Warring States Call

Chapter 236 Han Xin

Chapter 236 Han Xin (Part [-])
Han Xin seemed to understand something, looked at Han Yi and cupped his hands and said, "In my opinion! It's better to find a yellow ox and put copper coins on it to make armor and put it on. It looks the same!"

"Yes! Your Majesty! What General Han Xin said is reasonable!" Pang Tong on the side agreed.

Han Yi worried: "The speed of ordinary cows is not at the same level as Xiaobai, so I can only go alone!"

"My lord, with your current situation! You can't support it at all!" Xi Zhicai said worriedly.

Han Yi smiled gently. Although this guy has always opposed his travel, he was still worried about himself after all. Han Yi looked at everyone indifferently: "It's just an arrow shot, you don't have to worry so much, as long as you don't move your arms! "


"That's enough! I've made up my mind to make a decision, and this time I want to be ashamed!" Han Yi's words were unquestionable. The ministers on both sides didn't know what to say, and Pang Tong looked at Guo Jia with a strong wink.

Guo Jia looked at Han Yi thoughtfully, and said with a serious expression, "Your Majesty, you can go! But in this battle, Dian Wei, Xu Chu, E Lai, Fei Lian, Jia Fu, Yuwen Chengdu, Huang Feihu, Li Cunxiao, and Yang Zaixing must take every step." Stay with the king forever!"

"Guo Jia! You...! Pang Tong is furious, is this guy here to make trouble?

Guo Jia glanced at Pang Tong, ignored him, and looked at Han Yi. Now it's up to Han Yi to make such a decision.

"Okay!" Han Yi said weakly, with these eight people, I am afraid that his life is really not in danger.

Looking down, Han Dao said, "I think it's a bit of a shame for a general to be a deputy general! Gu will designate you as General Zhenwei today, and lead the troops in vain, with Gongsun Yan and Yue Fei as deputy! Cao Ren, Cao Hong, Xia Houyuan, Ning Yue, the four of you are generals under your command!"

"Take orders!" Han Xin was confident, and looked around, as if everything was like playing chess, but this game is a bit big, and Han Yi is the bet.

"Chang Yuchun, Huo Qubing, Zhao Yun, Guan Yu, the four of you are responsible for leading the ambush!"


"Gao Shun, Wen Yang, Xia Houyuan, and the troops of the three of you are all elites. When you see Bai Qi encircling our army, you must fight out and lead them in alone!"


Only then did Han Yi feel relieved. Based on the current situation, Han Yi has six special forces, including the Siege Camp, Xuanwu Soldier, Raid Battalion, Huben Army, Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, and Baima Yicong. The elite troops reach [-].

When Guo Jia saw that Han Yi had finished the arrangement, he hurriedly said, "Your Majesty also needs to rest, everyone should step down!"


After the rain outside, the sun was shining brightly, Guo Jia came out from behind, looked at Dian Wei and the others and said, "Wait a minute, generals!"

Only then did the crowd realize that Guo Jia had rushed over, and hurriedly said, "Your Excellency, I didn't know that there was an order!"

"Your Majesty's temper must be known to everyone. Once the situation is unfavorable, Your Majesty will definitely let the generals break the formation, so what I want to tell the generals is that at most two of you can leave the lord!" Guo Jia said seriously.

"My lord, what is the meaning of this!" Elai asked puzzled.

"There are dangers on the battlefield! Your Majesty's safety is more important than anything else, so please take care of yourself! If your Majesty makes any mistakes! Don't blame him, and I will give you embarrassment in the days to come!" Guo Jia said with a murderous look, as if he said it on purpose the same.

"Don't worry, Feng Xiao! Leave this matter to me! No matter what, I will never leave!" Jia Fu's face was gloomy, and he pressed the long sword in his hand.

"I hope so!" Guo Jia also had a sad face!South Korea's geographical location is really a headache, there is no place for peace of mind!

"Please! Don't worry, my lord!" All eight looked at Guo Jia very respectfully.

Han Yi was outside the big tent, seeing this scene, a gleam of coldness flashed in his eyes, Guo Jia's power was a little too big, and he started to limit it to himself, although Han Yi himself did it for his own good, but no emperor was willing to suffer At the mercy of others.

Han Yi looked at Guo Jia talking to himself: "It seems that I need to support Guo Jia to check and balance Guo Jia. Liu Ji and Xun You are all good candidates. I don't want to slap Guo Jia to death, but Every enemy needs checks and balances!"

In the dark night, the ancient gates of the city slowly opened, and Han Yi led an army of 15 soldiers to attack the Qin camp secretly.

Looking at the calm Qin Bing, Han Yi slowly took out the Emperor's Hate in his hand and said, "Kill!"


"Shhhhhhhh!" Tens of thousands of arrows turned into a flash of light in the night, as if they wanted to cut through the darkness in the night.

In the big tent, Bai Qi is eating barbecue and drinking wine, so uncomfortable
"Report to the general! Han Yi attacked the camp!" the soldier said seriously.

Bai Qi touched the oil on his beard, laughed and said: "This Han Yi is really very human! Ordinary people are too scared to come out! He is so good, he dares to send someone out!"

"General! Han Yi is in this battle! Leading the troops himself again!"

"Oh! Is this guy a cat? Does he have nine lives? He won't die!" Hou Junji said disdainfully.

"Who cares how many lives he has! He is doomed to die today! I thought he would not come in person! I didn't expect him to be quite courageous! Listen, everyone, let Han Yi kill enough! Close it in half an hour." Net!" After Bai Qi finished speaking, he chopped off the barbecue in front of him, put it in his mouth, and started to eat it whole.


Han Xin from above was watching from a distance. With his ability, he naturally knew that Bai Qi was pretending to be deep, but his expression was still a little uneasy.

Gongsun Yan below said solemnly: "Han Xin! Hurry up and tell the king to come back, otherwise you and I can't afford the king's mistakes!"

Han Xin said in no hurry: "Those who achieve great things! Don't stick to trifles! Wait!"

"You..." Gongsun Yan didn't know what to say, and felt that he was going to be mad at him.

"Don't panic!" Zhou Dewei, who had disappeared for several days, picked up his nine-ring sword, began to inspire the army, looked forward and said: "The whole army retreats three hundred steps, the whole army!"

Zhou Dewei is kept in the dark by Bai Qi now, he doesn't know what medicine Bai Qi bought in the gourd, but he is General Zhou, so he is not qualified to ask, all he can do is fight against Han Yi.

During the battle in Jiaozuo, Xiahou Dun danced the big iron in his hand, and without a single general in his hand, he picked and killed the three generals of the Qin army in a row, and shouted wildly: "The Qin army is really a local chicken Wagoer!"

Zhou Dewei looked heavy, and muttered: "Is this the real strength of South Korea! This is completely different!"

Gongsun Yan led all Chenggao's elite soldiers and strong generals, all crawled out of the dead, are these still the original soldiers, can they be compared?This is simply not the same combat power.

"General Qin is coming!" Xiahoudun saw Zhou Dewei at a glance, only to see Xiahoudun holding a spear in his hand and aiming at Zhou Dewei's throat.

(End of this chapter)

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