Warring States Call

Chapter 255 Jing Ke∽Gao Jianli

Chapter 255 Jing Ke∽Gao Jianli
The weather is sunny and sunny, which is a good weather, but no one cares about it. Instead, they are busy in full swing, some are practicing martial arts hard, and some are returning to equestrianism.

Han Yi, Zhao Yong, and Wei He were on the high platform, watching the equestrian skills. Zhao Yong who was on the side laughed and said, "I don't know how my virtuous brother's equestrian skills are!"

Han Yi shook his head and said: "I heard that my elder brother's Hufu archery doubled the combat power of Zhao's cavalry. Now I heard that my elder brother formed Zhao Bianqi, who is the best cavalry in the world. How can my younger brother's horsemanship be compared with my elder brother's?" ?”

Han Yi retorted secretly in his heart: I am riding a unicorn, are you kidding me when you ask me about a horse?
However, Han Yi's words were just right, he praised Zhao Yong, and also praised Zhao Bianqi, which greatly increased the favor of the generals behind Zhao Yong.

"Learn the method of those lowly races! It's really a clown jumping on the beam and not being able to enter the elegant hall!" Wei He on the side said disdainfully.

A military general in heavy armor behind him said in a cold sweat, "What are you talking about?"

"What's wrong with me saying that the barbarians are a lowly race!" Wei He said disdainfully, showing displeasure on his face, but Han Yi looked at the two of them expectantly from the side, and he didn't have a good impression of Wei He!
"...You...!" The brawny man was furious, and just about to come up, he was stopped by Zhao Yong in front of him: "Siming can't..."

Only then did Shi Siming let Wei He go, his eyes seemed to cut Wei He into pieces. If he followed his thinking, Wei He's head would have fallen to the ground by now.

At the same time, it is no wonder that Shi Siming would be angry. He has half of the blood of Hu people. His father is from Hu people and his mother is from Zhao Guo. He still respects his father. In his heart, his father is the sky and the tallest man in the world. man...

Wei He smiled coldly, and looked at Shi Siming with disdain, while Han Yi stared at the cavalry in front of him, and asked Huo Qubing below, "What do you think of this cavalry, Qubing?"

Zhao Yong looked at Han Yi differently. He didn't expect Han Yi to ask a young general next to him to evaluate his own cavalry. Zhao Yong wanted to hear it.

Huo Qubing narrowed his eyes and said: "Adept at bow and horse, he is an elite soldier!"

"Hahahahaha! Well said! Reward!" Zhao Yong was overjoyed when he heard that, and quickly said about the reward. Han Yi saw that Huo Qubing had half-spoken, but he saw Huo Qubing's relaxed face, but his eyes were bright, Han Yi knew. However, Huo Qubing didn't take them seriously.

Wei He was bored and said: "Boring, boring! See my beauty bring me here!"

Wei Wuji who was at the side said, "My lord, I'm afraid you have manners!"

"What's the matter! There is no fun in the army, so let my son's beauties come and cheer you up!" Wei He looked indifferent.

Zhao Yong looked at Wei He indifferently, with an angry expression on his face, this guy completely treats fighting as a joke!But he was helpless, this guy was the king of Wei in the future, offending him now, not only would there be a crack in the alliance, it would give Wang Jian an opportunity to take advantage of it, and the king of Wei would not be able to get through it, so he could only turn a blind eye.

Han Yi kept staring at Zhao Bianqi from Zhao State, his eyes full of fear. Now that he saw Zhao Bianqi from Zhao State, he was his powerful helper, but in the future, he would be his enemy...

Seeing that Wei Wuji hadn't acted yet, Wei He said, "Hurry up!"

"Yes!" Seeing that neither Zhao Yong nor Han Yi objected, Wei Wuji had no choice but to force himself.

Han Yi put his hands into his sleeves, closed his eyes and rested his mind, his colorful eyes passed, and his heart felt light!
"The system will check Wei He, a bastard for me!"

"Ding, yes!"

"Ding, Wei Guo Weihe: Force 77 Commander 78 Intelligence 81 Politics 80!"

This is the king who defends the country to death, coupled with this arrogant personality, the country will inevitably be ruined and the family will perish in the future. It is better to cheapen yourself than others. It seems that Bao Yuan can raise dark soldiers...

"The system summons the first-class assassin in history for me!"

"Ding, Nie Zheng: Force 95, Commander 67, Politics 44, Intelligence 60! When an attribute is assassinated, the value of force is instantly increased by 3!"

"Ding, Zhuan Zhu: Force 96, Commander 60, Politics 44, Intelligence 50 attribute fish intestine killing, when using fish intestine sword, the force value will be increased by 5!"

"Ding, Jing Ke: Force 97, Commander 75, Politics 64, Intelligence 63 Attributes are shocking, but it's love, blood splattered three feet! Add 5 to the force value!"

"Uh! This is good luck! But with Jing Ke's ability, there is no reason why he would not be able to assassinate Qin Shihuang! Could it be that, as the book said, in order to threaten Qin Shihuang, let him retreat...!"

"Ding, start summoning! Congratulations, Jing Ke: Strength 97 Commander 75 Politics 64 Intelligence 63 Attributes Shocking killing, but for love, blood splattered three feet! Add 5 to the strength value! Implant the assassin trained by the master Tianji camp! "

At this moment, Han Yi was so excited that he opened his eyes suddenly. Suddenly, a woman in red appeared in front of him, her posture and movements were full of coquettishness, and her face was like white jade. is also like this.

After all, Han Yi lived among thousands of flowers, and a leaf did not stick to his body. After a while, Han Yi withdrew his gaze and closed his eyes to rest.

Wu Zetian came to the main hall with a smile, saluted slowly, then raised his head and looked around, looked at Zhao Yong and Wei He, the expressions in his eyes were very satisfied, but when he looked at Han Yi, he didn't know what to say other than surprise What's wrong, this world is too small.

At this time, Han Yi was closing his eyes and resting his mind, calling for talents, and had no time to deal with Wu Zetian at all.

"The system continues to summon me!"

"Ding, Gao Jianli: Strength 96, Commander 60, Politics 70, IQ 80 attribute righteous assassination, when assassinating with Jing Ke, the strength value is 3, when Jing Ke dies, he inherits Jing Ke's will, and the strength value increases by 1"

"Ding, Qin Wuyang: force 88 commander 66 politics 55 intelligence 56!

"What kind of guy am I going here! It's a complete waste! What's the use of going there?" Han Yi said helplessly.

Ding, stay away: Force 98 Commander 70 Politics 51 Intelligence 61!Attribute assassination, force value plus 3
Han Yi looked at the three of them, feeling pain in his heart!Hastily said: "The system quickly remove Qin Wuyang for me, hurry up!"

"Ding, get rid of Qin Wuyang, congratulations to the host for getting

"Ding, Gao Jianli: force is 96, commander is 60, politics is 70, IQ is 80, and the attributes are righteous assassins. When assassinating with Jing Ke, the force value is 3. When Jing Ke dies, he will inherit Jing Ke's will, and the force value will be increased by 1, and his identity will be implanted. At Jing Ke's invitation, he will soon Come before the lord"

"Oh! This is good, I like it!" Han Yi said happily, Jing Ke and Gao Jianli are both famous people through the ages, and they both assassinated Qin Shihuang, and his target this time is the old Qin Xiaogong, and he won it with one blow.

On the day of Qin Xiaogong's death, one hundred thousand troops of the Shu Kingdom marched northward, and when the Three Jins broke through the Hangu Pass.

Han Yi sneered, and gradually opened his eyes, he was looking forward to this day more and more......

(End of this chapter)

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