Warring States Call

Chapter 238 Han Xin vs Bai Qi

Chapter 238 Han Xin vs Bai Qi (Part [-])
Wang Yanzhang shouted, and tens of thousands of rockets scattered in all directions. When the rockets hit dry wood, they ignited all the Qin tents to intercept Han Yi's retreat.

Bai Qi held the sword lightly, and walked slowly, his face was full of jokes, as if he was holding Han Yi firmly in his hand, looking at Hou Junji and others who couldn't wait, Bai Qi pulled out his pregnant Shura Sword said coldly: "What Qin Jian said, the Eight Desolations will be destroyed! Kill!"

"Take orders!" Hou Junji took out his precious bow, and led Tie Ying Rui Shi, and tens of thousands of people, to the rear of Han Yi to intercept Han Yi from escaping.

Cold sweat gradually broke out on Han Yi's head. As expected, Han Xin had guessed that Bai Qi had already been drawn out, and the next step was to set him off. He looked at Congren and said solemnly: "Withdraw!"

Han Xin at the top was overjoyed: "Sure enough, I'm out of my place. Xia Houyuan led the raid battalion to meet the lord, and asked Ning Yue to lead a group of people back to the city, to draw out Qin soldiers, and create a false image!"

"Han Xin! You should let the lord come out first!" Gongsun Yan's tone was calm, not as annoyed as before.

Han Xin shook his head: "Your Majesty can't come out yet, Bai Qi doesn't seem to be so easy to take the bait, if you don't run out of money, Bai Qi won't dare to give it a go!"


As the Han army went deep into the hinterland of the Qin army's camp, more and more Han Yi's troops were intercepted to break through, one after another like a big wave, and each wave was stronger than each other.

Jia Fu looked at Qin Bing, who was crowded with people, and said coldly, "Send the Lord out! Hurry up!"

"Where is General Han going? Why don't you get off your horse and die?"

Holding the sledgehammer in his hand, Ruan Wengzhong galloped all the way, and the places he passed were either turned into meatloaf, or blood and flesh flew everywhere, no one could stop him.

"Hmph! The defeated general! Take your life!" Jia Fu held the silver halberd, and rode forward to block Ruan Wengzhong, then turned around and said, "Take the lord away quickly! Hurry up!"

"Han Yixiu leave and leave the head!" Ruan Wengcheng took Qin Ge and killed him. He could clearly remember the deaths of his two brothers, so how could he let Han Yi go so easily.

"Leave the head!" Wang Yanzhang heard a big gun coming,
With a thud, two Qin generals came together, each leading five hundred elite soldiers to intercept.

"Nobody, anyone who stands in my way will die!" Li Cunxiao's eyes were full of coldness, King Yu!Bi Laoyan opened his hands, arms like giant apes, and stopped the two of them.

Han Yi's eyes were cold, but without hesitation, he drove away quickly,
"Han Yi, leave! Try my Iron Eagle sharp warrior!" Hou Junji picked up the bow and arrow, and he didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, and shot the arrow at Xiao Bai's feet.

Although Fei Lian was wearing a mask, his clear mind can naturally see that the situation is not good. There are only two thousand wolf shadows behind Han Yi, and Tie Ying has an absolute advantage in numbers. Which of the two is stronger? Weakness is really unknown!

"My lord, don't panic! Xia Houyuan is here!" Xia Houyuan copied the big sword and came to kill him head-on.

Hou Junji said with a cold face, "Overestimating one's abilities!" With the bow stretched to the full moon, the arrow was like a breeze, straight towards Xia Houyuan, "Hit!"

"Ding, Hou Junji's Negative Shot attribute activates, reduces Xiahou Dun's force value by 3 points, Xia Houyuan's current force value is 92, frontal shooting increases his own force value by 3 points, and shoots an arrow, the force value is increased by 1, and the current force value is 100"

Xia Houyuan snorted coldly: "Overthinking one's abilities! Hit!"

