Warring States Call

Chapter 245 Chapter 245: Wu Zetian

Chapter 245 Chapter 240

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for beheading Ruan Wengcheng and Meng Yi for this battle, rewarding the host with 17 summoning points, cutting off Bai Qi's arm, and now Bai Qi's four-dimensional transformation:

"Ding, killing the gods in vain: force 89, commander 103, intelligence 95, politics 77"

"That's not right! Why has Bai Qi improved a lot!" Han Yi said unkindly. If this is the case, he may be under more pressure, and the road ahead may be even more difficult.

"Ding, in this battle, Bai Qi faces Gongsun Yan, Han Xin, Chang Yuchun, Yue Fei, etc... famous generals in the world, and his personal ability has improved, so his intelligence and politics will be increased by one each!"

"You...!" Han Yi was so angry that he couldn't speak. Isn't this causing trouble for himself?

"Ding! Han Xin defeated Bai Qi in the first battle, and exploited Bai Qi's Killing God attribute 10. He commanded [-] people, and the commander added [-]. This skill is unique to Han Xin. In addition, Han Xin defeated Bai Qi, and the commander added [-]"

"Ding, Han Xin's current four-dimensional: Force 87 Commander 102 Intelligence 91 Politics 81"

Han Yi looked at Han Xin's data with emotion, and there were indeed gains and losses!But I have nothing to be afraid of. South Korea currently has at least 30 soldiers and horses. I will hand them over to the commander of Han Xin. Han Xin's commander has 105...

"Ding, more than 7 Qin soldiers were won in the host battle, which is equivalent to a personal loss of 300. The host will be rewarded with 1086 summon points, and the current host summon points are [-] points!"

This is also what Han Yi is most satisfied with. Since the system adjustment, he doesn't have to worry about exploding his meter at all, he just needs to be careful.

"Ding, the force value of Ruan Wengcheng killed by the host is 98, which exceeds the system load, and needs to explode:"

Han Yi frowned and cursed secretly: "Here again! There are almost countless explosions in the past few days. Out of the generals who come out, I can only get one or two. I am so mad..."

"Ding, Empress Wu Zetian: Force 71 Commander 88 Intelligence 99 Politics 100 Charm 100" implanted near Hangu Pass! "

"This..." Apart from wanting to cry and feeling uncomfortable, Han Yi couldn't express his heart anymore, empress!Queen!The only queen recognized by history for 5000 years!That's it.

This is not what trouble yourself is!Either kill Wu Zetian to avoid future troubles, or make good use of it... This is what Han Yi can think of at the moment, and it is what Han Yi must do.

"Ding, Zhou Yu of the Three Kingdoms has 87 military power, 99 commander, 95 intelligence, 77 implanted identity, Sun Ce's good brother!"

"Ding, Yang Pan: Strength 100 Commander 92 Intelligence 81 Politics 74 Place of implantation, Liu Yu's newly recruited general"

"Ding, Wenpin of the Three Kingdoms: Armed Forces 89 Commander 91 Intelligence 84 Politics 81 Identity Wenyang's elder brother.

"Ding, the current explosion is over!"

Han Yi also breathed a sigh of relief, this time the system was still being polite, otherwise, as usual, he wanted to cry, but unfortunately the proportion was a bit small, so he stood alone. .

Han Yi is also considering whether to summon again. The system has given him a lot of talents these few times, such as Yang Su, Yu Wenxian, Wenpin, and Shi Danai who he summoned last time. He only needs a piece of paper. The imperial edict can drop them over.

And the casualties in this battle were not small, Shi Jiantang's arm was interrupted by Wang Yanzhang, and he needed to rest!Can no longer participate in the next battle!Yan Liang and Wen Chou also came over with food and grass, and it was time to dispatch troops and generals.

Thinking of this, Han Yi had an idea in his mind, and ordered Shi Jiantang and Ning Yue to lead [-] Qin soldiers and [-] Han soldiers to guard them strictly along the way, and sent them to Zhou Guo to hand over to Cao Cao, and promoted Yang Su and Yu Wenxian to Kaifeng to help Han capture the enemy. Tiger.

In addition, Yu Yunwen was transferred and Cao Ren was left to guard Wangye here. Han Yi led Jia Fu, Guan Yu, Yuwen Chengdu, Huang Feihu, Li Cunxiao, Chang Yuchun, Zhao Hu, Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Cao Hong, Xia Houdun, Xia Houyuan, Wen Yang, Gao Shun, Zhao Yun, Yang Zaixing, Dian Wei, Xu Chu, E Lai, Fei Lian, Han Xin, and other generals went to Hangu Pass, and the civil servants rushed there with Guo Jia, Xi Zhicai, Liu Ji, Pang Tong, and Xun You Hangu Pass.

In the dark night, Fei Lian followed Han Yi like a ghost, and Han Yi was sometimes very curious about what was under Fei Lian's mask.

Fei Lian touched his mask in embarrassment and said, "What's wrong, my lord! Why are you staring at me like this!"

Not only Han Yi, but even Elai looked at Fei Lian very curiously. Han Yi couldn't help coughing, relieved the embarrassment of anger, and said seriously: "That general! I don't know if you mind taking off your mask! Widow Very curious, why are you wearing a mask!"

Fei Lian touched his mask and said, "Why not!"

Fei Lian slowly took off his mask, his long hair fell down, his skin that had not seen the sun for many years became very white and tender, his pair of eyelashes were abnormally long, and his eyes were big and full of energy!With a petite nose and purple and half red lips, Han Yi looked curiously and said, "General, are you a man or a woman!"

Fei Lian scattered his long hair, it is so delicate, it is hard to imagine this murderous god of death, the general is such a handsome...beautiful person.

As soon as Han Yi finished speaking, Fei Lian showed a serious and quick killing spirit, bursting out with heroic spirit, and Han Yi judged that Fei Lian was a man.

Fei Lian said helplessly: "Because the attribute is too delicate and lacks some masculinity, that's why I joined the army. In order not to let people look down on me, I put on a mask! Forgive me, my lord!"

Han Yi patted Fei Lian on the shoulder and said: "Don't worry about it, the general. The general should be the first in this battle! He defeated Ruan Wengzhong, and defeated the enemy's spirit. This title of death is well-deserved!"

Along the way, the disastrously defeated Qin Bing fled in panic, and the bleeding from the hands and feet of several doctors stopped. At this time, Bai Qi was pale and weak, and his eyes slowly opened, as if he had fallen asleep for a long time.

Looking around, Bai Qi murmured: "Water! Water! Give me water!"

Seeing Bai Qi woke up, Wang Yanzhang hurriedly said: "Water! Quick! Bring water!"

Bai Qi drank a few sips upside down, feeling a little bit of strength, looked at Wang Yanzhang and said, "How many troops do we have now?"

Wang Yanzhang showed distress and said: "Only 15 people escaped! They were killed by Han Yi! There are as many as [-] prisoners!"

"What!" Bai Qi said in disbelief. After so many years of fighting, Qin State did not lose hundreds of thousands of people in hundreds of battles. Now it seems that he has become the eternal sinner of Qin State.

Cough, cough... Bai Qi gradually coughed up a few drops of blood, feeling the emptiness of the right hand, Bai Qi looked down, his old eyes gradually burst into tears, he knelt down on the ground facing the west, and said, "I'm ashamed. Your Majesty...!"

Wang Yanzhang watched Bai Qi from the sidelines!There was also a burst of pain in my heart, I thought I would win this battle, but who knew that the boat would capsize in the gutter.

(End of this chapter)

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