Warring States Call

Chapter 234 Tiger and Leopard Riding

Chapter 234 Tiger and Leopard Riding

Han Yi lay on the bed, pondered for a moment and said: "Please come up with all the civil and military ministers!"

"Yes!" Shangguan Wan'er backed away slowly. She was still quite afraid of Han Yi. The case of Cai Guo was an example. Within three days, Han Yi beheaded all those who resisted him clearly and secretly!

At the same time, those Cai Guo moths were killed!Blood flowed like a river that night, many aristocratic families, palace nobles disappeared without anyone noticing!Some people say that Cai Guo left, while others say they are dead.

Shangguan Wan'er didn't want to know, and she didn't want to know, because if she knew, she would face death.

Outside the tent!Dian Wei and Xu Chu walked in, looked at Han Yi with guilt and said, "Failed to protect the lord! I can't forgive my subordinates! Make atonement to the lord!"

Han Yi turned his head more and more, looked at the two of them and said, "It's okay, it's not your fault, you have done enough! You are careless"

Han Yi comforted the two, thinking of Bai Qi's arrow a few days ago, the remaining anger in his heart still murmured: "Bai Qi! Bai Qi! You are really amazing! You are worthy of being a famous general in the world. ah!"

These two times were narrow escapes, if not for the arrival of Gongsun Yan in the end!I'm afraid I'm also close to death!The whole army was wiped out.

Taking advantage of the absence of anyone, Han Yi said seriously: "System! I consume 100 summoning points! Summon a good general for me!"

"Ding, long live the history of the Sui and Tang Dynasties: Force 100 Commander 98 Politics 78 Intelligence 79"

"Ding, Master and Apprentice of Sui and Tang Dynasties: Force 98, Commander 98, Politics 77, Intelligence 87"

"Ding, Sui and Tang Dynasties New Wenli: Force 98 Commander 95 Politics 87 Intelligence 86"

"Here, there are two eighteen heroes of the Sui and Tang Dynasties! But isn't Shi Wansui's ability a bit strong!" Han Yi asked curiously.

"Ding, Shi Wansui is the famous founding general of the Sui Dynasty. If there is no battle, he will take the lead. He likes to fight alone. It's just that Yang Su was jealous, slandered Emperor Wen of Sui, and killed him! It can be said that if Shi Wansui of the Sui Dynasty did not die, the Sui Dynasty The country can be delayed for more than ten years!"

"Okay! You have introduced so many, needless to say this time it must be him!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining "Ding, Long Live Sui and Tang Dynasties: Force 100 Commander 98 Politics 88 Intelligence 89"

Han Yi was speechless, the old routine, he had seen too much.

"Ding, Shi Wansui implanted his identity, Shi Jiantang's eldest brother, I heard that my younger brother is a general here, so I came here to join him."

"I'll go! I found that the system is getting more and more casual!" Han Yi said helplessly.

At this moment, some people came in one after another from the interior of the big tent, with Guo Jia as the leader, standing on the left and right.

Dian Wei and Xu Chu below were also standing in front of Han Yi, and Fei Lian and Fei Lian stood behind Han Yi, making it difficult for ordinary people to approach.

"My lord! This is a secret letter for the past few days," Guo Jia deliberately handed over the secret report that he could not handle to Han Yi, and Han Yi also nodded.

I am still very satisfied with Guo Jia and Han Yi.Looking at the crowd, Han Yi said, "Qin Jun's cigarettes and drinks have been getting less and less these days! What do you think!"

"Your Majesty thinks that he will be killed when the army is overwhelming!" Guan Yu stroked his long beard, his face full of murderous intent.

"I don't agree with you! Bai Qi is a famous general in the world, and he has always been known for using soldiers like a god! Isn't he asking for trouble if he exposes his weakness so blatantly!" Xi Zhicai immediately objected. According to his thinking, it should be Step by step, steady and steady.

Han Yi was also a little dizzy, and he knew that we were defeated for the first time and needed a victory to boost our morale, but Bai Qi was a little blatant, I'm afraid there was fraud, it was difficult for him to make a decision!
"My lord! You can let it go for now! This battle: Huo Qubing! Yue Fei! Chang Yuchun and the three of them have performed outstandingly, and they should be rewarded!" Guo Jiazhan came out.

Every time a name is called, they come out from behind!Han Yi narrowed his eyes, smiled and said, "The three of you performed well in this battle!"

"Yue Fei led the soldiers, and he won't be defeated in the battle against Meng Tian. I will now make you General Humu! Lead the soldiers...cough...cough...[-] soldiers!" Halfway through Han Yi's words, he coughed!

"Your Majesty, pay attention to your health!" Guo Jia said worriedly.

Han Yi waved his hand, indicating that they were fine, looked at Chang Yuchun and said solemnly: "You seized the opportunity in this battle and sent a letter to Gongsun Yan in time. You did a good job! I will make you General Hukou! Lead five thousand troops! "

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Chang Yuchun was very excited, looked at Han Yi with real fire in his eyes, and said seriously: "This subordinate will do our best!"

Han Yi smiled and nodded, looked at Huo Qubing, and saw that he was excited like a monkey, scratching his head from time to time, Han Yi smiled and said: "Huo Qubing, you are stronger than Sima Cuo, you can be regarded as a tiger general! Today you are named General Tiger and Leopard!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Huo Qubing was young and energetic after all, and when he heard that he was going to be a general, he quickly thanked him excitedly.

"Don't worry, I haven't finished yet!" Han Yi said with a smile, but Guo Jia read out a bit of humor.

"Oh!" Huo Qubing became even more excited, remembering that he commanded thousands of troops!Just a little excited.

Han Yi smiled and said, "Huo Qubing disobeyed the military order and went to war without authorization! What should Guo Jiali do!"

"If it is dealt with according to the military law, it will be beheaded!" Guo Jia resumed his old playful smile, and looked at Huo Qubing from time to time, only to see that this guy's smile was uglier than crying!
Huo Qubing felt as if he had been struck by lightning, he stood there, not knowing what to say, heaven and hell are often just a thought away!

Yang Zaixing on the side hurriedly said to save the situation: "Your Majesty, for the sake of curing the disease and making meritorious service, let the merit and demerit be equal!"

Han Yi smiled, motioned Yang Zaixing to step down, looked down at Huo Qubing and said, "Do you have any ideas, little guy?"

Everyone felt it was weird, Han Yi was only 19 years old, and it always felt weird to teach someone who was similar to him.

Huo Qubing was silent at this time, but his fear had turned into anger. It was a great irony that he would be beheaded in the end after working so hard. Instead of dying on the battlefield, he died at the hands of a knife and axe.

"You..." Huo Qubing was about to get up when Yang Zaixing pushed him to the ground, motioning him not to move.

Han Yi also saw that Huo Qubing was angry and said: "I think you are young and ignorant, so this human head will be placed on your head for the time being. In addition, I heard from Yang Zaixing that you are good at riding and shooting, so Gu is going to hand over the cavalry to you for training, named Tiger Leopard ride!"

"Your Majesty...you won't kill me" Huo Qubing said in surprise

"Nonsense! What are you thinking, kid?" Yang Zaixing on the side let go of Huo Qubing's shoulder.

"Your Majesty! Don't do it!" Pang Tong on the side objected.

"Oh! Why!" Han Yi said in surprise.

"My lord! Forming the cavalry is a very important matter! Although this kid is good, it is not appropriate to hand over the elite of a country to him!" Pang Tong said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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