Chapter 241

Han Xin glanced at Han Yi in surprise, wanting to find something from him, but disappointed, he picked up the wine glass below and said, "Why should the king be so sentimental? Isn't it all right if you win this victory?"

Han Yi touched the wine bottle below, savoring Han Xin's words. It seemed unintentional, but in fact he deliberately tested his ambitions. Han Yi didn't hide it, and slowly put down the wine glass. The words were like swords: "Sweep Liuhe! Ping Ba shortage!"

The simple six words contained too many meanings, and Han Xin was relieved of the wine glass in his hand, and said nonchalantly: "Liuhe Liuguo! Eight wildernesses are peaceful!"

"By close friends and close friends, the enemy fights and we support, the enemy destroys and we destroy, accumulate food widely, and manage people's livelihood! The eight wastelands surrender!" Every time Han Yi said a word, the momentum on his body became stronger, his eyes were like lightning, and his voice was like a bell.

Han Xin stroked his long hair, cupped his hands proudly, and said to Han Yi, "Meet the Ming Lord! But it's an eagle dog!"

Han Yi laughed heartily, took the wine in Han Xin's hand and said, "The general is my right-hand man, how can he be compared with eagles and dogs!"

After finishing speaking, Han Yi died in a single blow, full of pride, like Han Xinyi, a beautiful woman playing the piano, singing while drunk.

On the battlefield, Bai Qi said solemnly: "Qingsha! Seeing that you two are killing you, go and kill that Han general!"

Bai Qi was referring to Guan Yu, he came in a hurry, there were no strong generals under his command, only two loyal guards, these two men were also unique, one was holding a scimitar and wearing sharp armor, the other was in black Clothes, holding a short knife, like an assassin in the dark.

The goal of the two was Guan Yu, and the weapons in their hands were all danced to the limit, and they rushed towards Guan Yu.But Guan Yu still half-closed his eyes, and regarded the two as nothing. Facing the attack of the two, Guan Yu swept away the thousands of troops with a big sword, shaking the two away.

The eyes of the two were shocked, one kite turned over and quickly retreated.

Guan Yu's lazy eyes slowly opened to look at the two of them, and he said murderously, "I don't know how to live or die!"

Holding the big knife in one hand and dragging it on the ground, he killed the two of them. The weight of Qinglong Yanyue knife pulled out a gully behind him.

Qing Sha turned pale in shock, and hurriedly backed away, facing Guan Yu's knife, if he was frightened by Guan Yu's momentum, the result was clear at a glance, Guan Yu cut down from below, hitting Qing Sha in his arms, killing Qing Sha, the whole process only took a few breaths.

The people on the side were shocked when they saw the killing, and just about to retreat, Guan Yu's broadsword was shocked, and the scimitar on the ground was knocked away!Seeing the back of the killer in the middle, he felt a chill in vain.

Guan Yu settled down, stroked his long beard, and said disdainfully: "Native chicken and dog! Who else is there!"

With one word, he frightened several people, looked at Guan Yu and did not dare to approach, Bai Qi frowned even more, the situation was completely unfavorable to him, if this continues, he might die without a whole body!
Looking at the burning trees, Bai Qi said: "Everyone cut down trees to break through!"

"Qin Dog is here with his life!" Just as Bai Qi finished speaking, Huo Qubing rode his horse and charged towards the formation, his spear in his hand was like a thunderbolt, and the Qin soldiers who approached were like kites with broken strings, and Huo Qubing picked and killed them.

Huo Qubing looked at Bai Qi and said, "Old Bai Qi is gone, leaving his head behind!"

After finishing speaking, Huo Qubing came to kill him on horseback, without the obstruction of a fierce general like Wang Yanzhang, Huo Qubing rushed towards him like a tiger descending a mountain.

The cold sweat on Bai Qi's head was breaking out, and he couldn't care about his general demeanor at this time, so he provoked the white horse to charge out.

Looking around and dealing with tens of thousands of Qin soldiers, Bai Qi felt relieved when he had nothing else to do!However, before Bai Qi could catch his breath, he saw Zhao Yun wearing a white armor?When he was killed, Bai Qi was so angry that he was at a loss what to do, he could only run away to the other side in a hurry, so to speak, he returned the same way.

