Warring States Call

Chapter 265 The Death of Sima Cuo

Chapter 265 The Death of Sima Cuo (Part [-])
Wei Zhang tightly held the weapon in his hand, the top of his head was sweating, swallowed his saliva from time to time, looked at Li Cunxiao, almost completely shocked by Li Cunxiao's momentum.

Li Cunxiao slammed the blood on Bi Laoyan, and the soldiers behind him gradually came!Stop Wei Zhang's soldiers!Li Cunxiao turned around and said with a smile: "General Chen will leave it to me! What to do next! It's up to the general himself!"

Chen Qingzhi showed a smile on his pale cheeks, coughed twice, cupped his fists at Li Cunxiao, looked at Sima Cuo and said, "Sima Cuo, you can't fly with your wings today! If you surrender! With the heart of my king, I will definitely use you again."

Chen Qingzhi's calculation is very good!This will not only win over Sima Cuo, but also disintegrate the fighting power and will of the Qin soldiers, and at the same time allow the Han army to have one more usable talent.

Great joy and great sorrow came too suddenly!Sima Cuo couldn't accept it for a while, and stared at Chen Qingzhi with tiger eyes: "Sick man! I, Sima Cuo, can't be reconciled to losing in your hands!"

I thought Wei Zhang came and could lead me out, but I didn't expect that Wei Zhang was directly shocked by Li Cunxiao, and gave Li Cunxiao enough time to let Li Cunxiao take his people to wipe out his last hope.

Sima Cuo gradually pulled out the arrows on his body, and said calmly: "Chen Qingzhi, I will be buried with you when I die!"Die to me! "

"Kill!" Chen Qingzhi didn't hesitate, he waved his hand and killed thousands of Han soldiers with guns!The turn to pick and kill, all avoided by Sima Cuo!But Sima Cuo also paid a corresponding price.

At this moment, Sima Cuo's hair was disheveled, and his black battle clothes gradually dripped blood, staining the Huangping land red. At this moment, Sima Cuo's target was still Chen Qingzhi.

"Looking for death!" Zhao Hu bent his bow and set it up, aimed at Sima and shot by mistake.

This arrow hit Sima Cuo's knee. Seeing that Sima Cuo couldn't move, Sima Cuo knelt down with one hand, gasping for air, his eyes full of injustice.

"Be careful, general!" Qin Bing from behind reminded him, and dragged Sima back by mistake. Han Bing beside him just wanted to make up the knife, but was blocked by Qin Bing on the side.

Looking at the body that had been stabbed into pieces, Sima Cuo felt uncomfortable!The hand holding the sword began to fight unnaturally, and for some reason it felt like death was approaching quietly.

Chen Qingzhi stroked his little goatee, and said, "General Sima Cuo, go all the way! Let the arrows go!"

The two cold and heartless words seemed like a door opened by the god of death, and Sima Cuo waved at him.

Sima Cuo looked at the rain of arrows all over the sky, a trace of calmness flashed in his eyes, the god of death began to draw an iron chain on Sima Cuo's neck, Sima Cuo stared at Chen Qingzhi and laughed wildly: "Chen Qingzhi! I am waiting in hell you!"


"咻咻咻" Hundreds of arrows shot Sima Cuo and the two soldiers next to him into the hedgehog. Sima Cuo was shot full of holes, his chest, throat, and limbs were full of arrows.

And Sima Cuo's eyes were still staring at Chen Qingzhi, who was raised on the ground, but refused to surrender. Chen Qingzhi looked a little frightened, and looked behind the thirty or so soldiers and crab generals: "Take your general's body back! Bury it properly! His head will not be taken, let him die and lose it all!"

"Thank you, General! Thank you, General!" Several Qin soldiers saw that they would not be killed, and immediately thanked Dade. They thought that they would have no place to die, but now it seems unnecessary.

"You...die!" Li Cunxiao pointed at Wei Zhang, the weapon in his hand turned into a cold light, and he quickly cut through the mess. The King Yu's spear on the side fell down as if Mount Tai was on top. Before Wei Zhang had any reaction, Li Cunxiao smashed the spear down.

Wei Zhang vomited blood, but he was not dead yet. Li Cunxiao beat the breastplate on his chest to pieces. Seeing how brave Li Cunxiao was, the Qin soldiers in the rear did not dare to move forward and let Wei Zhang out of the crowd.

Li Cunxiao looked at the dying Wei Zhang and said, "Go all the way!"

With a sound of "Hoo!", a good man's head fell to the ground.

"Ding, Chen Qingzhi and Sima Cuo's mission of immortality is over. Chen Qingzhi's four-dimensional plus one will reward the host with 100 summoning points. Sima Cuo, Zhao Yong, Wei Zhang, and Wang Gan will be killed, and the host will be rewarded with 31 summoning points. 1075 points!"

Han Yi touched his headache head, needless to say!Among the three, Sima Cuo has a force value of 95 in various statistics. I am afraid that the system will explode.

"Ding, the system is off the charts! Please host...!"

"Don't worry! Let's talk about it after I go back!" Han Yi didn't want to be distracted by the system explosion, and now he should concentrate on watching the battle situation.

"Report! General! Wei Zhang, Sima Cuo, and Wang Gan were all killed! None survived!"

"What!" Wang Jian almost didn't fall when he heard the news. Fortunately, Wang Ben was supporting him. Wang Jian stroked his gray hair. He knew Sima Cuo's ability.

Didn't he say an angry word just now, he didn't expect that he would defeat three generals in a row, Wang Jian hurriedly said: "Where is Hou Junji? Where is my Great Qin's Tie Ying Rui Shi?"

"General Hou Junji saw that General Sima Cuo was besieged and led his troops to rescue him. He has now withdrawn."

"General, what should we do next!" Wang Ben said seriously.

But this Wang Ben is also a young hero, seven feet long, with a rough complexion, but he does not lose the style of a gentleman. In history, Wang Ben was the son of Wang Jian. general.First, Wang Ben defeated the Chu army and captured more than a dozen cities in Chu.Then Wang Ben flooded Daliang and destroyed the state of Wei.In the end, Wang Ben captured Liaodong, destroyed Yan State, and then wiped out the remaining forces of Zhao State.

Until the end, Meng Tian destroyed Qi, and Qin unified the six kingdoms. Wang Ben was granted the title of Marquis of Tongwu for his meritorious service, and returned to his hometown with his father in fine clothes.

Wang Jian looked at the vast land and sighed: "The next thing will be nothing!"

On the city wall, Bai Qi looked at the battle situation, but Bai Qi's eyes were always in the direction of the Han army. He saw that Chen Qingzhi's position was vacant, and there was a general with thousands of arrows piercing his heart in the middle. He said anxiously in his heart: "That is General He Fang! He was besieged and killed by this person!"

"I don't know it's too far away!" The deputy general said helplessly.

Bai Qi looked at the chaotic battlefield and snorted coldly: "Change the flag! Order Wang Yanzhang and the others to attack!"

Wang Yanzhang, who had been waiting for the order, was overjoyed and said, "Brother, I will charge for me."


The generals of the three sides who "waited for a long time" took up their weapons, chopped at anyone they saw, and went straight to the Sanjin camp.

(End of this chapter)

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