Warring States Call

Chapter 264 The Death of Sima Cuo

Chapter 264 The Death of Sima Cuo (Part [-])
"Not good! General Jia Fu disrespected the general's order and went out to fight without authorization!" The messenger at the side told Han Xin the news.

On the general stage, Han Xin was not surprised to hear the battle report. Looking at the single-handed figure, Han Xin stroked his sword and said, "The bait has been released, and the next step is to collect the net! Tell Gao Shun, Wen Yang, and Chen Qingzhi to form a battle formation." !"

"Isn't the general worried about General Jia Fu?" Zhaohu in the rear asked with a worried expression on his face. After all, there were tens of thousands of people on the other side, and Jia Fu went alone.

Han Xin laughed and said: "General Jia Fu can come and go freely among thousands of troops, it's not like you don't know, don't worry."


"Fire the arrows!" Sima Cuo ordered thousands of people to shoot arrows in order to stop Jia Fu who came to the battle, just to stop Jia Fu's footsteps, but it seemed useless.

The night moon shines on the lion under Jia Fu's crotch, which is a good horse for thousands of miles. At this moment, Jia Fu turned his horse's head and hid it. I have to say that Qin Bing's arrow skills are very good. Jia Fu's original position has thousands of arrows.

Of course, hundreds of arrows were shot in front of Jia Fu, "Get up!" Jia Fu roared, and the silver halberd flew up and down in his hand, protecting his lifeline with a few simple moves, but his thigh and shoulder were still hit. an arrow.

"Native chicken and dog! You want to die, hit me!" Jia Fu didn't know when he took out a silver hammer from behind and smashed it at Sima Cuo.

Ding, Jia's attack hammer is activated, reducing Sima Cuo's force value by 3 points! "

The silver hammer in Jia Fu's hand seemed to strike away like a meteorite, as fast as a white light, directly killing Sima Cuo in the face.

At this moment, Sima Cuo was already bored, he really didn't expect that the human arm strength could reach this level.

"Don't hurt the general of our army," Hou Junji looked at Sima Cuo's beating, his eyes were filled with surprise, he never thought that the majestic general would be stunned by Jia Fu alone.

"Ding, Hou Junji's Negative Shot attribute activates. When shooting from the front, he will increase his strength by 3 points. If he shoots an arrow, his strength will increase by 1. The current strength is 100, and Jia Fu's strength will be reduced by 3 points. Jia Fu's current strength is 103." "

Hou Junji bent his bow and set up an arrow, and shot Jia Fu directly with the hammer


The hammer and sword crossed, the silver hammer was blocked by Hou Junji's sudden arrow, and shot down in mid-air
Hou Junji drove over and said, "General Sima, why are you so dazed!"

"This...!" Sima Cuo didn't know what to say for a while, if it wasn't for Hou Junji's sudden arrow, he might have gone west.

Seeing that the blow was missed, Jia Fu said, "Where is Xiao Xiao! Sue to death!"

Ding, Jia Fu's fighting attribute activates, strength increases by 5, the base strength value is 106, and the current strength value is 111," the system said

"Jia Fu, don't be mad! Sue!" Hou Junji shot Jia Fu's face with a series of three-star arrows, like shooting stars.

"Ding, Hou Junji's three-star Lianzhu, increase the force value by 3, reduce Jia Fu's force value by 103 points when the force value is 3, and the current force value is 109!"

"Whoo, whoo, whoo!" The three arrows were shot, Jia Fu was not afraid at all, and swept away the army with one move, knocking the three arrows into the air!Looking at Hou Junji, he said, "It's interesting!"

But Hou Junji said in no hurry: "General Sima! Take the soldiers and leave quickly! I'm afraid we have already been ambushed!"

Sima Cuo looked around, surrounded and killed in three places, Sima Cuo's face changed drastically: "Not good! Who is this leader!"

"The general seems to be someone called Xin!"

"Not good! It's Han Xin, withdraw!" Sima Cuo was shocked. He finally understood why Han Xin only retreated but did not attack. It turned out that it was not because of fear, but because he had other plans.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Han Xin smiled and said, "Sima Cuo is already in his pocket! Tell Gao Shun and Wenyang to lead him to General Chen Qingzhi!? General Chen Qingzhi is impatient."


"I want to leave! It's not that easy! Sima Cuo!" At this moment, Wen Yang's soldiers waved in, and Xuan Wuzu didn't know when he would lead his troops to intercept the Tie Ying Rui Shi behind him!

Hou Junji was shocked and said, "General, retreat quickly!"


Wang Jian, who was watching the battle on the general platform, saw Sima Cuo being surrounded, he was shocked and said: "What's going on with Sima Cuo! He couldn't stop Han Yi, so many years of painstaking efforts were in vain, did you feed the dog?"

"Wei Zhang! Wang Gan, you two led [-] troops, and brought Sima Cuo back to me.

"Take orders!" I saw two tall generals rushing out, aiming at Sima Cuo's direction.

Han Yi looked at the people sent by Wang Jian, touched his chin and said, "Tell Li Cunxiao to let him lead people, and stop that army for me!"


Sima Cuo broke through the Han soldiers who were slowly approaching. Just about to break out, he saw a general from Dongfang. The soldiers' movements were uniform. !"

Sima Cuo looked up and saw that it was Gao Shun, his face became more and more ugly and said: "Let's go!"

Astride his horse with a sword and leading tens of thousands of soldiers to break through, Gao Shun looked at Sima Cuo who hurriedly left, and then at Qin Bing who fled around, and said ruthlessly, "You guys stay here!"

Gao Shun's trapped camp was like a mechanism, he stepped in and stopped the soldiers behind Sima Cuo!What awaited them was the siege of Gao Shun, Wen Yang, and Jia Fu.

Sima Cuo walked out of the battle circle weakly, looked east, and there were only hundreds of cavalry around him, he shook his head weakly, and said with a shameful and powerless expression: "I, Sima Cuo, am ashamed to face the king...!"

"Then let's send the general down for the last journey!" Chen Qingzhi led the soldiers out with a smile, his face was still as pale as ever, but the smile on his face could not be hidden no matter what.

"Chen Qingzhi turned out to be you!" Sima Cuo's eyes turned red, full of unwillingness.

Chen Qingzhi stroked his goatee and said, "Does the general still want to be another general? In my opinion, you have nowhere to go! For your dignity! You... kill yourself!"

"Hahaha! I, Sima Cuo, have never said that I committed suicide! Even if I died in battle today, I can't kill myself! Soldiers, kill me!"

"General Sima, don't panic! I'll come later!" I saw Wei Zhang and Wang Yan leading the troops to kill! "

Sima Cuo said madly: "Chen Qingzhi looks like I deserve to die! Hahahahahaha!"

"Leave it to me!" At some point, Li Cunxiao came to kill Bi Laoyan with a single shot. The spear in his hand flashed like thunder, and Li Cunxiao's BMW was extremely fast. A good man's head flew out, splashing blood all over Li Cunxiao's face.

The sudden change surprised everyone. At this moment, Wei Zhang looked at the headless corpse next to him. The fear in his heart came from the bottom of his heart, and Wang Gan's head had already fallen to the ground.

Li Cunxiao looked at Wei Zhang indifferently and said, "This road...is not going to work!"

(End of this chapter)

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