Warring States Call

Chapter 251 The Transformed Wu Zetian

Chapter 251 The Transformed Wu Zetian (Part [-])
Han Yi led the mighty army to Hangu Pass, unimpeded all the way.

Han Yi rode Xiaobai and walked slowly on the road. Yu Wenqing behind him was holding his own double hammer and asked in confusion: "What makes the king so happy!"

Han Yi patted Xiaobai's fur, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and said: "The battlefield is changing rapidly, and now we have caused Qin to suffer heavy losses! We will hunt outside Hangu Pass with King Zhao and Prince Wei again, and the battle has turned against us here!

Whether you win or lose this battle!He, Qin, does not have a few years to recover, and what we need to do is to preserve our strength.

"Then it's better not to go? Let's stick to Wang Ye and save a lot of trouble," Yu Wenqing said unwillingly.

Han Yi smiled lightly, but was unable to answer. For this question, it was just Yu Wenqing's complaint. Yu Wenqing and himself had been fighting in the South and North for many years, and he was a little tired from the war.

After this battle is over, Han Yi will send troops to destroy the two countries of Song and Wei, and he will recuperate for several years!After all, soldiers are human too!There is also war weariness.


Seeing that it was about to approach Hangu Pass, someone shouted for help, and then saw a woman running out in a hurry, with ragged clothes and a flustered expression, exposing her fragrant shoulders outside.

Four or five big men rushed out from behind, looking wretched, staring at the girl with a greedy expression, and a crooked man in front smiled and said, "Little lady, don't go! Come to brother and be happy!"

With a plop, the woman was thrown to the ground by a man in front of her. Other men followed and began to tear the woman's clothes. The woman struggled desperately, with a look of pain on her face.

Han Yi saw all these scenes, and sighed in his heart: "Human nature is indeed the most terrifying thing in this world!"

"Yu Wenqing! I'll leave it to you!" Han Yi couldn't bear it. He wanted to do it himself, but it was unnecessary after thinking about it.

Yu Wenqing responded, raised his sledgehammer and smiled, "Okay!"

"Get up!" Yu Wenqing hit the man's waist with a hammer, and he flew out with the hammer. The eyes of several people were always on the woman. Seeing that his accomplice was blown away, they cursed one by one: "Who dares to control me?" Good...!"

Before he could finish speaking, Yu Wenqing hit the brain with a pumpkin, and Zhong Zhong
The man's head was bloody and scattered all over the woman's face. Only then did everyone look at Yu Wenqing. He was dressed in a military uniform and looked well-trained. How could he be his opponent? He hurriedly ran away and stopped entangled with them. .

The woman was stunned throughout the whole process, her eyes were blank, she touched the corpse lying on her body, and hurriedly pushed it away.

Yu Wenqing abducted the horse and walked towards the woman and said, "Are you all right?"

"No...no!" The woman said in a daze.

Han Yi strolled down and gently wiped the woman's face. The woman's face turned red, and she took Han Yi's handkerchief and said, "I can do it myself."

Han Yi didn't force him anymore, he went back to Xiaobai and took some things for a walk, took down the clothes he just picked up, and said seriously with the coins: "Take these things and live a good life!"

After Han Yi left, Yu Wenqing looked at the woman underground, shook his head and said, "There will be a period later!"

"Can the general take me out of here! I can be a cow or a horse!" The woman seemed to be afraid of being alone, and began to pray for the two of them.

Yu Wenqing looked distressed, looked at Han Yi and said, "Master, this...!"

Han Yi smiled and said: "I can't do anything about your life! Wang Ye is ahead, no one will protect you! You have to walk your own way, no one can help you!"

In Han Yi's view, he could save her once, but he couldn't save her for a lifetime. The only one who could save him was herself!
Yu Wenqing didn't say anything, looking at the helpless woman, he said helplessly: "Girl! Don't blame us! It's just that we have military affairs, so I'm really sorry! Walk carefully in the future!"

Han Yi and Yu Wenqing left quickly, and the woman looked at the two of them the whole time, looking away, thinking about what Han Yi just said, which was firmly in my heart, and at the same time remembered Han Yi's back, except Lamenting the impermanence of this world is to thank Han Yi.

He firmly held the handkerchief Han Yi gave him, hugged the things Han Yi gave him tightly, wiped away his tears and continued to move forward, passing by Han Yi's army, walking dozens of steps.

I saw a group of troops coming out again, and the leader was wearing a red armor, and came out cursing: "Damn it! Prince He is really, his close maid died, and he asked us to find it for him, what a waste! The ones in the countryside, but also the young and beautiful ones, won’t this cause me trouble?”

"Look, general! How is that little lady!" The sharp-eyed soldier pointed at the woman walking by the road.

The general stroked his beard, smiled and said: "I look good! Although the face is a bit shabby, but the body is good, as long as you dress up well, you can still use it! Come on!"


Dozens of soldiers rushed up, and the woman was shocked, and hurriedly ran in the direction of Han Yi. In her opinion, only Han Yi could save him!

I kept asking back in my heart: "Why! Why! Why did the heavens treat me like this..."

"Come back to me," at some point, the general found a rope, tied the woman up, and said wretchedly: "Little lady, don't panic! I will take you to enjoy the happiness! You will be prosperous in the future! Don't forget Kill me!"

"Let me go! Let me go! Help!" The woman's voice was hoarse, her face was crying, and her eyes were full of despair. Her originally peaceful heart began to become angry and disgusted.

She wants revenge on this unfair world, she wants to control her own life,
"I, Wu Zhao, want to let this unfair world sink under my feet, just wait...!"

Human nature is good, but because of this unfair world, it has become different!
Prince He lay down in his car bored and drove up, his face was full of rebellion, although the maid beside him was not a superb beauty, she was still pleasing to the eye, and Prince He said impatiently: "Go away! Vulgar fans!"

The maid next to her was aggrieved for a while, but there was nothing she could do about it. After all, the emperor was moody, so what could he do?

"Where's Wei Hu? Did he find the woman I asked him to look for? Why hasn't he come back yet!" Wei He couldn't bear it anymore. Facing those familiar faces, Wei He couldn't arouse interest at all.

"Wei Hu is here!"

I saw Wei Hu leading the dressed Wu Zetian to come. At this moment, Wu Zetian was covered with a piece of gauze in front of him. Wei Hu was also curious. Since he was brought back by him, this guy has not been noisy or crying. Wei Hu was greatly surprised.

After all, after other people brought it, the best one was crying, like Wu Zetian, this was the first time I saw it.

Wei He looked at Wu Zetian and said, "Women take off your masks!"

I saw Wu Zetian slowly opened it, with winking eyes, red lips, petite nose, and a face like white jade, even the two maids next to her felt inferior to Wu Zetian.
(End of this chapter)

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