Warring States Call

Chapter 237 Chapter 237: Burning the Enemy

Chapter 237 Chapter 230
Xiahou Dun single-handedly galloped all the way, but within a short meal, he approached Zhou Dewei, and the red-tasseled spear in his hand pierced Zhou Dewei's heart.

Zhou Dewei was shocked, and quickly backed away. Unfortunately, looking around, he saw a continuous line of Han troops, banners covering the sky, and the sound of swords and guns jingling in the dark night, which can be described as a huge momentum.

Now that Zhou Dewei retreated, he would be accused of being afraid of the enemy. Besides, Xiahou Dun was too arrogant. Zhou Dewei couldn't bear it anymore. Holding a nine-ringed sword in his hand, he stared at Xiahou Dun and said, "Everyone, don't be presumptuous! Zhou Dewei is here too!"

Xiahou Dun looked at Zhou Dewei proudly, "Good job!"

"Cut!" Zhou Dewei slashed at Xiahou Dun's head with a big sword, the sound was like thunder, and it was as fast as lightning. Cao Hong who was behind said worriedly: "Brother! Be careful!"

"Get up!" Xiahou Dun swept his spear straight at the back of Zhou Dewei's saber, and swung the saber away.


The two horses collided, but when they joined, Xiahoudun only saw a flash of cold light in front of his eyes. It turned out that Zhou Dewei rushed his horse to Xiahoudun's back, and then turned around and stabbed him again. Catch it right away.

Zhou Dewei saw that Yihe didn't cut Xiahoudun off his horse, his face gradually became distressed, and he continued to charge with his knife. Where the horse's hooves stepped, dust flew up and splashed in streaks of dust.

Xiahou Dun looked at Zhou Dewei coldly, and scolded angrily: "His grandma! It's so fucking amazing, get up!"

After a while, Zhou Dewei rushed towards Xiahou Dun again, and slashed at Xiahou Dun with a slash of lightning. Xiahou Dun was also a famous general who had fought Guan Yu for more than 30 rounds.

Zhou Dewei snorted coldly, the sword was like the wind, and under the thunder, he blocked it to the left
Xiahoudun's spear was knocked away with a single blow, and Xiahoudun's spear was snatched backhand and drawn on his back, and he raised his hand to make up for it.

Xiahou Dun was shocked when he saw this, his weapon was taken away by Zhou Dewei, and he hurriedly pulled out the saber of the waist sword.


Xiahoudun only felt numbness in his arms and pain in his jaw. He snatched back the spear with his left hand, and stabbed Zhou Dewei with the long sword like throwing a dart.

Zhou Dewei was shocked and quickly avoided it. Naturally, he couldn't pay attention to the spear in his hand. The long sword slashed across Zhou Dewei's cheek. Although there was no injury, half of Zhou Dewei's beard was cut off.

The body, hair, skin, and skin of the parents were admired by them in ancient times. Zhou Dewei touched half of his beard, only feeling that his mouth was empty, and looked at Xiahou Dun with glaring eyes and said, "Today you must die!"

In an instant, the big knife slashed over again, the knife was deadly, but with the weapon in hand, Xiahou Dun, who I have in the world, is not afraid at all, and sees the tricks!As if meeting a god and killing a god, meeting a demon and killing a demon, Zhou Dewei was trapped to death

On the other side, Cao Ren galloped all the way, beheading three Qin generals in a row, becoming more courageous as he fought, his momentum was like a rainbow, unstoppable, and gradually approached the Qin army's inner tent. All the Han soldiers also used Cao Ren's formation to break through the Qin army.
"Where is the archer?" The lieutenant at the side couldn't bear it anymore.

The Han army charged forward, and the lieutenant who had been waiting here for a long time cut forward with the weapon in his hand. Three thousand archers rushed out from the surrounding tents, forming a human wall, and fired random arrows at the Han army.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Moment!The sound of bowstrings and arrows was as dense as raindrops, and countless arrows fell from the sky like meteors. Under the moonlight, they shone coldly and poured down on the Han army overwhelmingly.

Han Yi had expected that Qin Bing had an ambush, but when he saw the crossbowmen around him, he frowned. If he fought out in vain at this time, he might not be able to get any favors at all.

But if he retreats at this time and all previous efforts are wasted, Han Yi will also start to encounter difficulties for a while.

Gongsun Yan looked at the battlefield and said seriously: "It's too much to do for nothing, so let's go! Call the lord out quickly!"

However, Han Xin rubbed his chin. With his observation ability, he also began to suspect that Qin Bing only had this little force on the left and right. Raised the battle flag and said: "Send the order and tell the king to go deep!"

"What! Han Xin, you are crazy! If the king has any mistakes, you and I can't afford it!" Gongsun Yan was furious, his eyes were full of anger, didn't this guy add fuel to the fire?

What's wrong with Han Yi, he and everyone else will be buried with him!
Seeing that Gongsun Yan was still unwilling to send troops, Han Xin quickly pulled up the military flag and threw it to the pawns beside him, saying: "Send an order to tell the king to go deep into the enemy camp!"

"I'll see who dares to move!" Gongsun Yan yelled quickly, as angry as a furry tiger, staring wide-eyed at the pawn below.

Han Xin was not angry, and said with a serious expression: "This general has an order, and anyone who dares to disobey will be killed without mercy!"

As Han Xin said that, he drew out the sword in his arms, his eyes were full of murderous intent, and the pawn was helpless. Now that Gongsun Yan didn't get mad, he felt that he should report it, otherwise he would be cannon fodder if he was caught between the two of them!

Gongsun Yan blew his beard and stared, his eyes full of murderous intent, pointing at Han Xin and scolding: "If there is anything wrong with the king! I will shave you alive!"

Han Xin smiled disdainfully and said, "Go down and wait for you!"


On the other side, the soldier took the token and passed it on. Before Han Yi could speak, he couldn't bear the evil on the other side: "What is he, Han Xin, who dares to command the king!"

"That's not the point. The point is to move forward, which is the base camp of the Qin army! If there is an ambush at that time, you and I will die!" Jia Fu held the halberd, his face dark and cold.

Han Yi closed his eyes and didn't want to get into the tiger's lair. He slowly opened his star-like eyes, looked ahead, and said solemnly: "Let's go!"

"Your Majesty! This..." Xu Chu was also worried, he didn't know if he would die or not.

Han Yi stroked Xiaobai's fur, and said: "A man, how can you be intimidated! Besides, you can turn the world upside down! Let's go!"

"Take orders!" The eight people did not dare to neglect, Li Cunxiao looked at Han Yi's broad back, stroked the mane of the beloved horse, and murmured to himself: "I am so enlightened, I should follow!"

On the other side, Bai Qi ate and drank enough, couldn't help belching, and stroked his big belly: "What time is it! How is Han Jun now?"

"General! Seeing that we are weak, Han Yi intensified his offensive, and now he has already attacked the general's account!" Sima wrongly reported on the side.

Bai Qi didn't know where to bring a branch, raised his teeth there, his eyes were full of teasing, he took out a cloth, wiped his hands, and said: "It's time to roast Han Yi's fat ! Remember to kill Han Yi for me! Don't let him escape anymore!"


Wang Yanzhang brought a big gun and said calmly, "Fire me a rocket! Burn them to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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