Chapter 244

It is said that Bai Qi was unconscious after his arm was cut off by Jia Fu. Under the leadership of his horse, he retreated forward. This horse was also very smart, and led Bai Qi to retreat to Wang Yanzhang's base camp according to the route.

But Wang Yanzhang was also worried about Bai Qi, and he didn't come back after going for so long. Worried about Bai Qi's safety, Wang Yanzhang drove his horse and came to look for it. After a while, he saw Bai Qi attached to the horse unconscious, and Wang Yanzhang hurriedly picked him up. Come down for nothing.

Bai Qi's entire arm was cut off by Jia Fu, Wang Yanzhang was startled, he called out a few times, seeing that Bai Qi should not respond, he put his finger on Bai Qi's nose and exhaled, and saw that Bai Qi exhaled more and exhaled less. The frightened Wang Yanzhang felt that he was helping Bai Qi, ready to take him back.

"Bai Qi don't leave! Keep the head!" Jia Fu drove the Yeyuezhao lion rewarded by Han Yi, and saw that Wang Yanzhang wanted to take Bai Qi away, Jia Fu quickly killed him with a halberd. As fast as lightning, straight to Baiqi's head.

Wang Yanzhang was shocked, and quickly put Bai Qi on the horse, stabbed at the ass, and the painful horse galloped quickly with Bai Qi.Then turn around and shoot at Jia Fu

When Jia Fu saw Wang Yanzhang let Bai Qi go, he waved his halberd and said, "I'm looking for death..."

"Ding, Jia Fu's fighting attribute activates, strength increases by 5, the base strength value is 106, and the current strength value is 111," the system said

Wang Yanzhang said with a cold face: "How dare you hurt my father-in-law! I think you are courting death!"

"Ding, Wang Yanzhang's iron gun is activated! Add 7 to the force value, base force is 105, and the current value is 112"

Jia Fu, Wang Yanzhang and Wang Yanzhang exchanged spears and halberds, and Jia Fu retreated a few steps. Jia Fu's halberd technique is mostly dexterous, but a heavy weapon like Wang Yanzhang is naturally at a disadvantage. Fortunately, Jia Fu's strength is not weak, otherwise, just now That was enough for Jia Fu to drink a pot.

"Come again!" Jia Fu waved the weapon in his hand dissatisfied, his marksmanship was mostly dexterous and tricky, and the halberd turned into several halberd shadows, stabbing at Wang Yanzhang's impassable body.

Wang Yanzhang said: "I'm looking for death." I saw Jia Fu's halberd shadows blocked by a wave of his big spear, but his speed was still half a beat slower. Jia Fu's halberd pierced his helmet, scared Wang Yanzhang quickly avoided, and Jia Fu pulled distance.

"Ding Jiafu's bravery attribute is activated, the force value is increased by 8, the force value of Yeyuezhao lion is increased by 1, and the current force value is 120"

Seeing that Wang Yanzhang was about to retreat, Jia Fu said with the halberd in his weapon, "Wang Yanzhang, don't leave and leave the head!"

The halberd in Jia Fu's hand was a little faster, as fast as a purple lightning. Every attack was like a tiger descending a mountain, swallowing mountains and rivers, including Wang Yanzhang within the attack range.

Wang Yanzhang didn't dare to be negligent, he threw the iron spear directly at Jia Fu's head, Jia Fu quickly held his halberd and raised it with both arms.

"Ding! Wang Yanzhang's fighting attribute is activated, force 5, and the current force value is 117!


The weight of the iron gun was directly on Jia Fu's body, and the Yeyue shone on the lion as he stepped down. The pressure also increased greatly, and he almost stumbled.

Jia Fu was not reconciled, he cut off Wang Yanzhang's big spear with one move, turned around and stabbed with the halberd, Wang Yanzhang was shocked, he retreated in a hurry, and did not fight Jia Fu again.

