Warring States Call

Chapter 266 Ancient Famous Generals Gather in One Hall

Chapter 266 Famous Generals Through The Ages Gather Together

The chaotic scene was out of control, Luo Shixin and Ruan Wengzhong each held a heavy weapon in their hands.

At this moment, Ruan Wengzhong has changed his shotgun, and he is wearing a black iron shock armor, and the weapon in his hand is even weirder. From the original big hammer, he has become a golden man. The golden man has a rough face, but he is eight feet long. Weng Zhongna was eight feet tall, not too high or not too low, as if it was tailor-made for Ruan Weng Zhong.

Zhang Xiu, who was dressed in plain clothes at the back, looked at Ruan Wengzhong, and said to himself: "Damn, this Dajin man is enshrined in the ancestral hall. Usually, no one would care about this thing. I didn't expect Ruan Wengzhong to be cheap!"

"The general is careful, this Ruan Wengzhong has the courage of a thousand men. Judging by the vigor he uses, he must not be an idler. The general can build a good relationship with him in the future!" Hu Che'er reminded from behind.

"Understood!" Zhang Xiu said impatiently. This Hu Che'er was an elder of his parents, and he was afraid that something might happen to him, so he came here to protect himself and act as a guard by his side. After seeing Hu Che'er, he promoted him, but he still obeyed orders under his own account.

"Give me a surprise attack on Zhao Guo's tent! Go!" Luo Shixin held the iron overlord gun in his hand. He was eight feet long, with a thick back and waist, flying clouds under his crotch, and was as fast as a gust of wind. He smashed the general who was blocking his face with one shot , Turning around is a few shots, and the Wei soldiers who were killed turned on their backs.

Luo Shixin and Li Yuanba fought evenly in the novel, if Jiang Song hadn't blocked them, what would have happened?Besides, Luo Shixin's marksmanship was the same as Wang Yanzhang's, opening and closing, like a big hammer, and the Wei soldiers below were like chopping melons and vegetables, unstoppable.

"What's the situation!" Le Yang hurried out of the big tent, only to see that the surroundings were in a mess, people turned their backs on their backs, fifty thousand Qin soldiers came to kill, and he only had thirty thousand soldiers here!
"The general is not good!" Qin soldiers came to attack the camp, and our camp was broken by them.

"Hurry up to Xiang Han! The two armies of Zhao come to the rescue! Hurry up!" Le Yang tried his best to control the situation, hoping that he would not collapse.

"General! Both the Han and Zhao armies were surrendered! They are too busy to take care of themselves and have no time to take care of us!" Yan Zhenqing below also tried to keep calm, looking at the chaotic scene, his heart was in a mess.

Le Yang snorted coldly: "Yan Zhenqing, you lead ten thousand soldiers to the granary, and you must not let the Qin army approach!"


"Yan Gaoqing, hurry up and tell General Pang Juan to help him back!" Le Yang looked at the young general beside him and ordered.


"The others follow me! Be sure to stop the enemy general for me! Wait for the general to come back to help!" Le Yang put out the sword in his arms, showing Le Yang's fearlessness in the face of danger at critical moments.

The [-] Wei soldiers were well organized, and the Wei soldiers who had been stalking Luo Shixin gradually approached Leyang, ready to fight back.

the other side

Wang Yanzhang and Xia Luqi went to surprise Zhao Guo. At this moment, Zhao Kuo held a sharp sword and said resolutely: "Everyone, don't panic, and go west. You lead [-] soldiers and horses to stop me."

"Decree!" He passed the khaki battle armor to the west, holding a big knife in his hand, looked forward and said: "Formation!"

Zhao Jun quickly formed a large army, and the speed was so fast that it was not comparable to ordinary soldiers. Zhao Jun would fight Lin Hu from Zhaobian almost every year. , At the same time, he also trained the current Zhao Jun.

"Let me charge!" Wang Yanzhang himself was not a commanding material, so he charged directly, quickly and directly.

"Boom!" The soldiers in the front row of the two sides raised their shields and hit each other. It depends on who knocks the enemy away first.
Zhao Kuo snorted coldly: "Fire the arrow for me!"Be sure to block Qin Bing! "


Tens of thousands of arrows were shot in unison, reducing Qin's combat power. Zhao Kuo's excellent reflexes and adaptability made Zhao She in the rear pat his beard with satisfaction.

Lian Po in the rear looked at the battle situation, and cheerfully puffed out his big belly and said, "General Zhao has successors!"

"No, no, no! This Kuo'er is still too tender!" Zhao She said modestly, but she couldn't hide her smile no matter what.

"You! Just have fun!" Lian Po laughed and said.

Zhao She said with emotion: "Kuoer used to be addicted to wine and sex, but I didn't expect that because of Princess Yanxia's departure, although my son was depressed a lot, he was reborn from Nirvana!"

"That's right! This little guy is so powerful! It's not easy to mess with! In a few years, we old guys will grow old, and this world will belong to these little guys." Lian Po stroked his sword and said with emotion.

"The general is serious!" Zhao She said respectfully.

Lian Po smiled and said, "Is Lian Po old enough to eat? Even if I can eat and fight, I'm still an old man. I can't compare with these little guys!"

"Yes! The old man is almost there!" Zhao She also sighed a little.

"Break!" The big gun in Wang Yanzhang's hand smashed down. Seeing that he was about to break through the camp, he saw a big knife lying in front of him, and at this moment, it was facing west. As soon as he saw it, he saw Wang Yanzhang staring at him covetously.

"Who will not kill the unknown rat!" After all, Wang Yanzhang has his own arrogance, so it is naturally impossible to fight an unknown pawn, but it is not a good thing to look at Xihu's back.

"I'm your uncle! Die!" The two fought like a dragon fighting with a tiger, and it was indistinguishable. In the blink of an eye, more than 30 rounds had passed and they were still evenly matched.

Xia Luqi on the side couldn't leave without permission, otherwise the army would be left unattended, so he could only look at the two of them tirelessly, and complained: "General Wang, hurry up, I'm still in a hurry to go back to eat?" Looking down on Bing Xiangxi, Bing Xiang Xiya was angry, but there was nothing he could do about it. He was entangled by Wang Yanzhang and couldn't get away.

Zhang Xiu, Hua Xiong, Hu Che'er, and the three lay in ambush all around, taking advantage of the opportunity. At this moment, Zhang Xiu took out the Wei State soldier and horse uniforms that he had prepared for a long time, and sneaked into the Wei camp in the chaos, doing it in the middle of the night without anyone noticing.

The other side reported to Yan Gaoqing, came to the platform and said: "The general is not good!" Wei Jun attacked the camp, please rescue the general quickly! "

Pang Juan's face was as calm as water, without any waves. He looked at the three of them and said, "Withdrawing now would be tantamount to wasting all previous efforts. Tell Le Yang, be sure to block the Qin army for me, otherwise he will be the only one to ask."

"But the general should send some soldiers to rescue them! Otherwise, we won't be able to keep our food and grass." Yan Gaoqing said with an ugly expression.

Pang Juan stroked his sword, stroked his beard, lowered his head in thought, his eyes fluttered, obviously worried about food and grass, and sighed: "Let Ding Yanping lead five thousand troops back!"

(End of this chapter)

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