"Don't panic, general! Wang Yanzhang is here!" At some point, Wang Yanzhang led hundreds of Qin soldiers out!
Guan Yu said coldly: "I have waited for so long! I am finally a character who can fight! Take my life!"

"Ding, Guan Yu's Martial Saint attribute activates, strength increases by 2, every round increases by 2, up to 5 times, Guan Yu's basic strength is 105, and his strength is now 107"

"Ding, Guan Yu's critical attack attribute is activated, and his force is increased by 10, and his current force is 117"

"Ding! Veteran Wang Yanzhang's second attribute activates. When facing generals older than yourself, the force value increases by 1 for each year older. Currently Wang Yanzhang is 38 years old and Guan Yu is 40 years old. Wang Yanzhang's force value is increased by 3, and the current force value is 119."

"Get up!" Wang Yanzhang swung his spear forward, his neck like a pillar, and he didn't get too entangled with Guan Yu.

Guan Yu's sword was also shocked. He didn't expect that Wang Yanzhang's force was so high. His arms felt numb, but Guan Yu was not angry.

Bai Qi was overjoyed to see Wang Yanzhang coming, looked at the turmoil on the battlefield, held the Shura sword in his hand, and said solemnly: "Anyone who disturbs the morale of the army will be killed without mercy!"

"Ding, Baiqi kills the god attribute, the force increases by 3, the basic force is 99, the current force is 103, the Shura sword increases by 1, and the force value is 104. At the same time, Guan Yu's enemy force is 3 points, and Guan Yu's current force value is 114"

"Ding, Bai Qi's second attribute of Killing God is activated. When he controls 1 soldiers, the commander will increase by 102. Bai Qi has ten armies, and the current commander is [-]!"

"Listen everyone, General Wang is here! Everyone fight to the death!" Bai Qi encouraged everyone.


Han Yi toasted uncertainly, and Wang Yanzhang came out on the way,
Han Xin smiled and said, "Is your majesty worried that Bai Qi will run away?"

Han Yi didn't nod or shake his head, he could only say he was upset

Han Xin smiled and said, "I'm afraid Bai Qi won't be taken down easily! If this goes on, he will die, so we might as well let him go! Otherwise, we won't have enough troops to go to Hangu Pass!"

Han Yi also understands the current situation. With Wang Yanzhang around, this battle cannot be delayed. Moreover, there are tens of thousands of people under the city wall. If they are allowed to kill them!Life and death are unknown!It's just that Bai Qiming is really tough.

Han Xin smiled, raised the general flag and said, "Send the order! Tell General Guan Yu! Let Bai Qi and Wang Yanzhang go! Everyone else stay here!"


Wang Yanzhang, carrying a big gun, rushed towards Bai Qi in his own BMW, stopped the horse, and said with concern: "General, are you okay?"

"General! Hurry up and break through now! This time, the king was careless!" Bai Qi said helplessly, feeling guilty.

Wang Yanzhang responded, looked at Qin Bing behind and said, "If you don't want to die, charge me!"

Wang Yanzhang swung his spear straight at Guan Yu, Guan Yu snorted coldly, dragged the Qinglong Yanyue Knife on the ground, and began to gather energy

Ding, the attribute of Guan Yu's dragging knife is activated, the force value is increased by 5, and the base force value is 105. The force value of Qinglong Yanyue Dao is increased by 1, and the current force value is 119"

Guan Yu's broadsword dragged straight to the ground, splashing sand and dust. The broadsword was like a crescent moon, and the dust rose and fell close to Wang Yanzhang, as fast as lightning. Under the light of the fire, it looked like a fiery knife.

Wang Yanzhang quickly raised the iron Hunyuan spear in his hand, placed it on top of his head, and blocked Guan Yu's knife with his arms calmly and firmly.

"Go away!"

After blocking Guan Yu's knife, Wang Yanzhang hurriedly said: "General, go quickly, Bai Qi led the people out without hesitation, with Bai Qi's force value over a hundred, killing these soldiers is like chopping melons and vegetables!

(End of this chapter)

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