Warring States Call

Chapter 254 Wang Jian seeks Wei

Chapter 254 Wang Jian seeks Wei
Everyone became nervous, including Wang Jian, Qin Xiaogong's edict was related to the life and death of Qin State!
Bai Qi sat with a calm face, and silently closed his eyes.

Afterwards, a white-haired old man in a black robe rushed to look at the crowd and said: "Send my king's edict!"

"Long live the Great Qin, Wannian my king!" Wang Jianbai took the lead and got up and knelt down, and the generals in the rear also knelt down to obey the order.

"Bai Qi lost in Wang's field, and returned our country to suffer [-] soldiers. Thinking of his hard work, Bai Qi will be revoked the title of Lord Wu'an from today, and will be deprived of the title of Great General. He will stay here and wait for Wang Jian to dispatch!" Eunuch Wang finished his sentence in one breath. , looked at Bai Qi and handed Wang Bo to Bai Qi.

When Bai Qi heard that he didn't need to beheaded, he said with tears in his eyes: "Thank you, my king!"

Wang Gonggong said helplessly: "The general cherishes it! The fate of my Qin country is in the general's hands!"

"Eunuch, please tell the king! The end will make it difficult for the three Jins!" Bai Qi said seriously.

Bai Qi's words are not bragging, relying on the terrain of Hangu Pass and Qin's elite soldiers, Han Yi wants to fight in!It can be said that the road to Shu is difficult!Difficult to go to the blue sky!

Wang Gonggong nodded and said: "If I go back, I will return to my life!"

Everyone in the hall is relieved, there is nothing better than this!Wang Jian looked at Bai Qi and said, "Brother Bai, you should go down to recuperate first! I will leave the affairs of the city to me in the past few days!"

"That's fine! I'm sorry, Brother Wang!" Bai Qi now belongs to Wang Jian's subordinates, not to mention that he is injured and needs to recuperate, looking at his empty pockets, Bai Qi said gloomyly: "Han Yi won't kill you! I swear in vain that I will not be human..."

Wang Jian looked at Wang Yanzhang at the side and said, "Sage, go and send General Bai off!"

Xianming is Wang Yanzhang's character, looked at Bai Qi who was on the side and said: "Yes!" After saying that, Wang Yanzhang helped Bai Qi down.

And Wang Jian's tent can be said to be full of talents!There are Wang Yanzhang, Ruan Wengzhong, Hou Junji, Meng Tian, ​​Zhou Dewei, Sima Cuo, Luo Shixin, Xia Luqi, Wang Kejun, Xi Liji, Meng Ao, Wang Ben, Zhang Han, Che Ying, Zhang Xiu, Xin Sheng, Hua Xiong, Hu Che'er, Meng Ben, Wu Huo, and Ren Bi, apart from a few other generals, most of Qin's generals gathered here.

All the generals looked at Wang Jian with enthusiasm, hoping that he could lead them to defeat the coalition forces and create their own myth!

Sima Cuo couldn't help but said: "General! I don't know what we will do next! Is it a field battle with Han Yi and the others?"

Wang Jian pondered for a moment and said, "The next thing we need to do is to wait for the opportunity! To deliver a fatal blow, let's focus on defense for the time being for the past few days!"

"Hmph! I thought that General Wang Jian was one of the twin pillars of my Great Qin Dynasty as his name suggests, but now I see that he is just a covetous man with greedy eyes and fear of death!" Ruan Wengzhong said disdainfully.

All three of my younger brothers died in this battle. Although I was promoted to a noble, what's the use of it!Ruan Wengzhong never cared about these things, he just cared about the thoughts of his mother and younger brother.

"Where did the reckless man come from! How dare you speak nonsense here!" An eight-foot-tall general wearing the Feicheng Broken Cloud Armor looked at Ruan Wengzhong with an unkind expression.

"What are you talking about! If it's okay, I'll hack you to death!" Ruan Wengzhong also lost his temper, pointing out that this general is going to do it.

The general said disdainfully: "Come on, miscellaneous fish, let me teach you!"

"Come on!"

"Enough!" Wang Jian looked at the two irritably, while the other four generals beside him pulled Ruan Wengzhong away from another general.

Wang Jian hit his left hand with the bamboo slips, and said helplessly, "General Xia Luqi, General Ruan Wengzhong, you two, don't get really angry over this trivial matter, we still have to be consistent with the outside world."

"Hmph, I remember you coming, my surname Xia!" Ruan Wengzhong was merciless, watching Luo Shixin and uttering harsh words.

Xia Luqi looked at Ruan Wengzhong disdainfully, as if what you could do to me, Ruan Wengzhong was so angry that his teeth itch.

"Report! The coalition sent people here!"

"Oh!" Wang Jian was surprised for a moment, looked at the two of them, assuming that they should stop fighting, and sighed: "It's troublesome!"

Then I saw that the old man came, with a kind face, holding an invitation card in his hand, looking towards Wang Jian, and said politely: "Next, Hui Shi has met General Wang!"

"Oh! It turned out to be the famous Huizi! I don't know what the master is talking about!" Wang Jian returned the courtesy with courtesy, and he still respected the scribes.

Hui Shi didn't intend to make a detour, and said directly: "I want to fight with the general in three days' time outside Hangu Pass! I hope the general will not be late!"

"Presumptuous! The old man deceived me that there is no one in Qin!" A general above said angrily, looking at Hui Shi with wide-eyed eyes, and the generals behind were about to take Hui Shi down, and said viciously: "The old man took Hui Shi!" Fate!"

Hui Shi glanced back at the two of them and said, "The two countries don't kill envoys when they are at war, isn't this the way Qin treats guests!"

"Stop!" Wang Jian ordered sternly, and then he scolded the two men who were like wolves and tigers, looked at Hui Shi and said, "Tell your lord, your lord! I, Qin, will accept this battle!"

"Oh! Then our country will be waiting for the general!" Hui Shi looked at Wang Jian with a smile, then turned and left.

Chili from the rear said in a puzzled way: "General, we are looking for death when we go out to fight in the field. General, you are undoubtedly looking for your own death!"

Wang Jian snorted coldly: "Who said that the old man is fighting with them again! In the decisive battle, you three, Meng Ben, Wu Huo, and Ren Bi, led 5 horses and attacked Han Yi's camp by surprise! Be sure to give me their food and grass. burnt!"

"Take orders!" I saw three big men coming out in the shape of a character from behind!

"Luo Shixin, together with Ruan Wengzhong, you and Ruan Wengzhong will surprise Zhao Guo's tent, Wang Yanzhang and Xia Luqi, you two will surprise Wei Guo's big battle, remember that your soldiers and horses are only [-], and you must go back when the time comes, everything will be given to me. Look at the military flag as the leader!"

"Yes!" Everyone said in command.

Wang Jian looked at the other side and said: "Zhang Xiu, Hua Xiong, Hu Che'er, you three are lying in ambush all around, change into Wei's military uniforms, take advantage of the chaos and get close to the Wei camp, wait for the opportunity after midnight, give me Kill! And kill as much as you can! I will only give you 3000 troops! Be sure!" Wang Jian then took out another general order.

"The end general understands!" The three of them took orders from birth.

Wang Jian nodded and said: "In this battle, I will lead a hundred thousand soldiers to ambush them halfway, so as to buy you enough time! Do you understand?"

"General! You have too few troops! Will it..." Sima Cuo worried.

Wang Jian snorted coldly: "This may be Li Mu's plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain, but how could he know that the general's eyes are on Wei from the beginning to the end!"

(End of this chapter)

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