"Ding, Xia Houyuan's ejaculation attribute is activated, facing the same bow and arrow attribute, the enemy's force value will be reduced by 2 points, and his own force value will be increased by 3 points. Currently, Hou Junji's force value is 98, and Xia Houyuan's force value is 95!"


The two arrows turned into a beam of light in the dark night, and they aimed at each other, offsetting it.

Hou Junji couldn't believe it: "Who is this General Han! Why have I never heard of it before!"

The little soldiers on the side were helpless, indicating that they didn't know.

the other side

Jia Fu snorted coldly, and refused to look at Ruan Wengzhong even with straight eyes, the halberd was like the wind, and its momentum was like thunder, and the halberd chopped off.

Ruan Wengzhong didn't panic, he looked calm, raised his hammer to block it,
"General Ruan, leave quickly! This person is handed over to me!" Meng Yi didn't know what to do, and raised Qin Ge in his hand to kill him.

Ruan Wengzhong didn't want to get too entangled with Jia Fu, so he swung his sledgehammer, drove away, looked down at Meng Yi and said, "Thank you, General!"

Jia Fu looked at Meng Yi impatiently and said, "Isn't it good to live well?"

"You! Sue!" Meng Yi obviously didn't want to talk nonsense, so he mentioned Qin Ge to kill him!
Jia Fu knocked Qin Ge away from Meng Yi's hand with a halberd, and hit Meng Yi's back with his backhand. Immediately knocked Meng Yi off his horse, raised his hand to replace Qin Ge, and immediately killed Meng Yi.

Qin Bing, who came to make amends, was shocked when he saw this, and hurried away.

Jia Fu looked at Meng Yi disdainfully, turned around and rushed to support Han Yi, galloping all the way, killing three Qin generals in a row, becoming more courageous as he fought, his momentum was like a rainbow, almost unstoppable, and quickly approached Han Yi.

"Where's the archer?"

Seeing Jia Fu charging forward with a single halberd, Meng Tian, ​​who had been lying in wait for a long time, came out. Just now, his younger brother's death was obvious to all. He knew that he was not Jia Fu's opponent. hair.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The sound of bowstrings was as dense as raindrops, and countless crossbow arrows fell from the sky like locusts, overwhelming Jia Fu's head.

Jia Fu hurriedly waved his long halberd to dial the eagle feathers, and retreated while fighting.

Qin Jun's crossbow arrows were as dense as rain, and the distance from Jia Fu was just right. Jia Fu tried his best, but he was still hit by several arrows.Jia Fu managed to protect the vital parts, but only his left leg and right back were injured. Jia Fu couldn't bear it anymore, and picked up the corpse below and smashed it.

Ding, Jia Fu's fighting attribute activates, strength increases by 5, the base strength value is 106, and the current strength value is 111," the system said

Several people were stunned, Jia Fu seized the opportunity and quickly withdrew from the place.

At this moment, Ning Yue led the soldiers to kill Wang Ye!Seeing that he was about to approach the city, the Qin soldiers who had ambushed at the right time rushed out.

Ning Yue could only stand by here and fight to the death with the Qin soldiers. On the other side, Han Xin looked at Bai Qi who was coming out of the nest and smiled and said, "It's time, tell the king to run to the forest in the east!"

"Han Xin, are you kidding me! It just rained a few days ago, and the ground is wet, it's not enough to start a fire." Gongsun Yan looked at Han Channel unwillingly.

Han Xin smiled and said: "Although it rained a few days ago, it was small. In addition to the scorching sun these days, the land is very dry. I even asked the soldiers to take a look! There is no problem at all!"

"Hmph! It's better to be like this! Otherwise, the old man will never end with you!" Gongsun Yan waved his sleeves and left.

Han Xin is getting more and more dizzy, not knowing why Gongsun Yan is crazy, and he is always targeting himself today.

Han Xin stroked his chin and said, "Yue Fei, go pass the order!"

"Take orders!" Yue Fei knew that the matter was important, so he didn't dare to neglect, and hurried down
"Ding, Han Xin leads 10 soldiers and horses, the commander adds 1, and the current commander is 102!"

(End of this chapter)

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