Warring States Call

Chapter 240 Han Xin vs Bai Qi

Chapter 240 Han Xin vs Bai Qi (Part [-])
Most of the forests are small trees, because they are too small, Bai Qi did not order to cut them down, although the forest trees are small, but the area is large.

Han Yi led tens of thousands of people to escape. Chang Yuchun and others saw the movement, and quickly imitated the wolf howl, and came out with a loud sound, which shocked the soldiers who were kept in the dark, and they all collapsed. Take the weapon in your hand.

Han Yi relaxed as soon as he heard it. This was a signal to signal the evil next to him.

Elai also put down his huge axe, and imitated three wolf howls from below. Chang Yuchun was overjoyed when he heard it, and led dozens of soldiers out of the woods vigilantly. Seeing Han Yi, he hurriedly said: "It's not too late! Your Majesty please Lead a few guards to the hill in the south, and leave this battle to another!"

Han Yi touched Xiao Bai, signaled him to calm down, and said with a vigilant expression: "Bai Qi is a famous general in the world, you have to be careful!"

"The attributes are clear!"

Han Yi looked at Chang Yuchun with satisfaction, and drove his horse to the hill, followed by only Dian Wei and the other six people, and disappeared into the woods.

Chang Yuchun led the remaining generals to the front, pretending to be defeated and fleeing.

Bai Qi looked forward, pulled out his Shura sword, and said: "Come to the old man, Zhan Hanyi will be the first to be promoted to the third rank, and the reward will be one hundred taels."

Bai Qi couldn't wait, although he felt that something was wrong around him, but in this battle, as long as Han Yi's head was beheaded, South Korea would be swallowed up, and Wei and Zhao would be intimidated. No one would dare to offend him in a few years.

Tens of thousands of Qin soldiers were radicalized. The Qin State had already implemented the meritorious service system, which used the number of soldiers beheaded to increase officials and ranks. No one questioned Bai Qi's words and regarded Han Jun as a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Chang Yuchun led the soldiers to flee for dozens of miles, and ran straight to the end of the river.

Han Yi gradually ascended the hill, where hundreds of elites waited for Han Yi, Shangguan Wan'er above was cooking wine here, and two doctors were waiting behind him.

The breeze caressed Han Yi's beautiful hair, which only made people feel refreshed. Han Yi strolled up, muttering to himself: "I didn't expect that Han Xin's thoughts were so delicate, and he kept two military doctors in case of accidents.

Shangguan Wan'er smiled softly, picked up the sake on the table and smiled, "Wan'er is here to congratulate the king!"

Han Yi smiled without saying a word, took the wine glass, and looked at the vast land: "Respect me to the heroic spirits of South Korea!"

After finishing speaking, Han Yi spilled a glass of sake!comfort their spirits in heaven,
"Your Majesty is really nostalgic!" For some unknown reason, Han Xin strolled over and looked at Han Yi with a calm expression, but those eyes seemed to see through Han Yi again.

Han Yi was neither happy nor angry, but became more and more calm. He waved his sleeves at Han Xin and said, "General, you have worked hard, please sit down!"

"Please, Your Majesty!" Although Han Yi was arrogant, he was very clear about his dignity.

The two sat down slowly, and Shangguan Wan'er was cooking wine here. The wind was getting stronger and stronger, and Han Xin also felt the gentleness of the wind. He kept his eyes closed, opened them slowly, and a cold light flashed: " It's time! Set fire!"


"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" On the other side of the woods, Guan Yu stood on the ground with his eyes closed and meditating. He slowly opened his slightly closed eyes, danced his Qinglong Yanyue knife, stroked his long beard : "Do it!"


Tens of thousands of rockets swarmed in, and the woods instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames. Huo Qubing, Zhao Yun, and Guan Yu, who were ambushing here, led their 1 horses to fight out in three days, cutting off Bai Qi's retreat!
Chang Yuchun grabbed the fleeing soldiers ahead and said, "Brothers! Bai Qi has caught the trick! Kill me!"

But there are still many people questioning Chang Yuchun: "The generals are so many! We can't be their opponents, let us run for our lives!"

Chang Yuchun was furious, pulled out his treasured sword, and chopped off the soldier's head with a single blow. His face was full of disgust, and he said in a low voice, "Go back with me if you don't want to die! If there are still people who are afraid of fighting...beheaded!"

For the last word, Chang Yuchun gritted his teeth, his face was full of murderous looks, and everyone was stunned for a moment. With the lessons learned just now, no one dared to act recklessly.

Looking at the sea of ​​flames ahead, everyone swallowed, gritted their teeth and killed them.

Bai Qi's face was calm, and the flames made his face red. At this moment, Bai Qi could not panic, nor did he dare to panic. He looked at Huo Hai and said, "Soldiers, don't panic. General Wang will come right away and break out for me!"


With Bai Qi's encouragement, coupled with his calm appearance, all the soldiers believed it was true, and rushed out one by one, but they didn't know that Bai Qi's heart was already in a mess, and Bai Qi, who was shrewd all his life, was defeated !It was still defeated by Han Yi, a brat.

Wang Yanzhang, who was behind, looked at the flames in the sky, and began to be puzzled, and murmured: Is this the father-in-law's plan? "

"The general is not good! General Bai Qi is surrounded by Han Yi in Xiaoshulin! Please rescue the general quickly!"

"What!" Wang Yanzhang was shocked,

Looking around, he said, "Everyone follow me to save the general! Hurry up!"

"I want to go! Ask the old man if he agrees!" Gongsun Yan led a team to intercept from behind!Looking at the furious Wang Yanzhang, his face became colder.

"Old man! Court death!"

"Ding! Wang Yanzhang's veteran attribute is activated, Wang Yanzhang is 38, Gongsun Yan is 48, Gongsun Yan is ten years old, Wang Yanzhang's force value is increased by 10, and the current force value is 124!"

"Break!" Wang Yanzhang bent his bow with one hand and shot four times, as fast as a purple lightning, hitting three people in a row, the spear in his hand, like a dragon going out to sea, splashing big dust and waves!
Gongsun Yan said calmly, "Fire the arrow!"

"Whoever stands in my way will die!" Wang Yanzhang knew why he had an extra shield in his hand,

The pawn who blocked Wang Yanzhang was directly knocked into the air, and Cao Hong who rushed over was furious and shot at it with his bow

With a muffled groan, it hit Wang Yanzhang in the back, but he didn't shoot him dead. Wang Yanzhang gritted his teeth, his eyes were bloodshot, and he still rushed forward fearlessly.

Cao Hong secretly called it a pity, looked at Gongsun Yan and said, "What will the general do next!"

Gongsun Yan said more and more: "A mere Wang Yanzhang can't turn the sky, others stop them for me!"

Countless kings and Qin soldiers were blocked here, unable to move an inch, while Bai Qi's [-] Qin soldiers were trapped in the sea of ​​fire and could not break out.
As soon as the Han Xin battle flag above changed, arrows flowed from all directions in turn. This was not a battle, but a massacre, a massacre of a sea of ​​people.

The way back was also blocked by Guan Yu. Guan Yu was the one who was Guan Wanfu, and the Qin soldiers who dared to break through became Guan Yu's souls.

Han Yi's face became more and more flat, without any emotions, only calm.

Han Xin looked at Han Yi and said, "What's wrong with you, my lord!"

"War! Infinite war! Either you die! I die!" Han Yi groaned.

It's today's ease!Let us forget the cruelty of the past
(End of this chapter)

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