Warring States Call

Chapter 243 Megatron 4 Party

Chapter 243 Megatron Quartet
Seeing Bai Qi fleeing, Gao Shun said seriously, "Jia Fu, hurry up and chase after him! General Wenyang and I are here to stop you!"

Jia Fu hesitated for a moment, pulled out the bronze sword in his bosom, and chased after him on horseback. Hou Junji and Ben Wuxin were dragging down behind him. Seeing Bai Qi retreating, Hou Junji puffed up his chest and said, "Brothers! I don't want to die." Go for me!"

Thousands of Qin soldiers, plus more than 2000 iron eagles broke out everywhere, and they had a strong desire to survive, and they fled everywhere!Gao Shun cut off the head of a Qin soldier with the knife in his hand. In his eyes, now is the time to make an example.

Wen Yang didn't take it seriously. He wanted to see whether his Xuanwu pawns were stronger or Qin's Tie Ying warriors were stronger. He pointed the spear in his hand at Hou Junji and said, "General Qin, leave! Keep the head!"

Hou Junji looked at him coldly, while organizing his troops to retreat!While blocking Wenyang's Xuanwu pawn, he did not panic or panic.

Finally disappearing into the night, Wen Yang and Gao Shun's teeth itched in anger, and finally withdrew their troops and returned to camp.

Han soldiers everywhere on the battlefield began to clean the battlefield, most of which were Qin Bing's corpses, after Han Yi lured Bai Qi away!Gongsun Yan led [-] Chenggao's elite soldiers and came in a surprise attack. Together with the remaining [-] soldiers, they almost made dumplings for Zhou Dewei.

In the end, Zhou Dewei had no choice but to lead his troops back. The rain of fire and arrows arranged by Han Xin killed most of the Qin soldiers, leaving only the last 10 of the 5000 soldiers. Fear and death made them put down their weapons and surrender.

Han Yi also ordered to accept the surrender. People are resources in this world. Besides, the high combat power of the Qin soldiers is not the end of the fight. Including the 1 captured by Gongsun Yan, Han Yi won [-] Qin soldiers in this battle.

According to the statistics of Qin Bing's corpses, the casualties were as high as 2, plus the [-] captured by Han Yi.Qin State lost more than [-] people, and of course Han Yi suffered heavy casualties.

Counting the people who fought against Bai Qi last time, Han Yi died 4 people!There are also many wounded!But compared with Bai Qi's, it's very satisfying.

The next thing that caused Han Yi a headache was the issue of the captives. It would be a pity to kill them, but if they were released, they would be Qin's vital force...

Above the forest of fire!Han Xin and Han Yi enjoyed the last scene together. The surrounding small trees were burnt bare, and fragments could still be seen below from time to time.

"My lord! But do you have any questions!" Seeing that Han Yi was silent, Han Xin seemed to be thinking about something!
Han Yi picked up the charred pieces of trees in the ground and said, "The trees in this forest are small, how did the general set them on fire?"

Han Xin said impassionedly: "This forest is small, but I ordered people to pile up a large piece of flammable materials here, and with a big fire, although the wind last night was not strong, it was not small, and it naturally caught fire. .
Han Yi nodded, and said happily at the same time: "I finally let out a bad breath! But I don't know if Bai Qi died or not!"

"My lord, just wait for the good news!" Han Xin congratulated on the sidelines.

"Let's solve Qin Bing's troubles first!" Han Yi looked at those who surrendered and began to have a headache! .

The white bones are like dry pillars, and the blood flow is hundreds of feet long!It stretches for thousands of miles!Howl endlessly!
Guo Jia on the city wall smiled, and said, "This Han Xin is not simple! He vanishes in the blink of an eye!"

"Feng Xiao also has the same opinion!" Liu Ji agreed, holding a feather fan.

"Hey! It smells so good! What does it smell like?" Guo Jia suddenly smelled a scent, and looked around like a curious baby.

Liu Ji fanned himself in front of him with a feather fan: "This is gluttonous meat!"

"Oh! What is gluttonous meat!" Guo Jia seemed to say at first.Began to be interested in Liu Ji's words.

"Gluttony! Greedy but not enough! Cannibalizing human flesh but not spitting out the bones! Looks like a human but not a human, with a face like a human! Behavior like a beast." Liu Ji's words had profound meaning, Guo Jia's ingenuity naturally knew what Liu Ji was talking about, and he smiled. He laughed and said, "It looks like a human but not a human, like a beast but not a beast! This is gluttony, but a human is a human!"

Liu Ji smiled and said nothing: "Wang Ye's overall situation has been decided, greedy wolves will be eliminated, and the next step is to beat wolves."

"Time! It's decided! It's decided! It's decided by people! It's decided by people!" Guo Jia said with a smile, then swayed her coquettish hairstyle in a suave manner, strolled towards the city, and began to prepare.

Liu Ji didn't stop him, he stroked his goatee and looked at the newly rising Chuyang!He said to himself: "The old sun turned yesterday, and the new sun has risen! I just don't know if this sun is in Korea or where it is!"

Han Yi rode Xiaobai and walked back to the city, feeling the joyous cheers of the people. How many years have passed since South Korea survived the oppression of Qin State, and today it is the first time to defeat Qin State!And it's still a big victory, all the people of Wangye cheered for joy!One pass a thousand!Thousands of rumors spread, and after a while, the whole news spread across the land of the Central Plains.

This was like a thunderbolt, which shocked everyone. All countries dared not underestimate South Korea. It turned out that the unknown South Korea, that small country that survived and died, became second only to Qin and Zhao!The seventh most powerful country of Qi, Chu, Yan, and Wei!Both Lu State and Wu State will stand aside, and their strength is still vaguely surpassing that of Chu State.

After all, the last time Chu general Xiang Yan was defeated by Wu Qi and returned, he occupied Wancheng and split Chu into pieces.

Today's South Korea has nominally defeated Zhou, and swallowed Zheng, Chen, and Cai. The national power is extraordinary...

Everyone in the big tent was very happy, everyone showed a long-awaited smile, everyone seemed to be waiting for something!
"Wen Yang and General Gao Shun are here!"

Everyone was elated, and Han Yi looked at Gao Shun happily and said, "The general can kill for nothing!"

Wen Yang gave Han Yi an expectant look, smiled awkwardly, and said, "General Gao Shun and I were about to kill Bai Qi, but were stopped by the Tie Ying Rui Shi brought by Hou Junji!"

"What about Baiqi?" Han Yi had an ominous premonition in his mind, and looked at the two of them, not knowing what to say.

Gao Shun said without hesitation: "General Jia Fu has cut off Bai Qi's arm, I believe Bai Qi will not be able to run for long!"

"Oh! What about Jia Fu!" Han Yi and everyone around him held their breaths, hoping to get the answer they wanted.

"Pursuing Bai Qi, I haven't returned yet!"

Han Yi frowned. If Bai Qi died, there must be news in his mind, but now there is no reminder that Bai Qi is not dead, or that Bai Qi has escaped.

"Ding, Wang Yanzhang's iron gun is activated! Add 7 to the force value, base force is 105, and the current value is 112"

Ding, Jia Fu's fighting attribute activates, strength increases by 5, the base strength value is 106, and the current strength value is 111," the system said

A few short reminders contained too much information, making Han Yi elusive.

(End of this chapter)

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