Warring States Call

Chapter 235 Han Xin

Chapter 235 Han Xin (Part [-])
Han Yi stroked his chin, looked at the worried Huo Qubing, and had already made a decision. Huo Qubing was one of the few generals in the world who was good at cavalry.

If it was delayed like this, I'm afraid it would not be too good. Looking at the generals below, Han Yi saw Zhao Yun at a glance, saying that Zhao Yun was also the general who had commanded Baima Yicong.

Baimayi was Gongsun Zan's special unit from the very beginning, majestic and majestic, and all of them are white horses and white armors. I'm afraid this Gongsun Zan is about to be defeated.

So Zhao Yun is a suitable candidate. He looked at Zhao Yun and Han Yi smiled and said, "Let's do it! General Zhao Yun was born in the north, so he must be familiar with the way of cavalry! This time alone, he brought in tens of thousands of horses in Zhao Country! Give General Zhao [-] soldiers and horses, and after half a year, it depends on how well the two of you train, and whoever wins at that time will give him the title of the number one cavalry of General Han! How dare you!"

Han Yi's voice was neither loud nor low, but anyone with eyes could tell that Han Yi was comparing Zhao Yun and Huo Qubing, and Pang Tong was not in the mood to say anything, and Han Yi's move was exactly what he wanted.

"A man should carry a three-foot sword, and he will make great achievements!" Huo Qubing stood up, stroking the sword, looking at Zhao Yun provocatively with arrogance.

Although Zhao Yun has nothing to do with the world, cavalry is his advantage. Thinking that he can also have his own cavalry, Zhao Yun began to feel uneasy, and said: "Please give me the number, the general will be able to train a fine cavalry."

"That's good! Let the general's designation be called Baima Yicong! At that time, let's see if the tiger and leopard rider are better, or this Baima Yicong is better!" Han Yi laughed, he didn't want to give up messy names, but It's better to use the original number, it's straightforward!Not so much trouble.

Zhao Yun suddenly felt that this name was familiar, as if it was specially prepared for him!Gongshou said: "This subordinate will not disgrace his life!"

Han Yi smiled gently, waved his hands to signal the two to back down, looked at Guo Jia and said, "What kind of medicine did you buy in Baiqi's gourd!"

"Your Majesty! I'll see you again! Otherwise, send a team to test it out! If there is a fraud, we can face it in time!" Gongsun Yan thought of a way to get the best of both worlds.

But Han Yi said more and more: "Although this method is feasible, if our army is defeated for the first time, if it is hit by Dao Baiqi, its morale will definitely be affected!"

"Your Majesty, you don't need to be like this!" At the very edge of the big tent, there was a man in black and red linen with a calm expression on his face. He looked like a lieutenant general, looking straight at everyone without showing any fear.

This is the gathering place of heroes through the ages, everyone is imposing, everyone is a dragon and phoenix among people, now all eyes are attracted by him, some disdain!Some are dissatisfied!There was no expression on his face, as if time had stood still.

"Where did the person come from, to speak wild words in front of the king!" Yu Wenqing became dissatisfied for the first time.

Jia Fu stared at the man with a gloomy expression, his eyes were like knives, and he looked unfriendly.

Gongsun Yan's complexion was not very good either. This is Han Yi's base camp. Even he was cautious, afraid of offending others. This guy is very good. He caused everyone's displeasure when he first arrived, but after all, he is a little friendly. Presumptuous, get out soon!"

As soon as he heard the name, Han Yi's serious face showed a smile. This guy is the general who stood shoulder to shoulder with Bai Qi!The two of them are at the top of the food chain!

"It's Wang's surname! You are allowed to speak!" Han Yi's voice was neither loud nor soft, but everyone understood that this Han Xin might be a royal nobleman who came here to join the army, and everyone began to doubt his identity.

Han Xin was still the same as before, with calm eyes and said: "Bai Qi is a famous general in the world, and he shot the king with an arrow, and he must be guessing whether the king has a crane Xifu, and our army is defeated for the first time. If the king wakes up, he will definitely need a victory. , so Your Majesty will definitely seize this opportunity and go out to fight back!"

Everyone touched their beards and felt that what Han Xin said was reasonable. Han Yi also pondered for a long time, and looked at Han Dao: "Continue talking!"

"If something happens to the king, Bai Qi can definitely go west with peace of mind, and relieve the delay of Hangu Pass! If the king sends troops, Bai Qi will quickly wipe out the king's vital forces! This will ensure the stability of the overall situation." Han Xin strolled towards the center of the big tent, analyzing clearly and logically.

Some people heard it clearly, but some people wondered: "How do you know that Hangu Pass is dangerous!"

Han Xin smiled and said: "This Hangu Pass has Zhao's 20 troops, Wei's [-] troops, plus Lian Po! Li Mu! Pang Juan! A world-famous general like Le Yang! No matter how powerful Wang Jian is, he can't do it Stay! So Bai Qi needs to deal with the king! One is to destroy the morale of Zhao and Wei, and the other is to quickly end the war!"

"This! No one dares to underestimate Han Xin. With such a clear mind, he will meet a weathered dragon in the future. How could he be ordinary!

Gongsun Yan was also curious, how this kid pretended to be deaf and dumb when he was under his tent, how he is so smart now.

When Gongsun Yan faced Sun Bin and Su Qin in the Battle of the Four Kingdoms, he had a headache to death. Where did this guy sleep, and he beat him [-] times in anger, but this guy was thick-skinned and still went his own way, if it wasn't because of Han Yi command, I had already beheaded him.

Han Yi smiled and said: "I don't know how you can solve the white trick!"

Han Xin stroked his long hair and said: "Our army lost 7000 people in this battle. If we don't return it to Bai Qi, I'm afraid the king and everyone will be unwilling. There is another plan! It can hurt Bai Qi. , and double insurance at the same time!"

"Oh!" Han Yi said in surprise.

"If Bai Qi really only has this few soldiers and horses, the king can kill him by himself! But if not, the king can set fire behind Bai Qi, and withdraw his troops to lead Bai Qi into the fire formation, and shoot him with cold arrows! Use encirclement to encircle!" Han Xin has a well-thought-out plan, as if thousands of troops are in his hands.

Gongsun Yan said disdainfully: "This Wang Ye is empty, there is nothing to cover it, how can I ambush!"

Han Xin turned his head more and more and said, "Who said that the soldiers are lying on the ground, their white eyes are so sharp, they can't see in the dark!"

"If you want to lure Bai Qi over, you don't have enough bait!" Gongsun Yan said puzzled.

"That's right! We can find someone to pretend to be the king. With Bai Qi's character, we will definitely not let the king go. Then it's time to close the net!" Han Xin said confidently.

"Let's come alone!" Han Yi sighed helplessly.

"Your Majesty can't do it! Leaving aside the dangers of this plan, your Majesty's body alone can't bear it!" Pang Tong objected.

Han Yi shook his head and said: "Bai Qi has met Xiao Bai, and no one can control him except me!"

(End of this chapter)

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