Jia Fu snorted coldly, Shou immediately took out the silver hammer, looked at Wang Yanzhang and snorted coldly: "Middle!" "

"Ding, the Jia Fu strike hammer is activated, reducing Wang Yanzhang's force value by 3 points! Wang Yanzhang's current force value is 114"


He fell down and hit Wang Yanzhang's back. Wang Yanzhang spat out a mouthful of old blood, his face was pale, he was restless, and hurriedly retreated.

Jia Fu was not chasing after him either, panting, looked at the deformed halberd in his hand, turned around helplessly, if it wasn't for the weapon problem, Wang Yanzhang would have been killed today.

Dark horse, broken halberd!A beautiful landscape is just like this, go back to the original road, come out dissatisfied, there is nothing you can do

"Report! General Jia Fu is back!"

Everyone in the big tent was looking forward to the good news that Jia Fu would bring back, but when everyone looked at Jia Fu with empty hands, their faces gradually revealed impatient glances.

Jia Fu looked at Han Yi expectantly, knelt down on the ground in frustration, and respectfully said: "The last general is incompetent! Then Bai Qi was rescued by Wang Yanzhang!"

Han Yi was not angry and said, "General, please tell me the general situation!"

Only then did Jia Fu explain the ins and outs of the matter clearly, and at the same time he also told the scene where his halberd was severed by Wang Yanzhang.

"It's good that the general has nothing to do! General, go down and rest!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Jia Fu looked at everyone's expectant glances with shame, and reluctantly withdrew from the big tent.

Han Yi looked forward, and his head hurt like hell. Once Bai Qi let go, even if his arm was broken, it didn't affect Bai Qi. Now he really has let the tiger go back to the mountain.

As for the generals below, one or two yawned loudly. Han Yi closed his eyes and rested his mind, and said in a cold voice: "I'm afraid all the generals have worked hard, go down and rest!"

"No!" Everyone couldn't bear it anymore, and left quickly, preparing to take a good rest. After this battle, they could finally sleep safely.

There were only a few counselors from Guo Jia left in the tent. Han Yi rubbed his head and said, "Letting Bai Qi go is undoubtedly letting the tiger go back to the mountain. Qin will definitely be prepared in the future! This Bai Qi will not dare to be so careless!"

"Your Majesty is gone! Isn't there another general in our army who can rival Bai Qi?" Liu Ji stroked his beard and smiled.

Han Yi said helplessly: "This Gu knows it naturally, but Han Xin is a newcomer after all, and it is difficult to convince the public. Besides, Gu will return to Yangdi after this battle is over. I am afraid it will be difficult for Gu to come out unless it is a last resort! Alone!"

"Your Majesty, don't worry! The most urgent thing is how to deal with those [-] Qin soldiers!" Guo Jia said seriously.

Han Yi also understood the seriousness of the matter: "We have suffered heavy casualties in this battle, and we cannot replenish our troops in a short period of time, and Han Qinhu's troops are very tight, so it is appropriate for these 2 people to join the Eastern battlefield!"

"Your Majesty said it is auspicious, but the distance is far away, and we don't have enough troops, so we can't transport it there. Besides, if they rebel! We have nothing to do!" Pang Tong worried.

Han Yi touched his head and said, "This is also the reason for my headache!"

"Your Majesty, we can transport the soldiers to the State of Zhou! Let Cao Cao and Pang Wanchun assemble the army, and draw [-] soldiers from South Korea to mix the forces of Zhou, Han, and Qin! This will definitely be used by the King!" just said.

Han Yi also agreed with this method, but he also had a headache and said: "That's the reason! But these Qin soldiers' hearts are not here! We can't help it!"

"Your Majesty, don't worry! If this wins! Your Majesty can use chips to ask Qin to hand over their family members! This will stabilize the situation!"

"The outcome of this battle is unpredictable! It's not easy to win...!"

(End of this chapter)

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