Chapter 257
Everyone thought that Han Yi was angry because he didn't get Wu Zetian, so he left angrily.

Wei He on the side was even more complacent, hugging the beauty in his arms, and teasingly said: "Did you see it! You are mine! No one can take it away"

Zhao Yong toasted and drank, as if he wanted to see through Wu Zetian, but he still didn't gain anything. This made Zhao Yong more and more curious, and Wu Zetian smiled with tears in his eyes.

Han Yi stayed in his big tent, and in front of him were his five counselors, all of them looked at Han Yi very puzzled and said, "What happened to you today, my lord! What unreasonable demands you made!"

Xi Zhi, who was the first to bear the brunt, looked at Han Yi with an ugly expression, as if he wanted to see through Han Yi!
Both Guo Jia and Liu Ji were very puzzled, why?
Han Yi sighed and said: "This time I was impulsive! You should think about how to maintain a lot of strength!"

Guo Jia sneered, this Han Yi's eyes were playing side-by-side, in order to divide the attention of the five of them, but he couldn't expose Han Yi, otherwise he would be embarrassed. See, it's better to leave Han Xin in the big tent, and General Gongsun Yan and the king can play casually!"

"No! If the Three Kingdoms have evil intentions, then this alliance will be destroyed on its own. Qin is still a big country, and it is a big enemy to us and South Korea, and the threat is still very big!" Liu Ji said seriously, disapproving of this matter very much.

At this time, Xun You, who had been taciturn, said solemnly: "I don't know whether the king wants to develop with peace of mind for 30 years, or to repel Qin to have peace for a while!"

"Why!" Han Yi asked curiously, there was something in this guy's words!
Xun You's handsome face revealed a rare seriousness, and he said: "In this battle, the king killed as many as [-] Qin soldiers and took [-] prisoners, causing Qin to lose [-] soldiers and horses. If this battle passes vaguely, once Qin regains its vitality , I will definitely settle the score with King Qiuhou!"

After Xun You's analysis, Han Yi also fell into deep thought. If this is the case, he will not get any benefits. He looked at Xun You and said, "Go on!"

"Your Majesty, you can let Li Cunxiao, Jia Fu, and Huang Feihu three generals, kill the important generals of Qin State, and kill [-] soldiers of Qin State. Then the King will try his best, and Zhao Guo and Wei Guo will definitely be defeated because of their affection. Kill the Quartet, or they will lose all face!" Xun You said unhurriedly, with a murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

Han Yi touched his chin, picked up the Lang Hao on the table, looked at the blank bamboo slips in front of him, slowly wrote down their names, and muttered to himself: "Xi Liji, Sima Cuo, Hou Junji, Wang Yanzhang, Meng Tian, ​​and these five people are relatively easy to kill! Wang Yanzhang is highly skilled in martial arts, and they can retreat from Li Cunxiao and Jia Fu! Hou Junji also has Qin's iron eagle warriors as a shield, So we can only focus on Meng Tian, ​​Sima Cuo and Xi Liji!"

"Your Majesty! A spy is here to report! Chu Liji is the commander-in-chief. He usually commands the army to fight, and Meng Tian and Sima Cuo are better choices!" Guo Jia said with a smile.

Han Yi frowned, and said with a sneer: "Let Yue Fei lead the troops to murder Meng Tian, ​​and transfer Zhao Yun and Yang Zaixing to Yue Fei, and follow Yue Fei's command. The pawns, and the Huben army that Huang Feihu just built, go to besiege and kill them!"


Han Yi looked at the crowd and waved his hands: "I'm so tired! Go down and prepare! There will be a big battle in two days!"

"Take orders!" Everyone retreated slowly, Guo Jia looked back at Han Yi and said, "Your Majesty is a foodie, so don't worry about it!"

"Guo Jia, you are looking for death!" Han Yi said with a smile, his eyes were full of playfulness, and Guo Jia walked out swaggeringly.

Han Yi strolled to the outside of the tent. There were only Dian Wei and Xu Chu beside him, and there were no other people. Han Yi looked around the empty environment and said, "Come out!"

At this moment, several figures came out and looked at Han Yi running towards him. Dian Wei slowly picked up the weapon in his hand, looking vigilantly at people in all directions. Xu Chu also drew his sword with one hand, ready to kill him immediately. Protect Han Yi in his field of vision.

Han Yi motioned to the two of them and said, "Don't be nervous, they are my people! What you see and hear today is our country's secret. Don't reveal it to anyone, and neither can Guo Jia! Do you understand?"

"Thank you, Lord, for your trust." Both of them understood that this was Han Yi's trust in them, otherwise Han Yi would not have dared to bring them here.

"The final general, Zheng Zukai! I have met the king!" Zheng Zukai was dressed in black from head to toe, and naturally Dian Wei and Xu Chu didn't know who Zheng Zukai was.

Han Yi waved his hand casually and said: "You have a man named Jing Ke here, you must use him!"

"Yes! But this person is in Xianyang, not here!" Zheng Zukai said seriously.

Han Yi nodded, touched his hair, smiled and said, "Tell him! Let him assassinate Qin Xiaogong! In addition, no matter what method he uses, he walks with others, or something! Only Qin Xiao Gong's head!"

"Subordinates understand!" Zheng Zukai said seriously.

In fact, Han Yi was also afraid that Jing Ke would act without waiting for Gao Jianli, and if the two of them were together, what skills might be triggered?So Han Yi specifically emphasized this point.

"Besides, you tell him! As long as he completes his mission and can retreat unscathed, he must be in the tenth division of the Tianji Battalion!" Han Yi's murderous intent became more and more serious. other people.

Qin Xiaogong died of a sudden illness, so what should Qin do for so many generations of arrogance?Whether to kill each other, or to condense into a rope, depends on how they choose...

"My subordinate understands!"

"What's going on with Kaifeng and Chang'an!" Han Yi asked curiously.

"My lord! General Han Qinhu's defense is the main priority, and he is very safe, which makes it difficult for Liu Yu to move forward, and Master Xun Yu's Chang'an is also proceeding in an orderly manner. It is expected that the palace of Chang'an will be built after the king finishes conquering Qin. Already!" Zheng Zu laughed.

"Be specific!"

"Chang'an's palace is remodeled from the original small county town. It only needs to modify the layout inside. As for the outer city, it can't be completed in three to five years! And the more and more prisoners come in and out one after another. There will be less and less, and there will be no one available!"

"No one can use it! That would be great, the country is peaceful and the people are safe, the people will no longer break the law, it doesn't matter if this outer city is built or not!" Han Yi looked down optimistically.

"In addition! General Pang Wanchun knew the news of General Meng Yuan's death in battle. He has asked Cao Cao several times to fight, but was rejected by General Cao Cao."

Han Yi looked forward and said, "He'll stay there for me! He won't be able to leave Zhoudi until the end of the Qin War."

(End of this chapter)

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