Dian Wei, Xu Chu, and Elai were all surrounded by Han Yi!

As the name suggests, Han Yi shook his head resolutely and said, "It's okay!"

The evil came as if relieved, looked at Bai Qi, the heavy ax in his hand was trembling, and said angrily: "Fuck you!"

"Ding, Elai's heavy ax attribute activates, the force value is increased by 5, and the current force value is 107"

The huge heavy ax turned into a black shadow in the air, and slashed at Bai Qi!Bai Qi saw that Han Yi had been recruited, so he left quickly. He still knew the temper of Han Yi's guards, and he considered Han Yi's life more important than his own. Strange.

The heavy ax turned into a parabola and hit the ground, so angry that it was powerless.

"My lord, don't panic! Gongsun Yan is here!" Gongsun Yan is riding a big horse!Tens of thousands of light soldiers followed behind.

"Break!" After the efforts of Zhao Yun and Fei Lian, dozens of people broke through the obstacles and rushed out.

Bai Qi walked backwards, his face getting more and more ugly, Gongsun Yan's strength has not been determined yet!Zhao Yun broke out again. If he continued to fight, he might have no chance of winning. Moreover, Han Yi was hit by an arrow, so it is difficult to improve in a short time.

"General! What to do next!" Meng Tian hurried over, he was almost dealt with by Zhao Yun just now, now it's up to Bai Qi to do it.

"Withdraw!" Bai Qi spit out a word for a long time, as if he had exhausted all his strength.

"But Han Yi is not dead yet!" Meng Tian said speechlessly, isn't it a waste of all previous efforts to withdraw now?

Bai Qi shook his head and said: "Han Yi's reinforcements have arrived, and if we continue to entangle with Han Yi, it is not good for the overall situation. Besides, Wang Jian doesn't need our support, so it's not easy to waste our troops here!"


"Enough! Withdraw!" Bai Qi's words were unquestionable, and Meng Tian didn't dare to refute, so he could only go down and prepare.

Bai Qi looked in Han Yi's direction, and muttered: "Han Yi, I hope you don't stand up! Lie here forever! Otherwise, next time, I'm afraid you won't even have a place to bury your bones!

Hou Junji's face was not very good-looking, he was fighting with Gao Shun in dire straits, and Bai Qi suddenly wanted to withdraw his troops, wouldn't this be embarrassing for him!But after all, this is Bai Qi's order, and he has to follow it, and Tie Ying Ruishi has suffered heavy losses now, so he can't continue fighting like this.


Thousands of people hurriedly withdrew Gao Shun, kneeling on the ground with disheveled hair, with several cold arrows on his body!Although it is not fatal, it is also uncomfortable in the body!Most of these cold arrows were shot by Hou Junji secretly, if Hou Junji hadn't taken into account Bai Qi's order, he would have killed Gao Shun with one arrow.

And Gao Shun himself was having sex with others, and Hou Junji was so good... secretly hurting people.

In this battle, 860 and seven people were killed in the camp, more than half of the casualties, Tie Ying also left more than 700 corpses, the two sides are almost...

"Let's go!" Wang Yanzhang was also shocked. He didn't know why Bai Qi withdrew his troops, but he didn't want to fight Li Cunxiao. Just now his own Ruan Wengzhong was separated by Jia Fu. Now he doesn't know what happened to Ruan Wengzhong. withdraw.

Li Cunxiao didn't stop him, Wang Yanzhang called his little friends in a hurry, even a tiger can't beat a pack of wolves!

The Qin soldiers retreated like a sea tide, and tens of thousands of people breathed a sigh of relief. Without the oppression of the Qin soldiers, the soldiers who had been hungry for two days and two nights finally lacked persistence, and one or two of them sat on the ground.

Exhaling the hot air and feeling the bloody smell, the flies flew around tirelessly, as if reminding everyone that this place has just experienced a fierce battle.

With blood, arms and limbs broken, war is so cruel...

Yue Fei put down the weapon in his hand, supported the wounded soldier, looked at the sea of ​​blood, he could only lament that Bai Qi's strategizing was the peace that would come in such a year and month.

"My lord! My lord!... Your Majesty... Your Majesty!"

"What's going on ahead!" Guo Jia pushed Yang Zaixing on the horse, and Yang Zaixing protected Guo Jia very well!I have many scars on my body, but Guo Jia is perfect!
"No, something happened to the king!" Yang Zaixing said in shock.

"How could this happen!" Guo Jia exclaimed in shock.

The sky began to rain gradually, as if washing away the evils of the earth.

All the people in a tent are busy coming and going, every general!Wenchen was anxious like ants on a hot pot, walking back and forth here!

At this time, the doctor came out!So everyone worried: "How is the king!"

"That arrow almost hit the king's heart and lungs, and now the bleeding has stopped, so don't be too active for three months!" The doctor signaled to everyone to be safe, and left after speaking.

Everyone was relieved!One or two are relieved!However, Jia Fu looked gloomy and said, "Dian Wei, Xu Chu! What's going on with you two?"

Dian Wei Xu Chu bowed his head and said nothing, but this time it was really his own mistake, no wonder others.

The evil on the side couldn't stand it anymore and said: "General Jia Fu! The number of Qin soldiers is so large, we can't stand it!"

"The last trip to Ghost Valley, the king was seriously injured, this time again! How did you protect it!" Jia Fu was furious.

"What do you mean! If you don't accept it, you will make gestures!" The evil could not be restrained, and the clay figurine also had a three-point temper!I really think I am a clay figurine.

"Come on! I'm afraid of you! Come out!" Jia Fu's eyes widened, he picked up his weapon and walked out.

"Enough!" Guo Jia, who hadn't said a word, said coldly. Anyone who is familiar with Guo Jia knows that laughing and joking is normal, but if it is very serious, it means that Guo Jia is really angry!

Jia Fu!Evil comes and does not come around. Guo Jia is an old man and an important minister next to Han Yi, with enough majesty.

Guo Jia took a deep breath and said, "It's understandable for everyone to care about the king, but now is not the time for civil strife!"

"Yue Fei! Chang Yuchun! Huo Qubing! The three of you performed well in this battle, and you will be rewarded when the king wakes up!"

This is Guo Jia, who has a certain degree of relaxation and never crosses the threshold.

(End of this chapter)

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