Warring States Call

Chapter 250 Battle 25: Liu Bei's Ambition

Chapter 250 Chapter 250 Fighting Liu Bei's Ambition

"Your Majesty! The national power of Zhongshan Kingdom has been increasing day by day in the past two years. Your Majesty can send someone to tell Song Jiang of Zhongshan to harass Wei and reach an agreement with Lin Hu in the north to send troops to help! Divide Zhao and Wei. The country's military strength, to prevent them from investing more troops and joining the battlefield!" Gan Mao, who was silent on the side, said.

Qin Xiaogong also felt that this is a good way, and it is also a feasible way at present. He looked at Zhang Yi and Shang Yang and said, "Both of you are disciples of Mr. Guiguzi, and they are the most suitable for lobbying! I will leave this matter to you two!"

"This subordinate will not be disgraced!" Both of them walked out of the hall
Qin Xiaogong's eyes became more and more blurred, and he muttered to himself: "Is it so difficult to rule the world?"

Shu Palace
At this moment Liu Bei was sitting on top of the main hall. Since Wang Jian sent troops to attack and slaughtered the nobles of the palaces of Bashu and Shu, Liu Bei took advantage of it and became the king of Shu under the support of Zhang Fei Chao Cuo.

And below them are Wei Yan, Zhang Fei, Guan Sheng, Li Xiaogong, Huang Zhong, and Zhang Ren. The civil servants are headed by Yi Ji, Feng Tang, and Chao Cuo. In addition, Liu Bei has recuperated and recruited troops in the past two years. Now there are [-] soldiers. The horse has the ability to compete with Qin.

The next convenience is Mao Sui sent by Han Yi. At this moment, Mao Sui's eyes are full of smiles. He has a problem, that is, he can understand people's hearts, and he can see ambition in Liu Bei's eyes.

Liu Bei has long arms, big ears, and a kind face. He looks like a good old man, polite and polite!There are two more sons under him, the eldest son Liu Feng, and the second son Liu Chan. At this moment, Liu Bei smiled and said: "I don't know what the Han envoy is here this time!"

Mao Sui didn't dare to be negligent and said: "Next, there is good news for the king, and a gift for the king at the same time."

"Oh! I don't know if these two things need my king's help! If so, forget it!" Feng Tangman said indifferently.

Liu Bei hypocritically said: "Sir, you are a guest! Don't be rude!"

"Your Majesty taught me a lesson!" Feng Tang said nothing, not taking Liu Bei's words seriously.

Liu Bei looked at Mao Sui and said, "I don't know what gifts and news Mr. has brought!"

Mao Sui smiled and said, "I, the famous Qin general Bai Qi who defeated South Korea, dedicated his arm to the king!"

After finishing speaking, Mao Sui ordered the envoy behind him to open the box containing Bai Qi's arm, and Zhi saw a bloody arm exposed to people's sight.

But no one paid attention to this arm, but what Mao Sui said just now, it is completely impossible for Bai Qi to lose the battle!But this bloody arm is impossible to fake.

Yi Ji didn't react quickly, and said disdainfully: "Sir, just use the arm of an ordinary soldier to deceive my king. Are you treating my king as a fool?"

Mao Sui was not angry when he arrived, and looked at Liu Bei with a smile and said, "I don't know if the king believes it or not!"

Mao Sui's words meant that it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, as long as your king believes it, Liu Bei also felt a little embarrassed and said, "For the time being, it doesn't matter whether this arm is real or not, I don't know what the master is here for!"

Mao Sui smiled and said, "Your Majesty is really a cheerful person. The next gift I want to give to you is the whole of Hanzhong!"

"What!" Not only Liu Bei, but the other generals and ministers were all shocked. Guanzhong was something they all dreamed of. For this goal, Liu Bei saved his clothes and dieted, recharging his energy and energy for this day.

Mao Sui smiled and said: "Now my king and Zhao and Wei kings, the three Jins and one, attack Qin Hangu Pass, and contain most of Qin's troops. Now we need the king's troops to go out of Hanzhong."

Liu Bei rolled his eyes from time to time, began to doubt Mao Sui's words, and said with a serious face: "Why should I believe you! You must know that you, South Korea, are in danger now!"

"Your Majesty! I think you are stable and stable, and you have the image of a wise master. Your Majesty also hopes that one day there will be a sign, and you can compete in the Central Plains! And what your Majesty needs to compete in the Central Plains is Hanzhong. Once there are enough soldiers and people there, it is also rich in food. If the king gets him, after a few years of development, he will have the strength to compete with Qin!"

"Hmph! To put it lightly, you South Korea just want to use our country's strength to contain Qin's soldiers and horses! This is how you can ensure your invincibility!" Chao Cuo said exactly what Mao Sui had come for. Purpose.

Mao Sui didn't deny it either. He looked at Liu Bei and said, "General! I don't need to say much about the geographical location of the Kingdom of Shu. I think you all know very well that the surrounding roads are rugged. It is known as the land of abundance. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but What I want to say is, Wang Jian! In less than a year, Hanzhong was taken down, do you still have any ideas in your mind!"

"What nonsense are you talking about! If it wasn't for that idiot King of Shu who appointed Huang Hu, that trash, Wang Jian wouldn't have taken down Guanzhong so quickly!" Zhang Fei said dissatisfiedly, and began to criticize Huang Hu carelessly.

Liu Bei said solemnly: "Yide should not be rude! General Huang Hu has helped me, so you can't blame him!"

Zhang Fei just shut up in dissatisfaction, but Mao Sui didn't change his face, and felt relieved. Fortunately, when he came, Han Yi confessed that Liu Bei was hypocritical and good at disguising, and it really didn't happen.

"General, the land of Hanzhong is very important to you. You can think about it. If we lose this battle, because of Bai Qi, Qin Xiaogong dare not attack Qin easily, and needs to improve his prestige. I am afraid that the king is Qin Xiaogong. The target of the operation!"

"Presumptuous!" Zhang Yi held a long spear and shook the ground to create a crack. Although Wei Yan beside him didn't speak, his eyes seemed to pierce Mao Sui! "

Liu Bei waved his hand to signal them to be quiet. After all, what Mao Sui said was right, and he couldn't blame others for his weakness.

Mao Sui smiled and said, "That's all for now, whether to fight or sit and wait for death depends on what the king thinks!"

That's all Mao Sui said, it's useless to talk too much, it's Liu Bei's business whether to send troops or not, as long as he doesn't come out, it's useless to grind his mouth.

Liu Bei thought for a while and said, "Emissary Han, please stop!"

Mao Sui turned his back to Liu Bei, the corner of his mouth raised slightly and said: "The big fish has taken the bait!" Turning to look at Liu Bei, he said, "I don't know, my lord, do you have anything to explain?"

Liu Bei smiled and said, "King Han's invitation is accepted, but I don't know what detailed plan King Han has, can you tell me?"

Mao Sui smiled and said: "Your Majesty, don't ask the truth! Your Majesty has said that you will help your Majesty when the time comes. You only need to take back what belongs to you with peace of mind!"

"Oh! Then I will wait for the good news!" Liu Bei smiled.

"Farewell!" Mao Sui left without waiting for Liu Bei's reply.

Liu Bei was not angry either, the smile on his face disappeared, and he was serious: "Li Cungong, you are the general in this battle, Zhang Ren, Guan Sheng, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, Wei Yan are the generals! Be sure to take Hanzhong for me!"

"Take orders!
(End of this chapter)

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