Warring States Call

Chapter 233 Genghis Khan

Chapter 233 Genghis Khan
"Ding, the system has exploded!" Han Yi, who was still resting, heard the sound of the system in a daze.

"Ding! Hua Xiong of the Three Kingdoms: Force 97, commander 93, intelligence 71, politics 61, implanted in Qin!"

"Ding, Hu Che'er: Strength is 96, commander is 77, intelligence is 71, politics is 55, and it is implanted in the land of Qin!"

"Ding, Gao Jisi: Force value is 103, commander is 88, intelligence is 69, politics is 55, and he is the younger brother of Dilanling King Gao Changgong, a fierce general of Qi!"

"Ding, Genghis Khan! Force 100, Commander 100, Intelligence 99, Politics 99! Implanted grassland small Huns!"

"What!" Han Yi woke up with a jolt, because the wound was painful when he got up too hard, but it was nothing compared to this news.

Dian Wei and Xu Chu, who were standing guard outside the door, ran in quickly, looked at Han Yi and sat up, and said in a panic, "Master! You are...!"

Han Yi recovered from the shock just now, looked at the two of them and said, "You two go out! I just want to rest for a while!"

"Take orders!" The two dared not neglect, because Han Yi was recovering from a serious illness and needed to be careful, so they didn't dare to disturb him at this time.

Looking at the back of the two people leaving, Han Yi's face became more and more ugly. Looking at the cloth bandage on his chest, he said seriously: "System, what's going on! Even Genghis Khan has come out!"

Han Yi had to get nervous. If the four-dimensional was taken out, everyone would be nervous. Han Yi had to pay attention!The Warring States Period itself was a troubled time. If Genghis Khan unified the grasslands, I am afraid that there would be a war in the Central Plains sooner or later.

"Ding, the host even beheaded Ruan Wengxiao and Ruan Wengli in this battle. Both of them have force values ​​above 100. It is normal for Genghis Khan to explode!"

"This...!" Han Yi became speechless, it was just another ticking time bomb.

"Ding, Jochi: Force 99 Commander 94 Intelligence 88 Politics 81 Implantation Grassland!"

"Ding, Cai Hetai: Force 98, Commander 96, Intelligence 91, Politics 84, implanted in the grassland!"

"Ding, Wo Kuotai: Force 98 Commander 99 Intelligence 94 Politics 91! Implanted into the grassland!"

"Ding, Tuo Lei: Force 99 Commander 98 Intelligence 95 Politics 93 Implantation Grassland!"

"Ding, Mu Huali: Strength is 99, Commander is 99, Intelligence is 88, and Politics is 89, implanted in the grassland!"

"Ding, Chi Laowen: Force 99 Commander 97 Intellect 89 Politics 88 Implantation grassland!"

"Ding, Boerhu: Force 98 Commander 96 Intelligence 84 Politics 84 Implantation Grassland!"

"Ding, Boer: Force 98, Commander 94, Intelligence 81, Politics 71, Implantation Grassland!"

"Did I make a mistake when I went, even the four heroes of Mongolia came out," Han Yi began to resist. You must know that these four people are not ordinary, and Genghis Khan's outstanding military exploits are closely related to them.

"Ding, the last one! Jebe: Force 101 Commander 95 Intelligence 88 Politics 81!"

Han Yi heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Kublai Khan was not brought out. Otherwise, the grassland would be unified by Genghis Khan within three years, and Zhao Yong would have a headache!

Time waits for no one!It seems that in order to quickly unify the Warring States, those famous generals who can surrender will be recruited. If they continue to kill like this, when will it be possible to unify?
Han Yi is considering whether to continue the summoning. If this continues, I am afraid it will be over. Going south, there will be Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, and Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty!There is Li Shimin in the north again!Jiang Xiaobai!There is a strong Qin in the West, and I have a long way to go!

"Your Majesty, are you alright!" With a tender call, only two women came, and Han Yi knew who they were without guessing. In the barracks, there were no women except Dou Xiantong and Shangguan Wan'er.

The two have their own merits, Dou Xiantong is dressed in red, and with his charming face, Han Yi began to consider whether to summon Xue Dingshan and deal with her!
Shangguan Wan'er was dressed in white, exuding a fairy air, and her flawless face exuded a trace of calm, coupled with his big watery eyes, it was like a fairy descending to earth.

The two have their own strengths!Shangguan Wan'er was extremely smart, and Dou Xiantong was superb in martial arts, so Han Yi began to consider accepting the two of them.

"Why are you two here! Where's Dian Wei and Xu Chu?" Han Yi asked curiously. According to common sense, Dian Wei and Xu Chu were outside, and they couldn't come in at all!

"Oh! We're here to deliver medicine to you, King, open your mouth!" After speaking, Dou Xiantong thoughtfully picked up the medicine bowl and brought it to Han Yi.

Han Yi smelled a bitter smell from a long distance, and said quickly: "Forget it! I'll do it myself!"

"No! You almost hurt your confidant, but the doctor said not to move, come on! Be good! Open your mouth!" Dou Xiantong looked at Han Yi very gently.

But Han Yi always felt that his scalp was numb, and he said quickly: "It's too hot! You put it aside, I'll drink it later!"

"No! Drink it while it's hot! I won't feed you either!" After speaking, Dou Xiantong put a mouthful of the soup into his mouth!He moved forward and faced Han Yi's lips.

Han Yishanshan smiled, turned her head around, stretched out her neck, picked up the soup in the bowl with one hand, and drank it in one gulp. Although it was extremely bitter, it was better than being forced to kiss!

More importantly, there is Shangguan Wan'er watching over here!
Dou Xian's boyish face blushed, regardless of 21, he dragged Han Yi's chin with one hand, stepped forward and kissed him!
Han Yi's brain suddenly shut down. The decoction followed the kiss and instilled into Han Yi's throat. Han Yi froze for a moment, what's going on!I was kissed by force...

Looking at Han Yi who was bewildered, Dou Xiantong was in a good mood, put his arms around Han Yi's neck, lifted Han Yi's chin with his right index finger and said, "Little brother, how about sister's fragrant lips!"

Han Yi's head was full of black lines. He was a dignified man who was molested by a woman. What a joke, he said, "Very good! Let's see how I deal with you in the future!"

Han Yi used one hand to hold onto Dou Xiantong's small waist. There were already several in the harem, and he was not inferior to her.

"I wish for it!" Dou Xiantong looked at Han Yi with satisfaction, his eyes full of smiles.

Shangguan Wan'er on the side coughed a few times, signaling Han Yi not to mess around, and Han Yi regained his usual calm, looked down at Shangguan Wan'er, and said to Dou Xiantong: "You go down first, I have Talk to her!"

Dou Xiantong glanced at Shangguan Wan'er, snorted reluctantly, looked at Han Yi and said, "Remember to miss me!" Then he left!
There was no one in the big tent, and the atmosphere seemed a little awkward. Sitting on the bed, Han Yi said seriously, "I'm not here these days! What kind of trouble is going on in the city! What is Bai Qi doing now!"

"Master Guo Jia and Lord Pang Tong are presiding over the city! Don't worry, Your Majesty, Bai Qi is a bit strange. He didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue the attack! He didn't retreat. On the contrary, the number of people drinking less and less in the past few days!" Shangguan Wan'er spoke clearly and logically.

Han Yi touched his chin and muttered, "Is it getting less and less?!"

(End of this chapter)

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