Warring States Call

Chapter 252 The Transformed Wu Zetian

Chapter 252 The Transformed Wu Zetian (Part [-])
Wei He looked at it, his eyes sparkled, and his saliva flowed out. There is a saying: I don't love Jiangshan but beautiful women...

Wei He got out of the car and drove him away. He looked at Wu Zetian with a pair of eyes, stroked her little hand, looked at Wu Zetian and said, "I don't know the girl's name."

"Slave servant Mei Niang! I have seen you, son!" The voice was like the sound of nature, captivating, and Wei He was very happy when he heard it, and he was pulling Wu Zetian to do something.

Wu Zetian smiled gently and said, "Young Master, don't worry? It's not dark yet! Are you shy?"

Looking at Wei He's wretched face, Wu Zetian's eyes were full of disgust. Compared with Han Yi, he was a heaven!One underground!But I have no choice.

"Good! Good! Good!" Wei He said good words three times in a row, put his arms around Wu Zetian and looked at Wei Hu and said, "You did a good job this time, these two maids will reward you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Wei Hu was overjoyed, and looked at the two maids, who were already hungry and thirsty.

"Young master, don't want it!" The two maids next to me were startled, their faces turned pale. There is nothing more tragic than giving rewards to soldiers. When the general is done playing, he will give rewards to the soldiers. A soldier may not matter, but what he is facing is Thousands of soldiers!Even a powerful woman can't bear it!All they face is death.

Wei Hu smiled and said, "Thank you, Young Master!"

"My lord, I'm afraid it's a bit lonely for a servant to be alone! I'm afraid I won't be able to serve you, so I keep my two older sisters so they can teach me how to serve you!" Wu Zetian said to Wei He with a smile.

Wei He said happily: "Could it be that Meiniang has such intentions! Then let the two of you stay, and Mr. Wei Hu will reward you with three hundred gold!"

"Thank you, Mr. Wei Hu!" Although Wei Hu was dissatisfied, he did not dare to refuse. The thunderstorm and dew were the king's favor, so he did not dare to refuse.

The two maids were relieved and looked at Wu Zetian with gratitude in their eyes. Wu Zetian also smiled politely, and Wei He who was watching was even more delighted, feeling that he did not come in vain this time.

"Sir! King Han arrived at Hangu Pass, and King Zhao hosted a banquet to invite you and King Han!"

"Okay! You tell them! The prince will be there soon." Looking at the two maids, he said solemnly, "Take care of my beauties. If there is anything wrong, I will only ask you!"

"Yes!" The two maids did not dare to talk back, they could only cling to...

Wei He swaggered towards the Zhao tent, protected by Wei Wuji and Ding Yanping. At this moment, Wu Zetian looked calm, looked at the two people behind him, and said coldly: "What's your name!"

"My name is Jing'er, Madam Qi,"

"My name is Lifeng!"

Both of them have their own strengths, one is gentle and elegant, and the other is full of enthusiasm.

Wu Zetian looked at the two of them and said, "If I hadn't been involved in what happened today, I'm afraid the two of you would be decapitated!"

"My maidservant thanked the empress!" The two said in unison, they knew the life in the palace, under the appearance of blooming flowers, it was a place like a mountain of rotting bones.

Wu Zetian looked at the two of them and said calmly, "I'll give you two choices now! One is to leave here and live the life you want, and the other is to create our own era with me...!"

"Your Majesty, what you mean is..." The two girls looked at Wu Zetian half-comprehendingly.

Wu Zetian said indifferently: "Control your own destiny, don't worry about being helpless when you are old and young! I want this day to be my sunrise and sunset, I want this flower to bloom and fade, and obey my orders!"

Wu Zetian's plain clothes moved without wind, and her face was as frosty. The two girls behind were surprised.

"Tell me your decision!" Wu Zetian faced the two of them, a dagger gradually appeared behind his back, and if the two of them disagreed, they must die...

Both of them are hesitant, leaving here is undoubtedly a dead end, there are not only wolves, tigers and leopards outside, but also wicked people!Sometimes people are scarier than any animal.


The slaves are willing to go through fire and water for their empress! "Lifeng was the first to express her thoughts. It is better to live vigorously than an ordinary death. Jing'er, who was still hesitant, saw that Lifeng had decided, so she couldn't hesitate, and said softly: "I am willing to be your mother. potency! "

"Very good!" Wu Zetian quietly put away the dagger in his arms, his complexion slowed down, and gradually moved away from the sight of the two, took out the handkerchief Han Yi gave him, and said seriously: "No man can refuse me! You also Same"……………

Zhao Jun's tent!

Wei He came here out of boredom, with an arrogant expression on his face, he said: "My next son, He! I have seen King Zhao!"

Although Zhao Yong didn't like Wei He's behavior, the alliance between the Three Jins must not be broken, so he suppressed his inner anger and said with a smile: "Sir, please sit down, the reception is not good! I still hope Haihan!"

Wei He can be swaggering, but it doesn't mean that Wei Wuji doesn't understand the general situation. He said embarrassingly: "Brother He doesn't know the rules, so I hope Zhao Wanghaihan!"

"Where is there! Is this young master He really temperamental?" Zhao Yongman said indifferently, for this big brother, Zhao Yong still wants to give face.

Wei He on the side said disdainfully: "I'm dignified Wei, and I'm still afraid of him! I've wasted my time with the beauty...!"

"King Han is here!"

At this moment, Han Yi was wearing a herring suit, followed by four generals Dian Wei, Xu Chu, E Lai, and Fei Lian, each of whom was unique and unique.

Zhao Yong rejoiced and said: "Thinking back then, the three of us were sworn brothers and never got together! Let's drink him today so that we won't get drunk and never go home."

Wei Wuji looked ashamed and said: "Both of you are the kings of a country, how dare you climb higher?"

"A brother for a day! For a lifetime!" Han Yi patted Wei Wuji with a smile, and put Wei He aside.

Wei He felt ashamed and pretended to cough. Han Yi then turned his gaze over and said with emotion: "It turns out that my uncle is here too! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

"I can't afford it! I can't afford it!" Wei He was expressionless. If he offended Zhao Han [-] at the same time, how could his throne be unstable!What's more, Han Yi is his brother-in-law, and he can't afford to be close to him.

Zhao Yong smiled and said: "Third brother! That Wang Ye fought beautifully in the first battle! Not only did it suppress the morale of Qin, but it also cut off Bai Qi's arm! This is a great achievement!"

"Where is it! It's all good luck!" Han Yi practiced Tai Chi, and said coldly in his heart: If you didn't ask for food and grass, and refused to send troops for a long time, I am afraid that Hangu Pass in Qin State would be yours! "

"This battle will definitely be recorded in the historical records. Now that the Three Jins have joined forces, Qin will definitely lose!" Zhao Yong said happily.

"Based on my construction, it's better to attack directly, so as not to waste time here!" Wei He said seriously.

Ding Yanping on the side said in embarrassment: "My lord! This war is not a joke, it's about killing people!"

"What are you afraid of! My country of Wei has a lot of people!"

(End of this chapter)

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