Warring States Call

Chapter 247 Fan Zeng seeks Wu

Chapter 247 Fan Zeng seeks Wu
Xiang Guo
Xiang Lianggui was the Duke of the state, and he was sitting in the hall. Because Xiang Liang had no descendants, Xiang Yu was made the prince.

Below them are Xiang Bo, Xiang Zhuang, Fan Zeng, Long Qi, Zhong Limei, and Shan Xiongxin, waiting for the generals.

Xiang Liang frowned and said, "I, Xiang Country, are located at the junction of Han, Chu, and Wu. The geographical location is really too narrow! What good ideas do you guys have! Come quickly!"

"My lord, in my opinion, it's better to go up to South Korea. After all, South Korea is besieged on all sides! Qin, Song and Wei have been devastated, and we can just go up and share a piece of meat!" Xiang Zhuang from behind smiled and helped himself up The long sword, as if South Korea is at your fingertips.

Xiang Liang also agrees with Xiang Zhuang's idea, but his family is poor, and he needs to think carefully about what he does, so at this moment Xiang Liang has to listen to other people's opinions, looked at Fan Zeng, and said: "I don't know if you can think in your heart!"

Fan Zeng stroked his gray beard, and praised: "Mr. Xiangzhuang is really a hero! But I want to ask! With Wu Qi as a stumbling block, and Wancheng as an easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack city, you all have full strength!" grasp?"

Fan Zeng's words sound soft, but they are slaps in the face!It means that with this level of strength, I don't feel compelled, and I still follow others to expand the territory, isn't it a joke? "

Xiang Liang's complexion immediately turned ugly. Thinking of the last time the Seventh Army was flooded, he was still a little secretly afraid!At the same time, let him beware of Wu Qi's actions, lest Wu Qi send troops to attack!
Xiang Yu, who didn't say a word, looked unhappy and said: "What are you talking about, sir! No, this is to increase the ambition of others and destroy your own prestige!"

"Yu'er!" Xiang Liang scolded.

"Uncle..." Xiang Yu said dissatisfied.

"Apologize!" Xiang Liang's words were unquestionable, and the tiger stared at Xiang Yu, signaling him not to be impulsive.

Xiang Zhuang on the side also kept winking at Xiang Yu, and Xiang Yu said reluctantly: "Sir, you are rude!"

Fan Zeng smiled and signaled to Xiang Yu, "The general is a man of temperament, so don't say anything more, Your Majesty!"

Xiang Liang didn't blame Xiang Yu anymore, he looked at Fan Zeng and said, "I don't know what kind of plan you have! Let our country get out of the predicament."

Fan Zeng walked to the center of the hall and signaled the soldiers to open the map, and the territory of Xiang Guo is only a small piece in the world. Fan Zeng said: "South Korea is no longer what it used to be, and it can already fight against Qin Guo. Besides, we don't It should add chaos to Han Yi!"

"Ridiculous! South Korea regards us as a thorn in their side! Now we can't cause trouble for them, sir, are you joking!" Xiang Zhuang said disdainfully, and sneered at Fan Zeng's words.

Fan Zeng was not angry, and said seriously: "Qin has already swallowed up mountains and rivers. If Qin wins this battle, there will be no one in the world who can compete with Qin. At that time, we will send troops in vain! Qin's 50 troops, Not a vegetarian!"

"This...!" Hearing Fan Zeng's analysis, Xiang Liang also felt the seriousness of the matter. If Qin Guo competed with him for territory, he might lose his bones!Besides, he might not have beaten Wu Qi before, it wouldn't be worth it if he died.

From this aspect, Fan Zeng's foresight can be seen, and Xiang Liang said without hesitation: "What do you think Mr. will do next! We can't sit still and wait for death!"

Fan Zeng smiled and said, "The next thing we need to do is plot against Wu!"

"This... sir, are you kidding me! Wu's national strength is about the same as that of South Korea! Besides, Wu's country has been peaceful and the people have been safe in the past few years! Aren't we going to seek death?" Uncle Xiang asked puzzled.

Fan Zeng picked up his crutches, pointed at the map and said, "Wu and South Korea have similar geographical locations! In addition, the last time Wu and South Korea joined forces to take away Shouchun, they are already on the border with our country. They have Xu, The two kingdoms of Tan and the kingdom of Wu, together with the recuperating kingdom of Chu, we can unite with them to besiege the kingdom of Wu, and when the time comes, the kingdom of Wu will surely be defeated."

As soon as Fan Zeng's plan was announced, everyone felt a lump in their hearts. If that was the case, wouldn't Wu Guo become a piece of meat on the board and let them divide it up!

As if Fan Zeng hadn't finished speaking, he pointed to Shouchun, which was annexed by Wu State, smiled and said: "If we have Shouchun, we will use him as the capital of the country, take Juyang, Zhongli, and Liucheng, and slowly develop our country. In a few years, within ten years, it will definitely be able to compete with South Korea.”

"This..." Xiang Liang pondered for a moment, and said, "Although the words of the master are good! But it is difficult to realize!"

"Your Majesty, don't worry. Yang Jian of Tan State and Li Zicheng of Xu State are ambitious people. As long as Your Majesty promises great benefits and gives them the Guangling of Wu State, they will naturally help His Majesty! And the State of Yue has been defeated by the General for the past two years. His old friend Sun Jian took it down, and with Sun Jian's ambition, he will definitely send troops to help the king!" Fan Zeng said with dry mouth, picked up the wine on the ground, and moistened his throat.

When Xiang Liang heard this, he was very excited. If this matter is successful, his name will last forever. After a hundred years, he can leave safely and hand over the established Xiang Kingdom to Xiang Yu...

"Sir! Now there are only [-] soldiers and horses. If all of them are mobilized, it will be difficult to resist Wu Qi!"

"Wu Qi didn't dare to send troops without authorization. Han Yi didn't settle down there. Wu Qi was very courageous and didn't dare to act recklessly. The general only needs to recruit some militiamen and train them a little. Your Majesty is leaving behind General Shan Xiongxin and General Xiang Bo, everything will be safe!"

"This...!" Xiang Liang was moved. If it was true as Fan Zeng said, what a great achievement this would be...

Chen Di
Feng Yi handles the big and small things in the city, and handles them in an orderly manner, so that the people live and work in peace and contentment. Today, there are [-] soldiers and horses in the two places combined, and they are all handed over to Cheng Yaojin. Seriously, if Liu Yu calls , Feng Yi can only be beaten.

And below is the country of Wu. Although Han Yi signed a contract with the country of Wu, and the country of Wu also helped him, but now that the two countries border each other, there will be a war in the future, so Feng Yi sent out [-] soldiers to defend Xiangcheng. , in case of a rainy day...

"Report to the general! Yang Su and Shi Wansui read the report before!"

"Oh!" Feng Yi put down the brush in his hand. Feng Yi was not very familiar with the two of them, and he didn't know much about them at the moment. He was thinking about how to send them away: "Call them in!"


Yang Su came in plain clothes, and Shi Wansui was tall and thick, with a bucket waist, a mustache, a pair of piercing eyes, and a kind of cheerfulness all over his body, but Yang Su's face was a bit gloomy.

Feng Yi looked the two of them up and down and said: "Since both of you are recommended by the king, I don't want to postpone it. Liu Yu has been besieging the Kaifeng mansion for a long time, and the general will talk about your opinions!"

(End of this chapter)

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