Warring States Call

Chapter 239 Han Xin vs Bai Qi

Chapter 239 Han Xin vs Bai Qi (Part [-])
Bai Qi stroked his gray beard, the fire stretched for dozens of miles, and Han Yi's army was surrounded by water, and the road to Wang Ye was also blocked by himself. Now Han Yi is hard to fly!
At the thought of this, Bai Qi laughed out loud, his eyes were so uncomfortable.Since the army, from a small soldier to the current general, Bai Qi has experienced too much, but today's victory, even Bai Qi can't hide it, killing thousands of people casually, this is not casual Anyone can do it.

the other side

"Let's go!" The big iron gun in Wang Yanzhang's hand hit Yu Wangzhang in Li Cunxiao's hand, and Ruan Wengcheng was not Li Cunxiao's general at all, so he could only assist Wang Yanzhang on the side.

With a sound of "Boom!", Wang Yanzhang retreated a few steps, his eyes were full of vigilance, he had suffered so many losses from Li Cunxiao, and he had a little memory in his heart.

"I let you go so many times, this time I will never let you go!" Li Cunxiao looked at Wang Yanzhang with disdain, and the Yu Wangzhang in his hand swept away thousands of troops with one move.

"Ding, Li Cunxiao launched boldly! When picking a general, reduce the enemy's force value by 3 points, increase your own force value by 5 points, currently reduce Wang Yanzhang's force value by 3, and currently Ruan Weng Zhong's force value is 102,"

"Ding, add 5 to Li Cunxiao's force value, add 1 to the force value of weapons Wang Yu and Bi Yanluo! Add 1 to Zhu Longma's force value, base force 107, current force value 114!"

Wang Yanzhang snorted coldly, and his face was not good-looking: "I'm not afraid that the strong wind will flash your tongue, today is the place where you will be buried!"

"Ding, Wang Yanzhang's Iron Spear is activated! The force value is increased by 7, the basic force is 102, and the current value is 109"


The confrontation with heavy weapons directly knocked Wang Yanzhang back, and Li Cunxiao backhanded Bi Laoyan's assassin. Wang Yanzhang's face was weak, and the big gun in his hand almost fell out, only feeling numb in the tiger's mouth, and his arms were in great pain. There was still time to take it. Block Li Cunxiao's blow.

Ruan Wengcheng in the rear gritted his teeth and rushed forward. Qin Ge hit Li Cunxiao's Bi Laoyan and saved Wang Yanzhang's life.
Li Cunxiao saw that Wang Yanzhang's move was fruitless, looked at Ruan Wengcheng, and Bi Guoyan took Ruan Wengcheng's throat.

"Be careful!" Wang Yanzhang just came back to his senses, seeing that Li Cunxiao was going straight to kill Ruan Wengcheng, the iron gun in his hand couldn't bear it anymore, and directly blasted it, the wind was like thunder, and the wind was blowing.

Li Cunxiao watched quietly, the coldness on his face became more and more serious, he smiled disdainfully, and Wang Yu on his right pushed forward.

"Ding, Li Cunxiao's Shuangjue attribute adds 5 to the force value, and the current force value is 119"! !

There was a deafening sound when the spears intersected. Li Cunxiao's Bi Laoyan directly stabbed Ruan Wengcheng in the chest. Bi Laoyan was like a sharp sword, making a bone-piercing sound in Ruan Wengcheng's body.

"Bastard! Keep the head!" Wang Yanzhang was furious,
"Ding! Wang Yanzhang's fighting attribute is activated, force is 5, and the current force value is 114!"

Li Cunxiao looked at Wang Yanzhang disdainfully and said, "Go away!"

Bi Laoyan pulled out from Ruan Wengcheng's body, but to Li Cunxiao's surprise, the gun in his hand could not be pulled out at all. Turning around, Ruan Wengcheng was holding Li Cunxiao's weapon tightly, bleeding blood, and said with a ferocious expression: "The king Hurry up, General!"

