Warring States Call

Chapter 248 Long Live Shi

Chapter 248 Long Live Shi

Yang Su lowered his head in thought, and said for a moment: "In my opinion, it's better to send troops to raid Liu Yu's rear camp and join forces with General Han Qinhu instead of sitting here waiting to die."

Feng Yi nodded and said: "Mr.'s words are rough and reasonable, but the danger involved is also very great. Although the king has won now, the situation has not improved! So we are not easy to act rashly!"

Shi Wansui crossed his sleeves and said: "Let's see it again! Master Yang Su's method is feasible. As long as the general gives me five thousand elite soldiers, Liu Yu will definitely be disturbed!"

For a moment, Feng Yi felt parity with the two of them, and looked at them and said, "You two! What about me? Although it is not as good as General Han Qinhu's, it can be regarded as leading an army alone. There are many people in the city who do not accept discipline. Soldiers! Please both of you go and have a look!"

Shi Wansui laughed and said: "This relationship is good! I just like to play with these rebellious guys!"

"I'm so mad!" Cheng Yaojin walked in angrily!Seeing that there were two other people in the room, he calmed down!
Feng Yi picked up the bamboo slips and said, "What's wrong with General Cheng!"

Both of them looked at Cheng Yaojin curiously, as if they were waiting.

Cheng Yaojin said impatiently: "Those bastards! They don't obey discipline at all! I said, what idea did you come up with, Old Feng! You just steal and play tricks every day! Idle people, what are you taking them for? Isn't it just making trouble for yourself? "

"Oh! Really? Then I'll go and have a look!" Feng Yi picked up his sword and walked.

The school field was chaotic, all the soldiers were punching and kicking each other, and uttering obscenities from time to time, among them there were ten soldiers who were special, one of them held a piece of grass, his eyes were unruly, and he put his hand on his knee, The soldier next to him took his clothes and fanned him for fear that he would get hot.

When everyone saw Feng Yi coming, they got up and stood up quickly!Even the unruly soldiers just got up, and it seemed that Feng Yi had an irreplaceable place in their hearts.

Cheng Yaojin looked at these people, and snorted coldly: "Awesome! Why aren't you so awesome! Aren't all of them quite arrogant just now? Let's make one!"

The rebellious soldier taunted, "General Cheng! Does your butt still hurt?"

"You...!" said Cheng Yaojin, who was extremely embarrassed, but he said helplessly: "Stinky boy! That's what I let you in! If you have the ability, do it with real swords and guns!"

"That's enough, that's enough! I can't beat your three axes! But if you are a general and I am a soldier, will it be too cheap?"

"You..." Cheng Yaojin was speechless, but there was nothing he could do about it. Who would let others tell the truth?

"Okay! General Cheng!" Feng Yi couldn't stand it anymore, looked at the soldier and said, "Wolf Tan hasn't practiced with you for a long time, your skin is itchy!"

"That General Feng, I'm just joking with General Cheng! Don't take it too seriously!" Lang Tan said with a smile. He didn't want to fight Feng Yi. In a fight with Cheng Yaojin, unless it was flat, there was really nothing he could do about Cheng Yaojin.

Feng Yi said helplessly: "It's not bad for you to kill like this every day, but it's not good for a long time! This time, I will find a general for you! Let him hand over to you?"

"Isn't it killing people? I killed corrupt officials! There are quite a few!" Lang Tan said disdainfully.

Shi Wansui smiled and showed his teeth, looked at Lang Tan and said, "I heard that you are very good at fighting! Are you interested in comparing with me!"

"It's just you! Why don't you dare!" After speaking, Lang Tan pulled out a big knife from the weapon rack behind him.

Shi Wansui's smile remained the same, his body was as light as a swallow, he slapped him lightly with his left hand, and knocked him away, grabbed Lang Tan with one hand, raised it over his head, and smashed it to the ground.

The painful Lang Tan couldn't help but yelled, but he was unwilling to admit defeat by nature, so he dropped his weapon and punched Shi Wansui in the abdomen, but Shi Wansui seemed to be fine, but he grabbed his Lang Tan's collar with his right hand like a human head , punched him up, and still smiled and said: "Admitted or not!"

"Go away!" Lang Tan was also enraged by Shi Wansui, and punched Shi Wansui.

Shi Wansui still didn't move, he punched Lang Tan's face one after another and said, "Are you convinced!"


"I don't like it!"


The two continued to stand in a stalemate like this. At this moment, Lang Tan's face was beaten like a pig's head, but he still looked at Shi Wansui dissatisfied, and finally fell to the ground.

Shi Wansui shook his bleeding hand, and exclaimed: "He's a man, look down at the soldiers! Are there any dissatisfied! Come out!"

For a moment, everyone dared not speak, and stood there silently. Feng Yi looked at Lang Tan and sighed: "Lang Tan would rather die than submit, and now I can make him a general! But we need to work harder!"

At this moment, Lang Tan, barely supporting his body, started fighting and said: I haven't lost yet!Let's do that big guy again! "

Shi Wansui said more and more: "When you can compete with me, let's talk about it! Although you are stubborn! But facing a peerless master like General Jia Fu! You are nothing more than an ant!"

"Ants? Tell me your name!" Lang Tan walked up to Shi Wansui with a face full of fear.

"If you don't change your name, you don't change your surname! Long live Shi"

"Okay, I'll remember you! Tomorrow... I'm... fighting!" After talking about the wolf story, he fell to the ground.

Feng Yi looked at Shi Wansui with a smile and said, "Sure enough, the wicked will be tortured by the wicked!"

Shi Wansui smiled and said: "This guy is interesting!" At the same time, everyone looked down and said seriously: "Are you convinced!"

"Submit!" The voices of tens of thousands of people resounded through the sky, and Shi Wansui also established his own prestige in the barracks.

Feng Yi looked at the crowd with satisfaction. He looked at Yang Su and said, "Now that the army has stabilized, I think the general has a strategy in mind, so I will arrange the general in Xiangcheng to measure the state of Wu!"

"I mean Old Feng! We and Wu are allies, so there's no need to do this!" Cheng Yaojin said stupidly.

Feng Yi shook his head, and Yang Su on the side smiled and said: "The general may not know something! We used to have no direct conflict of interest with the state of Wu! But now that the state of Wu borders the country, we can't help what purpose we have. We all need to beware of Wu. country!"

"I really don't understand! You ink-drinking people have so many thoughts, you are not happy at all! Let's go!" Cheng Yaojin left the school ground impatiently.

Feng Yi and Yang Su were left behind, Feng Yi looked at Yang Su and said, "I don't know what the general thinks about our country's battle?"

"Liu Yu and Wang Mang seem to be threatening, but in fact they are at odds with each other. Qin and Sanjin have a sworn feud, and Qin will not let Qin take advantage of it!"

"General! You are too optimistic!"

(End of this chapter)

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