Chapter 256
Han Yi's eyes slowly opened, looking at the dancing Wu Zetian, his eyes gradually became interested, this woman seemed to have known him before, but he couldn't remember it!

Zhao Yong and Wei He had already fallen into it, unable to extricate themselves. Looking at Wu Zetian and Zhao Yun, Han Yi remembered that the Wang Zhaojun he bought in Zhao State last time had not seen anyone since he brought him back. I don't know what's going on now!

"Good! Good! Good!" Wei He clapped his hands repeatedly, and Wu Zetian's dance gradually stopped, looking at Wei He, he said, "I'm sorry!"

Zhao Yong stroked his beard, looked at Wu Zetian with possessive eyes, men are lustful.

At this moment, Wu Zetian raised the wine bottle, came to Han Yi and said, "Thank you, my servant, for saving your life!"

Wei He at the back smiled and said, "Meiniang, are you making a mistake! My son is here!"

Wu Zetian looked back and smiled, turned around and walked to Wei He's side and said, "Young master, don't worry, this king is...!"

"Oh! This is King Zhao! This is King Han." Wei He took Wu Zetian's wine with a smile, referring to Zhao Yong and Han Yi.

When pointing at Zhao Yong, Zhao Yong looked at Wu Zetian with a smile...

The big hand caressed Wu Zetian's hand casually, but Wu Zetian still smiled and said: "Since you are all great kings! That servant will naturally give him a toast!"

"Good! Good! Good! Could it be that the beauty is so elegant!" Wei He was fascinated, and said to Wu Zetian, as if he agreed.

"Yes!" After finishing speaking, Wu Zetian walked towards Zhao Yong slowly, bowed lightly and said, "My maidservant has met Zhao Wang! I heard that Zhao Wangxiong is a general, and the young girl really deserves her reputation when she sees her today!"

"Where is it! The girl is really beautiful! Dare to ask the girl's name!" Zhao Yong seemed to be protecting something, for fear of offending Wu Zetian.

Wu Zetian covered her mouth with her hands, and said with a light smile, "Little girl! Wu Meiniang"

"Good! Good! Good name!" Zhao Yong clapped his hands and applauded, looking at Wu Zetian with love in his eyes.

When Han Yi heard this name, the wine in his mouth almost spit out, and he looked at Wu Zetian dumbfounded, this is the generation of empress Wu Zetian...

Wu Zetian bid farewell to Zhao Yong, came to Han Yi with lotus steps, smiled and said: "I have seen King Han!"

Han Yi looked at Wu Zetian's big sparkling eyes, and he began to worry in his heart, this woman can't stay...

He took Wu Zetian's wine with a smile, and said, "Thank you, miss!"

Looking at Wu Zetian, Han Yi looked at him calmly. Once Wu Zetian enters Wei, it may not be long before Wei Guo will be controlled by her. At that time, Han Yi will be in control of Wei Guo, which is no different from reaching the sky. Ambitious, will not be satisfied to be a generation of queens.

I am afraid that South Korea, which borders Wei, will bear the brunt of the expansion of the territory. I thought that when I came to Hangu Pass, I sent people to find out whether to collect it or kill it.

Now that Wu Zetian has become Wei He's man, it must be troublesome to start...

Wu Zetian looked at Han Yi and said, "Little girl, thank King Han for saving his life!"

Han Yi asked curiously, "You are...!"

"I'm the girl that the king saved when he came!" Wu Zetian looked at Han Yi, her eyes full of expectation, and she looked at Han Yi and lightly highlighted two words.

Han Yi smelled Wu Zetian's body fragrance, looked at her mouth shape, and knew the word "save me". Han Yi had an idea in his heart, looked at Wei He and said, "I'm talking about brother-in-law! See if you can sell this woman to someone else?" Me! How much money is fine!"

Zhao Yong frowned, belittled himself and said in his heart: Did you make a mistake?You have my little sister as a goblin, so what are you grabbing!Touching his chin, he said, "Yes! Young Master He, what do you think about this little girl! This king likes it so much! Just ask for a price!"

Wei He's face changed, and he snorted coldly: "Okay! Take your Handan from Zhao State and Yangdi from South Korea!"

This is the end of the story, Zhao Yong is also making fun of himself, not to mention Handan, it is a remote county, compared with the woman in front of him, Zhao Yong is more interested in the county.

Han Yi frowned, there was absolutely no room for maneuver, but Wu Zetian was in a hurry, she really wanted to escape from Wei He's clutches, and she looked at Han Yi with a pitiful look in her eyes.

Cold sweat broke out on Han Yi's head. If Wu Zetian were to enter Wei, what he would lose would not only be the gain and loss of a city and a place.

Damn it!In order to have a better future, even if I have the title of only loving beauties and not loving the country, I will take it down myself. He looked at Wei He with red eyes and said, "Young Master He! I wish to exchange the five cities in the north of Zheng. I don't know what the young master wants!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone reacted differently. Wu Zetian was happy in his heart, hoping that he could get rid of Wei He, but Zhao Yong looked at Han Yi in surprise, thinking that this guy might be a cunt...

And the evil from behind said angrily: "My lord, you...!"

Fei Lian on the side hurriedly stopped him, and murmured: "My lord! I have my own arrangements!"

Wei He's reaction shocked several people even more, Wei He snorted coldly and said: "I have disappointed King Han, I will not change!"

"Young master! You have to think clearly!" Wei Wuji behind was moved. In his opinion, it was very cost-effective for a prostitute to be favored by Han Yi and worth five cities, but Wei He seemed to be more important than Han Yi. ...

Wei He couldn't bear it anymore and said: "Meiniang is back!"

Han Yi frowned. If he just gave up like this, he would lose even more in the future.

Wu Zetian still has the ability to save time and measure the situation. Now it is not easy to anger Wei He, and he left slowly. Han Yi stared at Wei He, thinking whether to send someone to assassinate Wu Zetian...

His fingers were like rainwater, beating the table tick-tock-tick-tock-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick, his momentum was ready to go, he looked at Wei He and Wu Zetian, laughed loudly and said, "That's all! Since there is no destiny, you can't force it!"

"This...!" Wei Wuji felt distressed for a while, and the five cities that were so in vain were gone like this.

Wu Zetian looked at Han Yi, her tears were like rain, her face gradually turned cold, and she was helpless.

Wei He hugged Wu Zetian, looked at Han Yi and said, "King Han, I have tens of thousands of women in Weidi! After a few days, the battle of Hangu Pass is over, and I will send you a few!"

Han Yi dealt with it with a laugh, and murmured in his heart: How can Wu Zetian turn the world upside down? When you inherit the position of the king of Wei, it will be the day when you will be alone.

Zhao Yong looked at Wu Zetian and then at Han Yi. Based on his understanding of Han Yi, he naturally knew that Han Yi could not do useless work, so Zhao Yong became interested in Wu Zetian. Let me find out who is called Wu Meiniang!"


Han Yi looked at the two of them and said, "I'm not feeling well alone today, please leave!"

(End of this chapter)

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