"Leave it to me! Li Cunxiao! Take your life!" Wang Yanzhang yelled angrily. With the spear in his hand, he tried his best to swing away Li Cunxiao's Yu Wang's spear, and directly took Li Cunxiao's throat.

"Presumptuous!" Li Cunxiao roared, and put down the weapons in both hands at the same time. When Wang Yanzhang's iron spear came, Li Cunxiao turned around and clamped Wang Yanzhang's weapon in his arms. With his left hand, he hit Wang Yanzhang's face with all his strength.

"Crack!", and it hit Wang Yanzhang's face firmly. At this moment, Ruan Wengcheng was speechless. If he could still move, he would definitely cover his face. This is so fucking embarrassing.

The opportunity I created with my life just disappeared, and I was slapped hard in the face.

Li Cunxiao pulled up the weapon on Ruan Wengcheng, shook his fist and said, "He is a hero! Let's go with peace of mind!"

He chopped off Ruan Wengcheng's head, looked down at Wang Yanzhang and said, "Take your life!" After speaking, Li Cunxiao took up his weapon and stabbed at him.
Wang Yanzhang, who was lying on the ground, did not know where Qin Ge got it, and pierced Li Cunxiao's chest, as fast as a gust of wind and as moving as a thunderbolt.

Li Cunxiao was shocked, and hurriedly dodged to the side, but his right arm was still stabbed. When he turned around, he saw that half of Wang Yanzhang's face was swollen.

Li Cunxiao looked at his wound with a cold face: "Take your life!"

"Ding, Li Cunxiao launched boldly! When picking a general, reduce the enemy's force by 3 points, Wang Yanzhang's current force is 111, increase his own force by 5 points, and the current force is 124"

Wang Yanzhang was not in the mood to play with Li Cunxiao anymore, so he turned around and threw a throw.
"Get up!" Li Cunxiao snorted, Qin Ge broke down immediately, turned around and saw that Wang Yanzhang had already put his tail between his legs and fled. Li Cunxiao looked at Wang Yanzhang and put away his Yu Wangzhang helplessly. He couldn't catch up now.

What's more, the focus is not here now, and I still have to rush to rescue Han Yi, so I dare not delay.

Han Yi looked forward, at this time Yue Fei had already led his troops to help, looked at Han Yi and said: "My lord! Go to the grove ahead! The ambush is already set up there.

Han Yi calmed down, pretended to be flustered, and said, "Hurry up, brothers, be careful in ambush."

All the soldiers were originally very excited, but they were defeated again in this battle, which has seriously dampened their enthusiasm, but if they can survive this, absolutely no one will die, and they follow up with all their strength.

"Han Yi, don't leave!" Meng Tian didn't know when he led the soldiers to surround and kill him. His younger brother died in battle, so he must not let Han Yi go.

Han Yi had no choice but to bite the bullet and rush forward.

"Where Xuanwu is! Not a single blade of grass grows!"

With a loud shout, Wen Yang, with high morale, led the Xuanwu soldiers to kill!Wen Yang said: "My lord, go quickly, leave this place to me!"

Han Yi and Wen Yang exchanged glances, nodded and left.

Meng Tian said angrily: "Is it worth it for a dying person?!"

Wen Yang smiled without saying a word, this smile made Meng Tian feel a bit chilly, making people feel very uncomfortable.

Bai Qi from above looked at Han Yi who had broken through, and said seriously: "Can a cooked duck fly?"

"What will the general do next!"

Bai Qi stroked his beard: "Wang Ye's road has been blocked, and it is the territory of Wei State ahead. I am afraid that with the friendship between Han Yi and Wei State, Wei Wang will definitely send troops to help! Besides, Han Yi owns The soldiers and horses are all with this Han Yi, we must not let him go, or let the tiger go back to the mountain!"

"Then what will the general do next!"

"Pass down the order! Let Ruan Wengzhong! Meng Tian! Go after him! If you don't, I will go in person!" Bai Qi picked up his Shura sword and walked away murderously.

Han Xin stroked his sleeve, and said flatly: "The big fish has already been hooked! It's up to the lord and Guan Yu!"

(End of this chapter)

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